
Showing posts from October, 2022

Making Concluding Sentences

How to make a good conclusion: Simple, short, and clear. Messages can be delivered well. Contains the gist of the writing. Starting from the specific to the general. Using standard vocabulary. It can join the main sentence. It can be a cause-and-effect relationship or a cause-effect relationship. by Example: main idea:  The definition of humanistic teaching paragraph:              According to Grundy cited by Hall (2011), some main keys to humanistic teaching are defined. The first is respecting students as human beings. The second is respecting independent student knowledge. The next notion is recognizing students' affective and cognitive traits based on student learning experiences. The following definition can be recognized as the role of individual learning autonomy and the role of self-discovery. The last understanding about humanism is teaching in a way where the teacher is a facilitator, not an instructor transferring knowledge. concluding points: respect;

Fun Games to Teach Writing

Some people probably consider that learning 'writing' is boring. To reduce it, we try to create some fun things before starting the writing class. Not only the lecturer but also all of the students have ideas to do warm-up activities. Please check them out! it is diverse in every meeting! You can use or adapt these ideas when you teach someday :).  Meeting 1: Snowball Fight Every student prepares a piece of paper They write 1 problem or question related to study writing They write her/his initial name After max. 5 minutes of writing, the paper will be crumpled up (make a snowball). The students will play 'Snowball Fight' - throw and take randomly the snowball in a circle of students in 1 minute. They will take a piece of paper (hopefully NOT his/her own paper: but if it happens, she/he can exchange it with another student who has a similar case) They will open up the piece of paper They will try to answer the question or solve the problem They will find the paper owner

Writing Supporting Sentences

👈Last week, we decided on the main idea that we can apply to a paragraph.  👉Today, we will use it to create supporting sentences.  What are Supporting Sentences? The supporting sentences of a paragraph develop the main idea you presented in the topic sentence. When writing supporting sentences you should be giving examples, reasons, or descriptions to support your topic sentence.  Here are some tips: Supporting sentences should focus on the following: - They should provide the main supporting points for the paragraph's main idea (topic sentence) - There are usually 2 - 5 supporting sentences in a paragraph. - They should be arranged in a logical order. - They should NOT begin a new topic or introduce a new idea. 📑adapted from:  Supporting Sentences (,to%20support%20your%20topic%20sentence. 🕮Example: main idea:  The definition of humanistic teaching paragraph: