Writing Supporting Sentences

👈Last week, we decided on the main idea that we can apply to a paragraph. 
👉Today, we will use it to create supporting sentences. 

What are Supporting Sentences?

The supporting sentences of a paragraph develop the main idea you presented in the topic sentence. When writing supporting sentences you should be giving examples, reasons, or descriptions to support your topic sentence. Here are some tips:

Supporting sentences should focus on the following:
- They should provide the main supporting points for the paragraph's main idea (topic sentence)
- There are usually 2 - 5 supporting sentences in a paragraph.
- They should be arranged in a logical order.
- They should NOT begin a new topic or introduce a new idea.

📑adapted from: Supporting Sentences (siue.edu) 

main idea: The definition of humanistic teaching
            According to Grundy cited by Hall (2011), some main keys to humanistic teaching are defined. The first is respecting students as human beings. The second is respecting independent student knowledge. The next notion is recognizing students' affective and cognitive traits based on student learning experiences. The following definition can be recognize the role of individual learning autonomy and the role of self-discovery. The last understanding about humanism is teaching in a way where the teacher is a facilitator, not an instructor transferring knowledge.

👆Now, it's time to you to create some supporting sentences based on your main idea that you defined last week.
👆Mention your number too on the comment below.
👆If it is still difficult to create it in the form of a paragraph, you can break down first into some important keywords.

main idea: The definition of humanistic teaching
supporting sentences: 
1. respecting students as human beings
2. respecting independent student knowledge
3. recognizing students' affective and cognitive traits
4. recognizing the role of individual learning
5. teaching as facilitator



  1. Avyla Ainil Hida/072
    Main Idea:explanation the lack of young people interest in culture
    Supporting sentences:
    1. Young people's opinions about culture
    2. Young people's thoughts on cultural customs and beliefs
    3. The cause of the lack of interest of young people in culture
    4. Things that affect their way of thinking.

    1. thanks Avyla, great! today, our target is making those 4 points into a paragraph, good luck!

    2. In this day and age, many young generations think that local culture is old-fashioned and unattractive to follow. Not a few of them also consider traditional events as things that deny a belief or faith. This is due to the entry of foreign cultures and the changing mindset of teenagers, so they think that following their own culture is boring. This makes the younger generations who do not want to learn local culture becomes not familiar with our own arts and culture.

  2. Main idea : Women leadership can be claimed as a gender equality too
    Supporting sentences :
    1. Women are generally always placed only as members in terms of community or organizational activities.
    2. Women are also capable of being leaders with their potential, not only men.
    3. With the acceptance of women as leaders, this can increase gender equality in the environment as well.

    Sofya Nadya Salma Arifin

    1. you have almost done to make them into a paragraph. My suggestion is using a reference to strengthen your ideas, good luck!

  3. Main idea : mental health definition
    Supporting sentences :
    A mental health consultation is an assessment of a person's mental condition to determine whether he or she has or is at risk of developing a mental disorder. Which is usually consulted with psychology which is a health service that has the aim of helping someone get help in overcoming the psychological problems they are facing. Psychological consultation focuses on a person's mental health so that he can run his life well and have good social relationships. Psychological consultations discuss emotional, social, work, school, and physical health issues that may be experienced at various stages in a person's life.

    Zulfa Nur Fatati

    1. A mental health consultation is an assessment of a person's mental condition to determine whether he or she has or is at risk of developing a mental disorder (Expert Definition). (1) 1. Assess a person's mental health...... (3) Mental health consultation is usually consulted with psychology. (4) It is a health service that has aim to help someone to get help in overcoming their psychological problems. (5) Psychological consultations discuss emotional, social, work, school, and physical health issues that may be experienced at various stages in a person's life.

  4. Main idea : Gender equality is a human right. The right to live with honor, freedom from fear and freedom to make life choices
    Supporting sentences :
    1. Gender equality is the view that all people have the right to receive equal treatment and are not discriminated against based on their natural gender identity.
    2. Gender equality is the main issue of a development goal that has its own value.
    3. The purpose of gender equality is that everyone has the right to receive equal and fair treatment in society, not only in politics, in the workplace, or in fields related to certain policies.

    Puput khoirunnisa/70

    1. Thank you Puput, but remember that you can only make a main idea with 1 sentence or 1 key point. Please, revise it. Next step, you are going to make a good paragraph based on those numbers, good luck!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Main idea : Gender equality is a human right.
      Supporting sentences :
      1. The right to live with honor, freedom from fear and freedom to make life choices
      2. Gender equality is the view that all people have the right to receive equal treatment and are not discriminated against based on their natural gender identity.
      3. Gender equality is the main issue of a development goal that has its own value.
      4. The purpose of gender equality is that everyone has the right to receive equal and fair treatment in society, not only in politics, in the workplace, or in fields related to certain policies.

      Gender equality is a human right. How is that right to live with honor, freedom from fear and freedom to make life choices.
      Gender equality is a choice and view that everyone has the right to get the same treatment rights, both women and men. where there is no difference or discrimination with a great distance between them. A simple benchmark or measure that can be used to measure gender discrimination is the absence or existence of justice. Sometimes, the main issue of a goal for development also concerns gender discrimination. Because it is considered not to produce the expected results. As in the workplace, a plan or a program will progress if gender equality continues to be enforced. With this effort, there will be no envy among other workers and so that everyone has the right to get equal and fair treatment. Not only in the work environment, be it in society, politics, or in fields related to certain policies.

    4. Gender equality is one of human rights. It is a right to live with honor, freedom from fear and freedom to make life choices. Gender equality is a choice and view that everyone has the right to get the same treatment rights, both women and men. There is no difference or discrimination with a great distance between them. A simple benchmark that can be used to measure gender discrimination is the absence of justice. Sometimes, the main issue of today's development goal also concerns with gender discrimination, so it does not produce the expected results.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Main idea : The important of Parenting.
    Supporting sentence :
    1. Parenting is important to create characteristics.
    2. Way of parenting can effect on the process of children growing.
    3. Character of children is based by way of parents do every day
    4. Parents are first teacher and friends to they own children.

    1. 3. Character of children is based by the way of parents do every day
      4. Parents are the first teacher and friend to their own children.

    2. The family is the first place of learning that will be the key to the formation of the child's character and education. Parents are the children's first teachers, and home is the first school known to children. So that the role of parents in education, both child character education, spiritual, to formal education, all begin and require a big role from parents. The importance of parenting education is to make parents so that they can be good examples for their children.

    3. (MI)The importance of parenting education is to make parents so that they can be good examples for their children. (1) The family is the first place of learning that will be the key to the formation of the child's character and education. (2) Thus, the role of parents in education, both child character education, spiritual, to formal education, all begin and require a big role from parents. (3) Character of children is based by the way of parents do every day...... (4) Parents are the children's first teacher, and home is the first school for children.

  7. Sinta Wahyu Lutfiyah
    =Explain about the lack of interest of young people to preserve culture
    1. The current state of culture in Indonesia
    2. Young people who are no longer interested in preserving Indonesian culture
    3. Using social media as a means to increase the interest of young people to be more interested in preserving culture.

    1. The lack of young people interest to preserve culture
      1. The current condition of culture in Indonesia
      2. Young people who are no longer interested in preserving Indonesian culture
      3. Using social media as a means to increase the interest of young people to be more interested in preserving culture.

    2. (MI) Many Indonesian people have forgotten Indonesian culture, especially young people. (1) The current condition of Indonesian culture is many young people today don't care about Indonesian culture; some even don't understand what culture is. (2) Many young people today choose culture from outside rather than preserving Indonesian culture. (3) The problem of cultural preservation can be handled by republishing Indonesian culture on social media. (4) For example, we can use Tiktok media to make videos with cultural themes, so that people and young people will be interested in preserving culture.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Main idea: Types of Mental Health Disorders
      Supporting sentences:
      1. Type 1: ....
      2. Type 2: ....
      3. Type 3: ....

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Everyone has the right to be a leader, either in leading himself or the group he leads. a person's ability to lead does not depend on gender, whether female Or male. There are advantages in women when they become leaders, one of the female characters who can be relied on and used in leading is thoroughness.
    However, it is possible that support from the surrounding environment is needed to increase women's ability to lead as a means of reference. because the surrounding environment can also influence the leader in determining his mindset, a supportive environment can make the leader have a lot of input to get better For make decisions as a step for the welfare of the group they lead.

    1. (M1) Everyone has the right to be a leader especially for women too. (1 a) A person's ability to lead does not depend on gender, whether female or male. (1 b) There are advantages in women when they become leaders, one of the female characters who can be relied on and used in leading is thoroughness. (2 a) However, it is possible that a support from the surrounding environment is needed to increase women's ability to lead as a means of reference. (2 b) The reason is the surrounding environment can also influence the leader in determining her mindset, it can make the leader have a lot of better input to make decisions as a step for the welfare of the group they lead.

  12. Topic Sentence
    Pornography is very dangerous for the young generation the nation's future successors

    Supporting details.
    1. What is effect of pornography?

    Supporting sentence.
    The many effect of pornography provide a negative impression on the mind of young people which will damage the nations generation.
    The result is that many cases of early mareiage are coused by the triggering of lust by pornographic films.(Muhammad Fatihurrizal_001_12.30)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Class: 3A-TBI
    NIM: 23030220038

    Topic Sentences:
    Lately, the latest online game Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) has caused lots dangerous addiction from young to old people.

    Supporting details:
    1. What is MLBB?
    2. What is the negative impact of playing MLBB?
    3. What can we do stop or reduce it?

    Supporting sentences:
    Latest online game Mobile Legends Bang Bang has caused lots of dangerous addiction from old to young people, but what is Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) actually? MLBB is a 5v5 PVP moba games that supported both in IOS or Android, and it has lots of similarity like League of legends or DOTA in PC. It also has lots of interesting features that can be played both for young to old generations but does everybody know that this game has caused lots of dangerous impact on our daily lives? As a student, lots of people starts to forget their obligation to study or their assignment in order to play that game. As an adult, lots of people starts to forget their occupation or their obligation to their wives etc. It also has toxic players and non healthy fanbase that's bad for minors. What can we do to stop them? Both MLBB and App Store should start to sort this game with age filters. In another words, we should classify this game for adults and not for minors. They also should give a severe punishment to players who's toxic and bad so that they will not make everything worse.

  15. Topic sentence:
    The Impact of Pornography on Individuals and Society.

    Supporting details :
    What Is Pornography?
    How to Prevent Pornography?
    What is Negative Impacts of Pornography?

    Supporting sentence:
    1. Pornography is the explicit representation of graphic images, text, or other materials intended to arouse sexual desire. It can take the form of images, videos, writings, or other mediums that intensely depict sexual acts.

    2. 1. Utilize parental controls on children's devices.
    2. Recognize signs of addiction and seek psychological support.
    3. Maintain a balanced life and focus on positive activities.
    4. Avoid triggering situations
    and easy access to pornography materials.

    3. 1. Potential to create damaging addictions.
    2. Negative influence on personal and sexual relationships.
    3. Desensitization to sexual violence.
    4. Psychological effects such as shame and feelings of inadequacy.

    Dina listiyati_020

  16. Name : Arum Pebri Yani
    Class : 3A-TBI
    Student Number : 23030220014

    topic sentence :
    as educates people, we should be write to filter some information from various network.

    supporting details:
    1. what can we do to sort out less reliable information?
    2. how can we not be influenced by content that is less reliable?

    supporting sentences:
    1. In today's digital age, misinformation and disinformation are rampant on the internet. Being discerning about the information we consume is crucial to avoid falling prey to false claims and rumors.
    2.Filtering information allows educated individuals to safeguard their personal beliefs and values from being influenced by unreliable or harmful content found on the internet. by filtering information wisely, we can avoid cognitive biases and echo chambers, which can limit our perspectives and hinder societal progress.

  17. Malika Dwi Puspita/3A/0003
    Topic sentence :
    As educates people, we should be write to filter some information from various network.
    Supporting details :
    reason : how do we filter information from various networks?
    Supporting sentence :
    To effectively filter information from diverse sources, it's crucial to cross-check data. This means verifying details from multiple outlets to boost the chances of accuracy and trustworthiness.
    Example: For instance, if you're researching a topic, it's essential to consult multiple reliable sources rather than relying solely on one to avoid potential inaccuracies.
    Description: Cross-checking data involves verifying information from various sources to increase its accuracy and trustworthiness. This practice is crucial for effectively filtering information from diverse sources.

  18. Name : Alfiah Sofiana Damayanti
    Nim : 23030220017
    Topic sentence:
    Tiktok has several positive impacts
    Supporting sentence:
    What is Tiktok? (1_descrition)
    Does tiktok have a positive impact? (2_reason)
    Supporting details:
    1. Tiktok is a social media platform and app that allows users to create, share, and discover short video content. Tiktok’s primary feature is the ability to create and upload videos that are typically between 15 second and one minute in length.
    2. It’s become a platform for creative expression and self-discovery, allowing users to showcase their talent and connect eith like-minded individuals.

  19. Topic sentence:
    Teen marriage is the effect of massive pornography in social media.

    Supporting detail :
    1. Description and example of massive pornography in social media?
    2. The effect of teen marriage in this era?

    Supporting sentence:
    1. The large number of users who abuse social media with pornographic displays has resulted in many early marriages with around 6/10 of Indonesian women.
    2. Early marriage results in many sudden deaths due to the lack of strength of the young mother, and the most severe consequence is the large number of children with special needs due to lack of adequate nutrition.

    Name : Meisa Kamalvi
    Nim : 23030220012
    Class : TBI 3A

  20. Name : Afifah Khairun Nisa
    NIM : 23030220016
    Class : 3A

    Topic Sentence : The dangers of TikTok for society and its users.

    Supporting details :
    1. What is the dangers of TikTok?
    2. Why is TikTok becoming dangerous?
    3. What is the impact of using TikTok?

    Supporting Sentences :
    1. The existence of TikTok has intimidated people's lives.
    2. This happens because the app is very popular in the society. This is characterized by the increasing dependence on the continuous use of the app.
    3. It is not uncommon for this to cause some serious problems. For example, issues related to mental security, health, and one's personal data.

  21. Topic sentence :
    As educates people, we should be write to filter some information from various network.
    Supporting details :
    1. Why we need to filter information (Reason)
    2. How to use a cellphone correctly (Description)
    3. how to filter information from social media (example)
    Supporting Sentence :
    1.Filtering information helps protect users from potential dangers, such as malware, phishing scams, or harmful
    content that could harm their devices or compromise their security.
    2. Be cautious when browsing the internet. Use secure connections (https), avoid suspicious websites, and use ad-blockers if necessary.
    3. Some social media platforms allow you to create custom lists of accounts you want to follow closely, making it easier to filter content.

  22. Theme Self-development

    Main idea
    2. Trasisation from hight scholl students to students avademic.

    Topic Sentence
    2. The transition from high school to academic life represents a significant shift in students' responsibilities and expectations.
    *Supporting details:*
    1.How does the transition from high school to academic life impact students' self-development?
    2.Could you give examples of changes in skills or personal growth during this transition?
    3.How does the transition from high school to academic life affect students' self-development and their academic journey?
    *Supporting Sentences:* (1)The shift from high school to academic life often demands a heightened level of self-discipline and independent learning.
    (2)During this transition, students typically encounter more rigorous academic challenges, which contribute to their intellectual and personal development.(3) The move from high school to academic life introduces students to a more research-oriented and critical thinking-based approach to learning, where they are encouraged to explore subjects deeply and independently.(Anggi_0036_08:40)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Topic sentence :
    The dangers caused by the disposal of datergents in the waters such as rivers are decomposing bacteria found in water can be killed and if the bacteria die, various pollutants that enter the water can't be processed naturally and it can poison animals in the water.

    Supporting details
    1. How does detergent affect natural decomposing bacteria in the water?
    2. What is the impact of detergent pollution on animals in the water?
    3. How does this impact affect the water ecosystem?

    Supporting sentence.
    1. Deterjen that is dumped into water bodies such as rivers can disrupt and kill natural decomposing bacteria in the water. These bacteria play a crucial role in cleaning and recycling organic substances that enter the water.
    2. Detergent pollution can cause a chain reaction on aquatic animals. Detergents can interfere with their respiratory systems and harm aquatic organisms, exposing many animals to harmful substances. 3. As a result, detergent pollution can harm the entire aquatic ecosystem. With disrupted decomposing bacteria, various pollutants in the water cannot be naturally processed, threatening the balance of the aquatic ecosystem and potentially leading to poisoning of the animals in it.

    Aninda Esadilla Saputri _010_12.30

  26. Topic sentence :
    South Sumatra's culinary diversity, showcased through dishes like pempek, pindang, and tekwan, reflects its rich cultural tapestry.

    Supporting details :
    1. What is the culinary diversity of South Sumatra? 2. What are kinds of traditional food in South Sumatra?
    3. Why does the cuisine reflect a rich culture?

    Supporting Sentence :
    The culinary diversity of South Sumatra is the rich taste and combination of spices using local ingredients and traditional cooking techniques. This regional cuisine displays a combination of savory and spicy flavors(1). South Sumatra is famous for its traditional dishes such as Pempek, Pindang, Tekwan, and Lenggang, all of which are ingrained in local culture(2). Using a variety of local ingredients and spices, South Sumatran cuisine reflects its rich cultural heritage, showcasing regional culinary values and traditions.(3)

    ANGELIA DAHNIAR (064, 08:40)

  27. Topic Sentence :
    Gamelan is a traditional music ensemble in Indonesia.

    Supporting details :
    1. Why gamelan is so famous ? (Description)
    2. Gamelan use Gong, Kendang, Saron and Bonang not use Drum or anything? (Example)
    3. Why are gamelan musical instruments a heritage in Indonesia? (Reason)

    Supporting sentence :
    Gamelan is famous for its unique and mesmerizing sound, cultural significance, historial importance, influence on Western music, International recognition, visual appeal and versatility (1). Drums are not included in gamelan music, gamelan music has its own characteristics and (kendang, gong, saron and bonang) plays an important role giving rhythm structure and is an integral part of the percussion part of an ensemble (2). Gamelan musical instruments are considered a heritage in Indonesia due to their historical, cultural, spiritual, artistic significance and they are a symbol of Indonesia identify, a souce of national pride and a vital part of the country's rich cultural heritage (3).

    (Derryn Kurnia Ramadani_066_08.40)

  28. Topic Sentence: The recovery from the trauma of bullying.
    Supporting details:
    1. What is trauma? (Description)
    2. What are kinds of trauma of bullying? (Example)
    3. Why is it important to seek professional help? (Reason)

    Supporting sentences:
    1. Trauma refers to a distressing or disturbing experience or event that can have a profound psychological and emotional impact on an individual.
    2. Bullying can cause several different types of trauma, including: Emotional Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Physical Trauma, Social Trauma, Cyberbullying Trauma, and Post Traumatic Stress.
    3. Professional help offers a level of expertise and specialized care that is often essential for individuals recovering from trauma, and professional support can significantly improve your chances of healing and moving forward in a healthier way.

    Rukma Amala Shahada_77_8.40

  29. Zhafira Dionee Lalibah Haryanto/23030220047/3B TBI

    Main Idea:
    “we can only learn to love by loving”

    Topic Sentence:
    1. "The true essence of love can only be understood and cultivated through the act of loving others."

    Supporting Details :
    -What the true essence of love (1) Description
    -What are examples love can only be understood and cultivated (2) Examples
    -Why it should about true love (3) Reason

    Supporting Sentences :

    The true essence of love is a complex and deeply emotional concept that varies for each individual, but it often encompasses elements such as Unconditional Care, Empathy and Understanding,
    Selflessness, Connection and Bonding, Patience and Forgiveness, and another (1). Empathy and Understanding: To truly comprehend the essence of love, one must empathize with the feelings, needs, and experiences of others. This leads to a deeper understanding of what it means to love (2). Understanding true love can be beneficial from a psychological perspective, helping individuals comprehend the nature of their emotions and attachments (3).

  30. Name : Silvi Zaki Syarifiana
    Nim: 23030220052

    Main Idea:
    "Love is about give and take"

    Topic sentence:
    "In love we must give and receive"

    Supporting details:
    What is the meaning of love give and take? (1) Why does love have to give and receive?(2) Describe what are examples of give and take?(3)

    Supporting sentences:
    "Love, give and take" is an expression that suggests that love in a relationship should involve a mutual exchange of care, affection, and support between two people. It means that both individuals in the relationship should give and receive love and emotional support, creating a balanced and fulfilling connection.(1) Love involves giving and take, because it's a two-way emotional connection. When both individuals in a relationship give love, they express their affection, care, and support for each other. When they receive love, they feel valued, cherished, and emotionally fulfilled. This reciprocal exchange of love helps build and maintain a healthy, balanced, and fulfilling relationship where both partners benefit from the emotional bond they share. Love is not one-sided; it thrives when it's a shared experience between people.(2) Example of giving and receiving in a relationship:
    1. Emotional support:
    Both people give each other a shoulder to lean on in difficult times and encourage and comfort each other.
    2. Communication:
    Both openly share their thoughts and feelings and both carefully listen to each other's point of view.
    3. Compromise:
    Each person is more willing to give in and find common ground when there is a disagreement or decision, rather than a person who always gets what he wants.
    4. Affection:
    Both show physical affection such as hugging, kissing or holding hands to show love and care for each other.
    5. Quality Time:
    They spend time together and participate in activities they both enjoy, while respecting each other's interests and desires.
    6. Acts of kindness:
    Both perform thoughtful gestures toward each other, such as doing housework, preparing meals, or surprising each other with gifts.
    7. Trust:
    They trust and rely on each other, knowing that they can count on their partner in times of need.
    8. Personal space:
    While spending time together is essential, both respect each other's need for personal space and independence.
    In a healthy relationship, these examples of give and take contribute to a sense of balance and harmony, ensuring that both individuals feel loved and valued.(3)

  31. Topic Sentence: Commitment is the cornerstone of becoming an ideal student academic, driving motivation and persistence.

    Supporting detail:
    Description: Commitment is a fundamental aspect of being an exemplary academic student.

    Reason: Commitment serves as the foundation for motivation and persistence in one's academic journey.

    Example: An ideal student consistently dedicates time and effort to their studies, displaying commitment to their educational goals.

    Supporting Sentences:
    1. Commitment is crucial for academic success because it provides the motivation to excel in studies. When students are committed to their educational objectives, they are more likely to put in the effort required to achieve their goals.

    2. Additionally, commitment fosters persistence in the face of challenges. Ideal students do not give up easily but instead demonstrate a steadfast commitment to overcoming obstacles in their academic endeavors.

    3. For instance, an exemplary student consistently attends classes, completes assignments on time, and goes the extra mile to understand complex subjects. This level of dedication is a clear demonstration of their commitment to academic excellence.

    M Arief Wijayanto/040/pbw-8.40

  32. Naufal Ihsanuddin Hadyan
    Topic sentence:
    1.Self-development is a key factor in achieving academic success for students.
    Supporting detail:
    -who is Self-Development useful for? (1. Description) -what is gained from self-development? (2. Exampels) -why should we able to self-development? (3. Reason)
    Supporting sentence:
    Self-development plays a crucial role in achieving academic success for students. Students who engage in self-growth are more likely to develop a sense of passion, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and learn to delegate tasks, which can positively impact their academic performance. Additionally, students' motivation, ability self-concept, and hope for success are important motivational predictors of their grades. Academic success often relies on a particular skill set that helps people study, retain, and apply information, and self-development can contribute to the improvement of these skills. Ultimately, self-development is a continuous process that can positively influence students' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, leading to academic success.

  33. Topic Sentence:
    Role from the parents is important to create moral for their child

    Supporting Details:
    1. Do parents play a critical role in shaping a child's moral development, being the primary influencers in a child's early years, teaching them right from wrong, and instilling values?
    2. How does effective communication with parents help children understand the reasons behind moral choices and decisions, and how does this dialogue help children internalize moral principles?
    3. What is the long-term impact of the moral foundation laid by parents during childhood on a person's character for life, and how does the role of parents in moral development have a profound and lasting impact on their children?

    Supporting Sentences:
    Parents play a critical role in shaping a child's moral development, being the primary influencers in a child's early years, teaching them right from wrong, and instilling values. Effective communication with parents helps children understand the reasons behind moral choices and decisions, and this dialogue helps children internalize moral principles. The long-term impact of the moral foundation laid by parents during childhood on a person's character for life is profound, as the role of parents in moral development has a lasting impact on their children.

    Rizqi Adi Pratama_044_08.40

  34. Main Idea : Mistakes In Using Handphones

    Topic Sentence : Most people in Indonesia are not wise in using handphones, especially in for teenagers

    Supporting sentence :
    Now that cellphones are widely spread throughout the world, almost everyone in the world has a cellphone. Cellphones can have benefits for their users, but they can also have a very bad impact. It all depends on who is using it. Many young people today are wrong in using cellphones. It is all due to the lack of supervision from parents, environment, etc.


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