Making Concluding Sentences

How to make a good conclusion:

  • Simple, short, and clear.
  • Messages can be delivered well.
  • Contains the gist of the writing.
  • Starting from the specific to the general.
  • Using standard vocabulary.
  • It can join the main sentence.
  • It can be a cause-and-effect relationship or a cause-effect relationship.



main idea: The definition of humanistic teaching
            According to Grundy cited by Hall (2011), some main keys to humanistic teaching are defined. The first is respecting students as human beings. The second is respecting independent student knowledge. The next notion is recognizing students' affective and cognitive traits based on student learning experiences. The following definition can be recognized as the role of individual learning autonomy and the role of self-discovery. The last understanding about humanism is teaching in a way where the teacher is a facilitator, not an instructor transferring knowledge.

concluding points: respect; recognize students' experience and learning; important things; humanistic teaching

concluding sentence: Therefore, it can be said that respecting and recognizing students' experience and learning are the important things in humanistic teaching.

complete paragraph:
            According to Grundy cited by Hall (2011), some main keys to humanistic teaching are defined. The first is respecting students as human beings. The second is respecting independent student knowledge. The next notion is recognizing students' affective and cognitive traits based on student learning experiences. The following definition can be recognized as the role of individual learning autonomy and the role of self-discovery. The last understanding about humanism is teaching in a way where the teacher is a facilitator, not an instructor transferring knowledge. Therefore, it can be said that respecting and recognizing students' experience and learning are the important things in humanistic teaching.

Now, your turn to complete your presence for two meetings (Friday, October 21, 2022 & Friday, October 28, 2022) by submitting your progress of writing.
1. Target for Friday, October 21, 2022: creating concluding points
2. Target for Friday, October 28, 2022: creating concluding sentence(s) & a complete paragraph



  1. Sofya Nadya Salma Arifin

    Concluding points:
    The solution that women have the same rights as men is to provide a place for learning about leadership.

    1. could you please show again your previous paragraph contains main idea and the supporting details? so we can see that your conclusion is in line with them.

  2. main idea: People underestimate mental health.
    Many people underestimate mental health. It's no secret that there are still many groups of Indonesian people who are reluctant to go to a psychologist to consult about their mental problems or disorders. Good mental health is a condition when our mind is in a state of calm, allowing us to enjoy everyday life and appreciate others around us. Thoughts of community groups about mental health must be guarded both physically and mentally, currently the attention is more, both adults and even teenagers, including groups who are prone to mental disorders or depression are quite high. Lack of awareness of the importance of mental health consultations. As is known, for a long time Indonesian people have considered mental disorders as something strange.

    concluding points: underestimate; people's thoughts on mental health; important things; Lack of awareness

    concluding sentence: Therefore, it can be said that being aware of the importance of mental health consultation is very important for anyone without exception.

    complete paragraph:
    Many people underestimate mental health. It's no secret that there are still many groups of Indonesian people who are reluctant to go to a psychologist to consult about their mental problems or disorders. Good mental health is a condition when our mind is in a state of calm, allowing us to enjoy everyday life and appreciate others around us. Thoughts of community groups about mental health must be guarded both physically and mentally, currently the attention is more, both adults and even teenagers, including groups who are prone to mental disorders or depression are quite high. Lack of awareness of the importance of mental health consultations. As is known, for a long time Indonesian people have considered mental disorders as something strange. Therefore, it can be said that being aware of the importance of mental health consultation is very important for anyone without exception.

  3. Sinta Wahyu Lutfiyah

    Main idea: Many Indonesian people have forgotten Indonesian culture, especially young people.

    Paragraf: The current condition of Indonesian culture is many young people today don't care about Indonesian culture; some even don't understand what culture is. Many young people today choose culture from outside rather than preserving Indonesian culture. The problem of cultural preservation can be handled by republishing Indonesian culture on social media. For example, we can use Tiktok media to make videos with cultural themes, so that people and young people will be interested in preserving culture.

    Concluding points: Indonesian culture; young adult; social media; interest; preserving culture

    Concluding sentence: Therefore, To regenerate young people's interest in preserving Indonesian culture, we can use social media as a means to Re-invigorating young people's interest in Indonesian culture

    Complete paragraph: The current condition of Indonesian culture is many young people today don't care about Indonesian culture; some even don't understand what culture is. Many young people today choose culture from outside rather than preserving Indonesian culture. The problem of cultural preservation can be handled by republishing Indonesian culture on social media. For example, we can use Tiktok media to make videos with cultural themes, so that people and young people will be interested in preserving culture. Therefore, To regenerate young people's interest in preserving Indonesian culture, we can use social media as a means to Re-invigorating young people's interest in Indonesian culture.

    1. you are good too! from points into sentences... but why you didn't write Re-invigorating? in your points? and what does it mean?

    2. thank you for your correction ma'am, I will revise my assignment😊🙏

    3. Sinta Wahyu Lutfiyah

      Main idea: Many Indonesian people have forgotten Indonesian culture, especially young people.

      Paragraf: The current condition of Indonesian culture is many young people today don't care about Indonesian culture; some even don't understand what culture is. Many young people today choose culture from outside rather than preserving Indonesian culture. The problem of cultural preservation can be handled by republishing Indonesian culture on social media. For example, we can use Tiktok media to make videos with cultural themes, so that people and young people will be interested in preserving culture.

      Concluding points: Indonesian culture; young adult; social media; interest; preserving culture; Re-invigorating(Meingkatkan kembali)

      Concluding sentence: Therefore, To regenerate young people's interest in preserving Indonesian culture, we can use social media as a means to Re-invigorating young people's interest in Indonesian culture

      Complete paragraph: The current condition of Indonesian culture is many young people today don't care about Indonesian culture; some even don't understand what culture is. Many young people today choose culture from outside rather than preserving Indonesian culture. The problem of cultural preservation can be handled by republishing Indonesian culture on social media. For example, we can use Tiktok media to make videos with cultural themes, so that people and young people will be interested in preserving culture. Therefore, To regenerate young people's interest in preserving Indonesian culture, we can use social media as a means to Re-invigorating young people's interest in Indonesian culture.

  4. Main Idea:explanation the lack of young people interest in culture
    In this day and age, many young generations think that local culture is old-fashioned and unattractive to follow. Not a few of them also consider traditional events as things that deny a belief or faith. This is due to the entry of foreign cultures and the changing mindset of teenagers, so they think that following their own culture is boring. This makes the younger generations who do not want to learn local culture becomes not familiar with our own arts and culture.

    Concluding points: young generation assume that local culture is old fashioned and boring; deny a belief of faith; foreign cultures; changing mindset; not familiar.

    Concluding sentence: so, because the younger generation thinks that local culture is ancient and unattractive, considers denying beliefs, and the entry of foreign cultures makes them less interested and even unfamiliar with their own culture.

  5. Paragraph :

    Gender equality is a human right. How is that right to live with honor, freedom from fear and freedom to make life choices.
    Gender equality is a choice and view that everyone has the right to get the same treatment rights, both women and men. where there is no difference or discrimination with a great distance between them. A simple benchmark or measure that can be used to measure gender discrimination is the absence or existence of justice. Sometimes, the main issue of a goal for development also concerns gender discrimination. Because it is considered not to produce the expected results. As in the workplace, a plan or a program will progress if gender equality continues to be enforced. With this effort, there will be no envy among other workers and so that everyone has the right to get equal and fair treatment. Not only in the work environment, be it in society, politics, or in fields related to certain policies.

    Concluding points : Human right; same treatment right; discrimination; the main issue

    Conclusion sentence : gender equality is the right of everyone. With the aim that everyone has the right to get equal and fair treatment. Be it in society, politics, at work, or in a field related to certain policies.

    Complete paragraph :
    Gender equality is a human right. How is that right to live with honor, freedom from fear and freedom to make life choices.
    Gender equality is a choice and view that everyone has the right to get the same treatment rights, both women and men. where there is no difference or discrimination with a great distance between them. A simple benchmark or measure that can be used to measure gender discrimination is the absence or existence of justice. Sometimes, the main issue of a goal for development also concerns gender discrimination. Because it is considered not to produce the expected results. As in the workplace, a plan or a program will progress if gender equality continues to be enforced. With this effort, there will be no envy among other workers and so that everyone has the right to get equal and fair treatment. Not only in the work environment, be it in society, politics, or in fields related to certain policies.
    The conclusion from some of the opinions above is that gender equality is the right of everyone. With the aim that everyone has the right to get equal and fair treatment. Be it in society, politics, at work, or in a field related to certain policies.

    1. The conclusion from some of the opinions above is that gender equality is the right of everyone. With the aim that everyone has the right to get equal and fair treatment. Be it in society, politics, at work, or in a field related to certain policies.

      what do you mean by "be it??"

    2. Oh, i am sorry mam. The correct is 'it is in society ...'

  6. my minor revisions (CAPITAL):
    THEREFORE, parenting is important for children growth, because it is way to create characteristics of children, so they can grow up with a good and positive character.

    I deleted the others, because they were only re-statement and did not need to be written again.

  7. It's better that don't put SO in front of a sentence/parargrapg.. you can replace with Thus,....
    .. and you should also start with the some important points first then they will be developed into some sentences.
    Thus, it can be concluded that mental health consultation is an assessment of a person's mental condition by examining everything that affects the way he thinks, acts and feels. This is usually consulted with a psychologist who usually focuses on a person's mental health by discussing emotional, social, work, school and physical health that are experienced.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Topic sentence:
    Gamelan is a traditional music ensemble in Indonesia.

    Supporting sentence:
    Gamelan is famous for its unique and mesmerizing sound, cultural significance, historical importance, influences on Western music, International recognition, visual appeal and versatility. Drums are not included in gamelan music, gamelan music has its own characteristics and (kendang, gong, saron and bonang) plays an important role giving rhythm structure and is an integral part of the percussion part of an ensemble. Gamelan musical instruments are considered a heritage in Indonesia due to their historical, cultural, spiritual, artistic significance and they are symbol of Indonesia identify, a souce of national pride and a vital part of the country’s rich cultural heritage.

    Concluding points:
    A source of pride and the most significant component of the richness of Indonesia's cultural past; gamelan has its own unique qualities; symbol of the country's cultural heritage.

    (Derryn Kurnia Ramadani_066_08.40)

  10. Topic Sentence: Bullying can happen without "awareness"

    Supporting sentence :
    Bullying without awareness refers to instance in which individuals engage in bullying behaviors without fully realizing or understanding the harm they are causing to other.
    Bullying without awareness can take various forms, like excursion Gossip and rumors, Passive aggression, Microaggressions, online bullying, Peer pressure and Sosial exclusion.
    Bullying can happen without awareness for several reasons subtle behaviors , lack of empathy ,cultural Norm , Digital and Online bullying.

    Concluding points: awareness; behaviors; Peer pressure; Online bullying; Culture Norm

    ( Ambarwati_072_08.40 )

  11. *Topic sentence:*
    1. The role of gambyong dance in the modern era.

    *Supporting sentence:*
    Gambyong dance has several important roles, but in general it contributes to the preservation and celebration of Indonesian culture. The Gambyong dance is a traditional Javanese dance from Indonesia, and it plays several in a diversity. Some of these roles include: Cultural Preservation, Social Gatherings, Spiritual dan Ritualistic. Because In this rapidly changing world, preserving traditional dances like Gambyong is essential to maintain cultural diversity and ensure that the rich tapestry of human heritage endures for generations to come.

    *Concluding points:*
    Gambyong dance; Indonesian culture; Several important roles; Modern era.

    ( Nadaa Nailussa'dah_068_08.40)

  12. Topic Sentence:
    The recovery from the trauma of bullying.

    Supporting Sentences:
    Trauma refers to a distressing or disturbing experience or event that can have a profound psychological and emotional impact on an individual.
    Bullying can cause several different types of trauma, including: Emotional Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Physical Trauma, Social Trauma, Cyberbullying Trauma, and Post Traumatic Stress.
    Professional help offers a level of expertise and specialized care that is often essential for individuals recovering from trauma, and professional support can significantly improve your chances of healing and moving forward in a healthier way.

    Concluding points:
    Trauma, psychologycal, emotional, types of trauma, healing trauma, handling bullying's effects, professional help.

    (Rukma Amala S_077_08.40)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Topic Sentence:
    Exercise has incredible health benefits

    Supporting Sentence:
    Regular exercise can improve physical fitness, enhance immune system, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, exercise helps alleviate stress and boosts emotional well-being.

    Closing Point:
    As a result, exercise is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle and should be a routine part of every individual's life to maintain a healthy body and mind.

    (Aninda Esadilla Saputri_0010_12.30)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Topic sentence: Lately, the latest online game Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB) has caused lots of dangerous addiction from old to young people.

    Supporting sentences: Lately, the latest online game Mobile Legend Bang Bang (MLBB) has caused lots of dangerous addiction from old to young people. What is Mobile Legends Bang Bang actually? MLBB is a 5v5 moba games that supported both in ios and android. It has lots of similarity like League of legends and DOTA in PC. It also has lots of interesting features that can be played both for young to old generations. But does everybody know that this game has caused lots of dangerous impact on our daily lives? As a students, lots of people starts to forget their obligation to study or doing their assignment in order to play that game. They also has lots of toxic players and non healthy fandom that's bad for minors. What can we do to stop them? Both MLBB and Play Store or App Store should start to sort this game as 17 y.o games only and they should give a severe punishment for players who's toxic and bad so that they will not make everything worse.

    Concluding points: Limiting; studying; playing; dangerous; addiction; daily lives

    (Shafira Az Zahra Buditia_038_3A_TBI)

  17. Name : Zahrani Karin Rizkiya Amanta
    NIM : 23030220013

    "Bullying remains a pervasive and concerning issue in schools and communities, affecting the well-being of countless individuals."

    supporting sentence:
    Bullying can lead to long-lasting emotional scars, as victims often suffer from anxiety and depression, affecting their overall well-being. Bullying can escalate to physical violence, which not only harms the victims but also poses safety risks in schools and communities. In many cases, victims of bullying may resort to absenteeism from school or work, affecting their educational and professional growth.

    concluding points:
    Bullying, Emotional scars, anxiety, safety risks, physical violence, Educational growth

  18. Name : Arum Pebri Yani
    Class : 3A-TBI
    Number Students: 23030220014

    topic sentence :
    as educates people, we should be write to filter some information from various network.

    supporting sentences:
    In today's digital age, misinformation and disinformation are rampant on the internet. Being discerning about the information we consume is crucial to avoid falling prey to false claims and rumors. Filtering information allows educated individuals to safeguard their personal beliefs and values from being influenced by unreliable or harmful content found on the internet. by filtering information wisely, we can avoid cognitive biases and echo chambers, which can limit our perspectives and hinder societal progress.

    Concluding Points :
    1. Information Filtering Skills
    2. Combatting Misinformation
    3. Protecting Beliefs
    4. Cognitive Bias Awareness
    5. Societal Progress

  19. Name : Malika Dwi Puspita
    Students Number : 23030220003
    Class : 3A-TBI
    Topic sentence :
    as educates people, we should be write to filter some information from various network.

    Supporting Sentence:
    Furthermore, critical thinking skills play a crucial role in this process, enabling individuals to discern reliable sources from misinformation.

    Concluding Points:
    1. Sharpens information discernment.
    2. Drives intellectual growth.
    3. Empowers active citizenship.
    4. Fosters discerning society.
    5. Advances global enlightenment.

  20. Name : Nabilla Soraya
    Students Number : 23030220004
    Class : 3A-TBI
    Information Filtering Benefits
    Safe Internet Usage
    Social Media Content Control
    User Safety and Security

  21. Name : Afifah Khairun Nisa
    NIM : 23030220016
    Class : 3A

    Topic Sentence :
    The dangers of TikTok for society and its users.

    Supporting Sentences :
    The existence of TikTok has intimidated people's lives. This happens because the app is very popular in the society. This is characterized by the increasing dependence on the continuous use of the app. It is not uncommon for this to cause some serious problems. For example, issues related to mental security, health, and one's personal data.

    Concluding Points :
    TikTok, existence, popular, dependence, continuous use, personal data, dangers, society.

  22. Name: Meisa Kamalvi
    Nim :23030220012
    Class: TBI 3A

    Topic sentence:
    Teen marriage is the effect of massive pornography in social media.

    Supporting sentence:
    1. The large number of users who abuse social media with pornographic displays has resulted in many early marriages with around 6/10 of Indonesian women.
    2. Early marriage results in many sudden deaths due to the lack of strength of the young mother, and the most severe consequence is the large number of children with special needs due to lack of adequate nutrition.

    Concluding points:
    Social media effect; Phornography; teen marriage; modern era; youth damage.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Topic Sentence
    Pornography is very dangerous for the young generation the nation's future successors

    Supporting details.
    1. What is effect of pornography?

    Supporting sentence.
    The many effect of pornography provide a negative impression on the mind of young people which will damage the nations generation.
    The result is that many cases of early mareiage are coused by the triggering of lust by pornographic films.

    Concluding points:
    Social media effect; pornography; teen marriage; modern era

    (Muhammad Fatihurrizal_001_12.30)

  25. Topic sentence:
    The Impact of Pornography on Individuals and Society.

    Supporting details :
    What Is Pornography?
    How to Prevent Pornography?
    What is Negative Impacts of Pornography?

    Supporting sentence:
    1. Pornography is the explicit representation of graphic images, text, or other materials intended to arouse sexual desire. It can take the form of images, videos, writings, or other mediums that intensely depict sexual acts.

    2. - Utilize parental controls on children's devices.
    - Recognize signs of addiction and seek psychological support
    - Maintain a balanced life and focus on positive activities.
    - Avoid triggering situations
    and easy access to pornography materials.

    3. - Potential to create damaging addictions.
    - Negative influence on personal and sexual relationships.
    - Desensitization to sexual violence.
    - Psychological effects such as shame and feelings of inadequacy.

    Concluding points:
    explicit pornography significantly affects individuals and society. Preventive measures, including parental controls, psychological support, balanced living, and avoiding triggers, are crucial. Negative impacts involve addiction, damaged relationships, desensitization to sexual violence, and psychological distress. Addressing these issues is essential to protect individuals and society.

    Dina listiyati_020

  26. Topic sentence:
    Tiktok has several positive impacts
    Supporting details:
    1. What is Tiktok?
    2. Does tiktok have a positive impact?
    Supporting sentence:
    1. Tiktok is a social media platform and app that allows users to create, share, and discover short video content. Tiktok’s primary feature is the ability to create and upload videos that are typically between 15 second and one minute in length.
    2. It’s become a platform for creative expression and self-discovery, allowing users to showcase their talent and connect eith like-minded individuals.
    Concluding point: tiktok, video content, primary feature, creative expression, talent.
    (Alfiah Sofiana D_017_12.30)

  27. Topic sentence:
    "In love we must give and take"

    Supporting sentences:
    It means that both individuals in the relationship should give and receive love and emotional support, creating a balanced and fulfilling connection. When both individuals in a relationship give love, they express their affection, care, and support for each other. This reciprocal exchange of love helps build and maintain a healthy, balanced, and fulfilling relationship where both partners benefit from the emotional bond they share.

    Concluding points:
    In a healthy relationship, these examples of give and take contribute to a sense of balance and harmony, ensuring that both individuals feel loved and valued.

    (Silvi Zaki Syarifiana_052_08.40)

  28. Topic sentence :
    South Sumatra's culinary diversity, showcased through dishes like pempek, pindang, and tekwan, reflects its rich cultural tapestry.

    Supporting Sentence :
    The culinary diversity of South Sumatra is the rich taste and combination of spices using local ingredients and traditional cooking techniques. This regional cuisine displays a combination of savory and spicy flavors(1). South Sumatra is famous for its traditional dishes such as Pempek, Pindang, Tekwan, and Lenggang, all of which are ingrained in local culture(2). Using a variety of local ingredients and spices, South Sumatran cuisine reflects its rich cultural heritage, showcasing regional culinary values and traditions.(3)

    Concluding Points :
    Traditional food; Culinary of South Sumatra; Local ingredients and spices; Traditional cooking techniques; Local culture.

    ANGELIA DAHNIAR TBI (064, 08.40)

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Theme : Love
    Main idea :
    Love is the way to get success
    Topic Sentence:
    The power of love to get success comes from family.
    Supporting details:
    -How the power of love can help to get success?
    - Why it should come from family?
    Supporting sentence:
    The power of love can help individuals achieve success by providing them with a strong support system, motivation, and resilience to overcome challenges(1). Love from one's family is particularly significant because it fosters a sense of belonging, emotional stability, and a nurturing environment that empowers individuals to pursue their goals and dreams(2). The emotional and psychological strength gained through familial love can serve as a foundation for self-confidence, determination, and a positive outlook, all of which are crucial for attaining success in various aspects of life(3).

    Concluding points :
    love's power ; support system ; family's love ; psychological strength ; successful

    Concluding sentence :
    In conclusion, love's power, when harnessed as a support system, especially within the embrace of family's love, can provide individuals with the psychological strength needed to overcome obstacles and ultimately lead them to the path of success.

  31. Main Idea : Mistakes In Using Handphones

    Topic Sentence : Most people in Indonesia are not wise in using handphones, especially in for teenagers

    Supporting sentence :
    Now that cellphones are widely spread throughout the world, almost everyone in the world has a cellphone. Cellphones can have benefits for their users, but they can also have a very bad impact. It all depends on who is using it. Many young people today are wrong in using cellphones. It is all due to the lack of supervision from parents, environment, etc.

    Concluding points :
    Mistakes using, teenagers, dissermination, bad and good impact

    Abdul Azuz Syahrani Yahya

  32. Main Idea :
    The use of technology must be in proportion

    Topic sentence :
    Nowadays, we have to be smart to use technology in order not to fall into the trap.

    Supporting sentence :
    Today's technology does need to be followed but we must also be able to sort out which ones we should use properly and which ones we should avoid, so that we don't fall into the trap. In this era, if we don't use technology, we feel left behind.

    Concluding points :
    Overuse in users, teenagers, studying, mistakes using.

    ( Aldi_0030_12.30)

  33. Topic sentence:
    Ondel-ondel is a form of Betawi performing arts that is often performed at people's parties.

    Supporting sentence:
    Ondel - ondel is a traditional art from Betawi that continues to be preserved, because ondel ondel is an art from ancestors that is often displayed in art performance. Ondel ondel is displayed at art performances to welcome guests and show that ondel ondel is a characteristic of Betawi. And it is only displayed at art performances because ondel ondel is an art of ancestral heritage so it cannot be displayed carelessly.

    Concluding point:
    - Traditional art
    - Characteristics of Betawi
    - Perfomance to welcome guest
    - Ancestral heritage

    Concluding sentence:
    In conclusion, Ondel-ondel is a traditional art and characteristic of Betawi. Ondel-ondel is performed to welcome guests and the art of ondel-ondel continues to be preserved because ondel-ondel is a art of ancestral heritage.

    (Ardhian Tegar M_23030220062_TBI 3B)

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Concluding
    The introduction of smartphones, particularly the iPhone in 2007, revolutionized how information was accessed by Gen Z, allowing them to easily find answers, acquire new skills, and stay informed. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat played a substantial role in shaping how Gen Z communicates and presents themselves to the world. This environment of constant connectivity and instant information access has significantly influenced Gen Z's communication style, their preferences, and their approach to consuming content and news.

    Concluding point:
    Proliferation of smartphone, information availability, Gen Z, social media platforms, preferences, content consumption, connectivity, instant information acces.

    Name : Fina Ainurrohmah
    NIM : 23030220056

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Uniqe show

    •Topic sentence:
    Ondel-ondel is usually accompanied by unique music and dance.

    Suporting sentence:
    1.Ondel Ondel is a culture from Indonesia, specifically Betawi culture, which shows unique performances using unique costumes, usually they dance and are accompanied by music.Many people like watching ondel ondel performances, most of them like watching ondel ondel performances because ondel ondel have unique parts that they use, such as unique costumes, ondel ondel costumes have various colors, ondel ondel also perform performances using music and dance which is typical of the ondel ondel.

    •Concluding point:
    influence; ondel ondel culture; uniqe performance; role for society.
    •Concluding sentence:
    In conclusion, with the influence of ondel ondel culture on society, especially in Indonesia, adults and small children like the unique ondel ondel performance, this is what makes people love and really appreciate the ondel ondel culture.

    Wisnu kusuma jati

  38. Concluding
    Commitment is essential for academic success as it motivates students to excel in their studies. Committed students are more likely to put in the required effort to achieve their educational goals. Commitment helps students persist in the face of academic challenges. Ideal students demonstrate unwavering commitment to overcoming obstacles in their academic pursuits. An exemplary student consistently attends classes, completes assignments on time, and strives to understand complex subjects, showcasing a high level of dedication to academic excellence.

    Concluding point :
    Commitment, Academic success, Motivation, Effort, Persistence, Challenges, Ideal students, Overcoming obstacles, Exemplary student, Attends classes, Completes assignments, Dedication, Academic excellence

    Name : Muhammad Arief Wijayanto
    NIM : 23030220040

  39. Topic Sentence: Bullying can happen without "awareness"

    Supporting sentence :
    Bullying without awareness refers to instance in which individuals engage in bullying behaviors without fully realizing or understanding the harm they are causing to other.
    Bullying without awareness can take various forms, like excursion Gossip and rumors, Passive aggression, Microaggressions, online bullying, Peer pressure and Sosial exclusion.
    Bullying can happen without awareness for several reasons subtle behaviors , lack of empathy ,cultural Norm , Digital and Online bullying.

    Concluding points: awareness; behaviors; Peer pressure; Online bullying; Culture Norm

    Concluding Sentence :
    In conclusion, Bullying can occur without any awareness, this kind of thing can happen because of bad habits in behaviors . Factors that can cause this kind of thing such as peer preasure and using social media unwisely so as to cause online bullying and lack of awareness of cultural norms in an environment.

    ( Ambarwati_072_08.40 )

  40. *Theme:* Love
    *Main idea:*
    love is the way to get succes
    topic sentence:
    The power of love to get success comes from family.
    *Supporting sentence:*
    Love can inspire someone by providing deep motivation to achieve goals, bringing feelings of happiness, and encouraging them to do good to others. Because, Love is often associated with unity and understanding among individuals with differences because love has the ability to transcend differences, facilitate communication, and create strong emotional bonds that connect people despite their distinctions.
    An example is that love can be a source of inspiration for families in creating happiness that touches their hearts through loving relationships, support, and closeness among family members.
    *concluding points*:
    successfull; Motivation; Differences; Communications;inspiration; emosional; Affection; support; Closeness
    * Concluding sentence*
    Successful motivation, bridging differences, effective communication, and emotional inspiration are all intertwined with affectionate support and closeness, forming the foundation of meaningful and fulfilling human relationships.


  41. Topic Sentence: Bullying can happen without "awareness"

    Supporting sentence :
    Bullying without awareness refers to instance in which individuals engage in bullying behaviors without fully realizing or understanding the harm they are causing to other.
    Bullying without awareness can take various forms, like excursion Gossip and rumors, Passive aggression, Microaggressions, online bullying, Peer pressure and Sosial exclusion.
    Bullying can happen without awareness for several reasons subtle behaviors , lack of empathy ,cultural Norm , Digital and Online bullying.

    Concluding points: awareness; behaviors; Peer pressure; Online bullying; Culture Norm

    Concluding Sentence :
    In conclusion, Bullying can occur without any awareness, this kind of thing can happen because of bad habits in behaviors . Factors that can cause this kind of thing such as peer preasure and using social media unwisely so as to cause online bullying and lack of awareness of cultural norms in an environment.

    Complete Paragrapgh :
    Bullying without awareness refers to instance in which individuals engage in bullying behaviors without fully realizing or understanding the harm they are causing to other.
    Bullying without awareness can take various forms, like excursion Gossip and rumors, Passive aggression, Microaggressions, online bullying, Peer pressure and Sosial exclusion.
    Bullying can happen without awareness for several reasons subtle behaviors , lack of empathy ,cultural Norm , Digital and Online bullying.In conclusion, Bullying can occur without any awareness, this kind of thing can happen because of bad habits in behaviors . Factors that can cause this kind of thing such as peer preasure and using social media unwisely so as to cause online bullying and lack of awareness of cultural norms in an environment.

    ( Ambarwati_072_08.40 )

  42. Theme Self-development

    Main idea
    2. Trasisation from hight scholl students to students avademic.

    Topic Sentence
    2. The transition from high school to academic life represents a significant shift in students' responsibilities and expectations.
    *Supporting Sentences:* (1)The shift from high school to academic life often demands a heightened level of self-discipline and independent learning.
    (2)During this transition, students typically encounter more rigorous academic challenges, which contribute to their intellectual and personal development.(3) The move from high school to academic life introduces students to a more research-oriented and critical thinking-based approach to learning, where they are encouraged to explore subjects deeply and independently.
    *Concluding points*:Transition: Independent learning,
    Change: Academic challenges,
    Critical thinking: Independent exploration.
    *Concluding Sentence*:
    In conclusion, the transition from high school to academic life is a transformative journey that equips students with the skills and mindset needed for their intellectual and personal development.
    *Concluding Paragraph*:
    In summary, the shift from high school to academic life represents a significant transformation in students' educational journey. This transition not only demands heightened self-discipline and independent learning but also exposes students to more rigorous academic challenges that contribute to their overall growth. Furthermore, it introduces them to a research-oriented and critical thinking-based approach to learning, fostering the exploration of subjects independently. In the end, this transition equips students with the skills and mindset required for their intellectual and personal development, setting them on a path toward a successful academic journey.

  43. Topic sentence:
    Gamelan is a traditional music ensemble in Indonesia.

    Supporting sentence:
    Gamelan is famous for its unique and mesmerizing sound, cultural significance, historical importance, influences on Western music, Internatioanl recognition, visual appeal and versatility. Drums are not included in gamelan music, gamelan music has its own characteristics and (kendang, gong, saron and bonang) plays an important role giving rhythm structure and is an heritage in Indonesia due to their historical, cultural, spiritual, artistic signnificance and they are symbol of Indonesia identify, a souce of national pride and a vital part of country's rich cultural heritage.

    Concluding points:
    A source of pride and the most significant component of the richness of Indonesia's cultural past; gamelan has its own unique qualities; symbol of the country's cultural heritage.

    Concluding sentence(s):
    In conclusion, a cultural heritage of the a source of pride and the most significant of the richness of Indonesia's cultural past, it can be seen that gamelan has its own unique qualities (as in voice, musical and usually as an accompaniment), and gamelan is symbol of the country's cultural heritage which still exists today.

    Complete paragraph:
    Gamelan is not just music, it is also an integral part of various customary ceremonies, traditional dance, and other perfoming arts in Indonesia. Gamelan music is often used in the context of religious ceremonies, weddings, art performances and various other cultural events. The beauty and complexity of gamelan music has attracted listeners around the world, making it one of the most respected and globally recognized art of traditional music. Through gamelan, we can understand how musical art can be a mirror of the cultural wealth of a nation and a bridge to understanding the rich and diverse heritage of Indonesia. The gamelan art continues to live and grow, inspiring and fascinating listeners from all over the world, as well as reinforcing the pride of an extraordinary cultural heritage.

    (Derryn Kurnia Ramadani_23030220066) 08.40

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Trista Ayu Farasya_3A TBI_027

    Concluding points:
    Revolutionize education; Flexible; Personalized; Learning experience; Benefit learners; Learning styles.,

    Concluding sentence:
    Personalized and flexible learning experiences can revolutionize education by catering to individual learning styles and promoting quality education. By customizing the learning plan and using data about the learner's specific knowledge level, preference of content, and many other factors, an organization can ensure that learners are engaged, gaining skills, and not wasting their time on unnecessary content. Personalized learning encourages educators to be more open and flexible, so that students can become more invested in designing their own personal learning paths. By leveraging technology and digital tools, students can have access to learning around the clock and can capitalize on their unique skills and potential. Overall, personalized and flexible learning experiences can benefit learners by providing relevant, engaging, actionable, and memorable content that caters to their individual needs and learning styles.

  46. The use of social media platforms has had a negative impact on the reading interest of the young generation. Studies have shown that teens in the 2010s spent more time online and less time with traditional media, such as books and magazines. The intensification of the use of social media among tertiary students has affected their reading culture negatively, making them passive readers who would rather browse than read. Therefore, it is important to encourage young people to develop a reading habit and limit their use of social media to improve their intellectual capabilities and obtain knowledge.

    Name : Eryska Listiyaningtyas
    Student number: 23030220031
    Class : 3A_12.30

  47. Topic sentence : kind of bullying are social, verbal, physical, prejudicial bullying, sexual bullying and cyber bullying.
    Supporting sentences : Bullying can take various forms, such as verbal abuse, physical intimidation, cyberbullying, and exclusion, all of which can have a profound impact on the well-being of the victim.
    Concluding points : social, bullying, toxic, school.
    Concluding sentence : So there are several kind of bullying and a lot of bullying happened in the school. Usually due to toxic social environment.

    Name : Qonita Nur Aeni Rahayu (23030220002) TBI 3A (12.30)

  48. Name : Zahrani Karin Rizkiya Amanta
    NIM : 23030220013
    Kelas : 3A
    Jam : 14.10
    In summation, the distressing cycle of bullying leaves in its wake a trail of emotional scars and anxiety that deeply affect individuals' well-being. Moreover, the prevalence of physical violence associated with bullying poses significant safety risks in schools and communities. This not only hampers educational growth but also impedes the overall development and potential of our youth. Addressing these intertwined issues is paramount for the betterment of our society, promoting safer environments, and nurturing healthy educational growth for our future generations.

  49. Concluding points:
    Game Addiction, wasting money, online games, gamers, greedy game developer.

    Concluding sentence:
    Gamers who are addicted to online games may end up wasting money on microtransactions, which are criticized by some journalists as being excessively greedy monetization methods used by game developers. According to a post on Reddit's StopGaming community, game developers do not care about gamers and only want their money. This sentiment is echoed by some researchers who consider video game addiction a behavioral addiction similar to gambling disorder, in which the rush of winning becomes one of the main reasons for playing. In India, fantasy gaming is causing addiction and financial ruin, with some students treating these apps as the equivalent of their education, which is a worrying trend.

    Name: Jendra Syuja Lukmana
    Class: TBI 3-A

  50. Name : Aninda Esadilla Saputri
    Student Numbers:23030220010
    Class : 3A-TBI

    Topic Sentence:
    Sport has tremendous health benefits

    Supporting Sentence:
    Regular sport can improve fitness, boost the immune system, and reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, sport helps reduce stress and improve emotional well-being.

    Conclusion Points: sports; benefits of sports

    Conclusion sentence:
    In conclusion, it is evident that sports offer a plethora of health benefits. From enhancing physical fitness, strengthening the immune system, and lowering the chances of heart disease to serving as a stress-reliever and promoting emotional well-being, engaging in regular physical activity is truly a cornerstone of a healthier and happier life.

  51. Topic sentence :
    Today's gaming industry is filled with a lot of greedy game developer

    Supporting sentences :
    This greedy behavior often manifests in the form of microtransactions, making it challenging for players to enjoy games without constantly paying for in-game items.
    Microtransactions are in-game purchases that allow players to buy virtual items, in-game currency, or content using real money, that are often found in many online video games.

    Concluding Points :
    Greedy behavior; microtransactions; in-game items; in-game currency; online video game

    Concluding sentence:
    In conclusion microtransactions have become a common feature in many online video games, allowing players to buy in-game items, in-game currency, or content using real money. While some players view microtransactions as optional and a way for game developers to generate revenue, others see them as greedy and a way to push players into accepting these mechanisms. This greedy behavior have had a significant impact on the video game industry, allowing game developers to take advantage of this new revenue source.
    (Enggar Galang_024_12:30)

  52. Arum Pebri Yani

    topic sentence :
    as educates people, we should be write to filter some information from various network.

    supporting sentences:
    In today's digital age, misinformation and disinformation are rampant on the internet. Being discerning about the information we consume is crucial to avoid falling prey to false claims and rumors. Filtering information allows educated individuals to safeguard their personal beliefs and values from being influenced by unreliable or harmful content found on the internet. by filtering information wisely, we can avoid cognitive biases and echo chambers, which can limit our perspectives and hinder societal progress.

    Concluding Points :
    1. Information Filtering Skills
    2. Combatting Misinformation
    3. Protecting Beliefs
    4. Cognitive Bias Awareness
    5. Societal Progress

    Concluding Sentences:
    In conclusion, honing information filtering skills and actively combatting misinformation are essential steps in protecting our beliefs and fostering cognitive bias awareness, ultimately contributing to societal progress and a more informed, responsible society.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Name = Malika Dwi Puspita
    SN = 23030220003
    Class = TBI 3A
    Topic sentence :
    as educates people, we should be write to filter some information from various network.

    Supporting Sentence:
    Furthermore, critical thinking skills play a crucial role in this process, enabling individuals to discern reliable sources from misinformation.

    Concluding Points:
    1. Sharpens information discernment.
    2. Drives intellectual growth.
    3. Empowers active citizenship.
    4. Fosters discerning society.
    5. Advances global enlightenment.

    Concluding Sentence :
    as educated people, we should be able to filter information from various networks by using critical thinking skills. This will help us to sharpen our ability to discern reliable sources from misinformation, drive intellectual growth, empower active citizenship, foster a discerning society, and advance global enlightenment.

  55. Name: Meisa Kamalvi
    Nim: 23030220012
    Class: TBI /3A

    Topic sentence:
    Teen marriage is the effect of massive pornography in social media.

    Supporting detail
    1. Description and example of massive pornography in social media?
    2. The effect of teen marriage in this era?

    Supporting sentence:
    1. The large number of users who abuse social media with pornographic displays has resulted in many early marriages with around 6/10 of Indonesian women.
    2. Early marriage results in many sudden deaths due to the lack of strength of the young mother, and the most severe consequence is the large number of children with special needs due to lack of adequate nutrition.

    Concluding points:
    Social media effect; Phornography; teen marriage; modern era; youth damage.

    Pornography is one of the bad impacts of social media which results in many early marriages. The worst impact is the destruction of the nation's young generation in the modern era like today.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Topic Sentence
    Pornography is very dangerous for the young generation the nation's future successors

    Supporting details.
    1. What is effect of pornography?

    Supporting sentence.
    The many effect of pornography provide a negative impression on the mind of young people which will damage the nations generation.
    The result is that many cases of early mareiage are coused by the triggering of lust by pornographic films.

    Concluding points:
    Social media effect; pornography; teen marriage; modern era

    Concluding sentences :

    In the modern era, the profound impact of social media on various aspects of life, including exposure to pornography and teen marriage, continues to shape and redefine the way we navigate the digital landscape and its consequences.
    (Muhammad Fatihurrizal_001_12.30)

  58. Concluding point: people, manage time, playing games, crucial activities

    Concluding sentence: people must effectively manage their time, balancing gaming with other crucial activities to achieve a well-rounded life.

    (Muhammad Fattakhurrozzaaq/025/3A/12.30)


  59. Concluding points:
    find a balance; video games; real social experiences; isolation; well-rounded life.

    Concluding sentence:
    In conclusion, it is essential to find a balance between enjoying video games moderately and engaging in real social experiences to avoid isolation and lead a well-rounded life.

    (Kevin A.M_039_12:30)

  60. Concluding points:
    Game Addiction, wasting money, online games, gamers, greedy game developer.

    Concluding sentence:
    Gamers who are addicted to online games may end up wasting money on microtransactions, which are criticized by some journalists as being excessively greedy monetization methods used by game developers. According to a post on Reddit's StopGaming community, game developers do not care about gamers and only want their money. This sentiment is echoed by some researchers who consider video game addiction a behavioral addiction similar to gambling disorder, in which the rush of winning becomes one of the main reasons for playing. In India, fantasy gaming is causing addiction and financial ruin, with some students treating these apps as the equivalent of their education, which is a worrying trend.

    (Jendra Syuja Lukmana_028_TBI-3A_12.30)

  61. Fatimatuz Zahra_0022_3A/TBI
    Supporting sentence:
    Establishing laws for bullying perpetrators can be an effective way to prevent bullying.These laws typically define what constitutes bullying,outline penalties for offenders,and establish reporting also intervention procedures.For example,in some regions,there are anti-bullying laws in schools to protect their students and ensure that those responsible for bullying face legal concequences.

    Concluding points:
    effective prevention method; penalties for offenders; reporting and intervention procedures; anti-bullying laws in school.

    Concluding sentences:
    In conclusion, establishing laws for bullying perpetrators can be an effective prevention method for imposing penalties on offenders to protect students by implementing anti-bullying laws in school.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Name : Nabila Soraya
    Nim : 23030220004
    Class : TBI - 3A

    Topic sentence :
    As educates people, we should be write to filter some information from various network.

    Concluding Points:
    Information Filtering Benefits
    Safe Internet Usage
    Social Media Content Control
    User Safety and Security

    Concluding Sentence :
    -Information filtering offers a wide range of benefits that extend to various aspects of online safety and security.
    -To sum it up, promoting safe internet usage is essential in ensuring a secure and positive online experience for users.
    -In conclusion, effective control over social media content is pivotal for fostering a healthier and more responsible online environment.
    -In summary, prioritizing user safety and security is paramount in the ever-evolving digital landscape, and measures like information filtering and social media content control play a crucial role in achieving this goal.

  64. Concluding Point :
    The impact on offline sellers, a decrease in offline visits, the presence of tiktok shop changes significantly.

    Concluding Sentence(s) :
    In conclusion, the existence of TikTok Shop can have an impact on offline sellers because the presence of TikTok Shop makes significant changes that cause reduced visitors in offline stores.

    (Eva rismawati/035/12.30/TBI-3A)

  65. Concluding points: Limiting, studying, playing, addiction

    Concluding sentence: Therefore, we need to limit and manage our time for studying and playing games, so that we won't have an addiction that will effect our daily lives

    SHAFIRA AZ ZAHRA(23030220038)

  66. Concluding points:
    Artificial Intelligence, human intelligence, computer systems, human occupation, various questions and illustrations,

    Concluding sentences:
    In conclusion, the existence of Artificial Intelligence, which is human Intelligence that applied in computer systems, has an impact on human occupation, because AI has the ability to answer and create various kinds of questions and illustrations.

    (Syafira Damayanti Puspa Nugraha_0005_12.30)

  67. Name : Eka Aprilia Cahyani
    NIM : 23030220011

    Concluding points : Solution; The people; clean water assistance; save water use; daily lives.

    Concluding sentence :
    For the solution, the government overcame the disaster by providing clean water assistance evenly, and the people were asked to save water use in their daily lives.

  68. Concluding points:
    Journal articles; academics; easy access; time efficiency; genuinely valid sources.

    Concluding sentence(s):
    In conclusion, accessing journal articles through Google Scholar provides several benefits for academics, including easy access in the form of downloadable soft files, time efficiency as it eliminates the need to leave home, and genuinely valid sources since they are based on research conducted by the authors.

    (Auliya Roudlotus Tsani_0034_12.30)

  69. Concluding point :
    Rise in product sales ; Losses for local sellers ; Difficulty in competing ; Goverment measures ; officially closed

    Concluding sentence
    Therefore, the Government officially closed Tiktok Shop as an action in response to the rapid increase in product sales at Tiktok Shop which makes local sellers experience losses due to difficulty competing.

    (Adinda Nisaa Tiyarningarum_029_12:30 )

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Name : Afifah Khairun Nisa
    NIM : 23030220016
    Class : 3A/TBI_12.30

    Topic Sentence :
    The dangers of TikTok for society and its users.

    Supporting Sentences :
    The existence of TikTok has intimidated people's lives. This happens because the app is very popular in the society. This is characterized by the increasing dependence on the continuous use of the app. It is not uncommon for this to cause some serious problems. For example, issues related to mental security, health, and one's personal data.

    Concluding Points :
    TikTok, existence, popular, dependence, continuous use, personal data, dangers, society.

    Concluding Sentence :
    TikTok is a popular platform that has become an integral part of modern society. Its immense popularity has led to dependency as users continuously use the app. However, this dependency comes at a cost, as TikTok collects large amounts of personal data, raising concerns about privacy and security. The dangers associated with mishandling this data have become increasingly apparent, posing risks to individuals and society as a whole. It is critical to address these challenges and ensure personal data remains secure.

  72. Name : Dina listiyati
    Nim :23030220020
    Class : 3A tbi

    Concluding points:
    explicit pornography significantly affects individuals and society. Preventive measures, including parental controls, psychological support, balanced living, and avoiding triggers, are crucial. Negative impacts involve addiction, damaged relationships, desensitization to sexual violence, and psychological distress. Addressing these issues is essential to protect individuals and society.

    Cuncloding sentence:
    In conclusion, the profound impact of explicit pornography on both individuals and society necessitates the implementation of vital preventive measures, such as parental controls, psychological support, maintaining a balanced lifestyle, and avoiding triggers. These actions are imperative in addressing the negative consequences, which encompass addiction, strained relationships, desensitization to sexual violence, and psychological distress, ultimately safeguarding the well-being of individuals and the broader community.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Topic sentence: Dangerous bullying poses a severe threat to the well-being and emotional stability of its victims, leading to long-lasting psychological and physical consequences

    Supporting sentence: Bullying can cause victims to experience anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, affecting their academic performance and overall social development

    Concluding sentence: In order to create a safer and healthier environment for everyone, it is crucial for communities to actively address and prevent bullying, fostering empathy, understanding, and kindness among individuals.

    (Malik Maulana Ibrohim/ 23030220061/ TBI 3B)

  75. Topic sentence:
    Why moral decrease can be affect by their parents

    Supporting sentence:
    Parents often shape their children's moral development through their teachings, behaviors, and the environment they create within the family. For instance, when parents consistently demonstrate honesty, kindness, and respect for others, their children are more likely to adopt these values and exhibit them in their own behavioral. The reason behind this influence is that children look up to their parents as role models, and the family environment plays a crucial role in instilling moral values and ethical standards in young individuals.

    Concluding points:
    Parental influence,Moral development,Teachings,Behaviors,Family environment

    Concluding Sententence(s):
    In Conclusion,parental influence, encompassing teachings, behaviors, and the family environment, profoundly impacts the moral development of children.

    (Ikmal Atammal K/071/8.40)

  76. Conclusion point:
    Gaming scene, dangerous issue, toxic behavior, chaos

    Concluding sentence :in conclusion, the gaming scene turns out to have a negative impact that causes dangerous issues such as toxic behavior and chaos in games and in real life.

    (Dwi Adhi Pamungkas/23030220021/TBI 3A)

  77. Concluding points:
    Bullying; spend time alone; fear; self-esteem

    Concluding sentence:
    A person facing bullying issues may tend to spend time alone due to fear and low self-esteem.

    (Alfina Eka_23030220018_3A/TBI)

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Topic Sentence:
    The recovery from the trauma of bullying.

    Supporting Sentences:
    Trauma refers to a distressing or disturbing experience or event that can have a profound psychological and emotional impact on an individual.
    Bullying can cause several different types of trauma, including: Emotional Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Physical Trauma, Social Trauma, Cyberbullying Trauma, and Post Traumatic Stress.
    Professional help offers a level of expertise and specialized care that is often essential for individuals recovering from trauma, and professional support can significantly improve your chances of healing and moving forward in a healthier way.

    Concluding Points:
    Trauma, psychologycal, emotional, types of trauma, healing trauma, handling bullying's effects, professional help.

    Concluding Sentence:
    Trauma can have psychological and emotional consequences, and dealing with trauma can be a challenging process, so professional help, support from therapists and psychologists can help in healing and overcoming the effects of bullying on a person's mental health.

    Complete Paragraph:
    Trauma refers to a distressing or disturbing experience or event that can have a profound psychological and emotional impact on an individual. Bullying can cause several different types of trauma, including: Emotional Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Physical Trauma, Social Trauma, Cyberbullying Trauma, and Post Traumatic Stress. Professional help offers a level of expertise and specialized care that is often essential for individuals recovering from trauma, and professional support can significantly improve your chances of healing and moving forward in a healthier way. Trauma can have psychological and emotional consequences, and dealing with trauma can be a challenging process, so professional help, support from therapists and psychologists can help in healing and overcoming the effects of bullying on a person's mental health.

    (Rukma Amala S_077_08.40)

  80. Concluding point: tiktok, video content, primary feature, creative expression, talent.
    Concluding sentence: Summing up, TikTok stands out for its primary feature, which revolves around fostering a dynamic platform where individuals can harness their creative expression and showcase their unique talents through engaging and diverse video content.
    Alfiah Sofiana Damayanti (23030220017)_3A_12.30

  81. Name: Jaisya Rahma Maula
    Class: 3A
    Concluding point:
    social media, local culture, undeniable influence, local trends.

    concluding sentence:
    The undeniable influence of social media on local culture is evident through its ability to reshape interactions, change traditional communication methods, and significantly impact local trends and traditions, thus becoming a dynamic force in the ever-changing cultural landscape.

  82. Concluding points :
    Mistakes, teenagers, bad and good impact

    Concluding sentence :
    Mistakes in the use of mobile phones for teenagers have become a problem that we often encounter. Actually, Using handphones can make a bad and good impact, it depends to who is the users and their purpose to using handphones.

    Abdul Aziz Syahrani Yahya

  83. Concluding points:
    Overuse in users, teenagers, studying, mistakes using.

    Concluding sentence: Excessive use of social media is very dangerous, especially at an early age. In addition, many are also wrong in using technology, which was originally given technology for learning but instead used for unnecessary access.
    (Aldi Saputro_0030_12.30)

  84. Concluding support sentence

    Generation Z is characterized by their racial diversity, digital nativity, pragmatism, financial consciousness, mental health challenges, consumer savvy, and progressive political leanings. Their deep integration into the digital world and unique approach to content creation have made them a powerful force in the digital realm. Moreover, their values and initiatives are expected to leave a lasting impact on the generation that follows, often referred to as Generation Alpha, as societal and cultural shifts continue to shape the world they grow up in.

    Yasmine kamila arifin (23030220045)

  85. Topic Sentence:
    Gen Z was born into a world of peak technological innovation, where information was immediately accessible and social media increasingly ubiquitous.

    Supporting sentences:
    The proliferation of smartphones, starting with the iPhone in 2007, made information available at the fingertips of Gen Z. They could easily look up answers to questions, learn new skills, and stay informed about current events. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat played a significant role in their lives, influencing how they communicated and presented themselves to the world. This environment of constant connectivity and instant information access has shaped Gen Z's communication style, preferences, and the way they consume content and news.

    Concluding points:
    Smartphones, iPhone, Gen Z, Information, Social media, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Communication, Connectivity, News.

    Concluding sentences:
    Conclusion, with smartphones like the iPhone, Gen Z gets information from social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. With this media, Gen Z can communicate with good connectivity to get quality news too.

    Fina Ainurrohmah (TBI 3B_056_08.40)


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