Fun Games to Teach Writing

Some people probably consider that learning 'writing' is boring. To reduce it, we try to create some fun things before starting the writing class. Not only the lecturer but also all of the students have ideas to do warm-up activities. Please check them out! it is diverse in every meeting! You can use or adapt these ideas when you teach someday :). 

Meeting 1: Snowball Fight

  • Every student prepares a piece of paper
  • They write 1 problem or question related to study writing
  • They write her/his initial name
  • After max. 5 minutes of writing, the paper will be crumpled up (make a snowball).
  • The students will play 'Snowball Fight' - throw and take randomly the snowball in a circle of students in 1 minute.
  • They will take a piece of paper (hopefully NOT his/her own paper: but if it happens, she/he can exchange it with another student who has a similar case)
  • They will open up the piece of paper
  • They will try to answer the question or solve the problem
  • They will find the paper owner by asking for their initial name
  • They will discuss the problem or question and possible solution or answer on the paper
  • They are back to her/his seat
  • They share some interesting ideas about studying writing course
Meeting 2: Matching Partner

  • Students will be divided into a partner (consisting of 2 students)
  • One student of each group will go front to write a sentence given by the instructor within 1 minute.
  • Time is up. They will go to their partner and show their writing result for only 1 minute (without any noise or discussion)
  • Time is up. Their partner should write it similarly to their partner's writing in less than 1 minute.
  • The fastest writer will get higher points--
Meeting 3: Funny Past Story

  • Every student prepares a piece of paper
  • They will write a beginning of a past story. 
  • It can be: Once upon a time...; When I was young ...; On my twentieth birthday...; etc
  • They should write within 1 minute for each session
  • Time is up. They will pass the paper to the next student.
  • Remind them that they have to write in a past form
  • They continue the story until the end (It can be 4-7 moves/sentences)
  • There will be some funny past stories and check the past verbs and time signal
  • Some students will read the funniest story.

  • Last meeting: What is it?
    • There is something inside the pencil case, a student will hold it.
    • Other students should guess the thing by asking yes/no question to the student
    • The student will only answer yes/no
    • The game finished until a student can answer the thing correctly
    • The winner will choose 3 students to make a sentence based on the thing
    • For example: money (Rp. 20.000)
    The sentence: I will buy good food with the money.


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    6. Warm-up game for meeting 5 by Avyla & Sofya "Words of Wonders"
      - there will me some jumbled alphabets
      - you should arrange them into a meaningful English words
      - you only think the words around 1-3 minutes
      - for example: L, A, N, P
      - you should write:
      a. _ _ _ = NAP
      b. _ _ _ =
      c. _ _ _ =
      d. _ _ _ =
      e. _ _ _ _=
      - A, S, Y, E
      a. _ _ _ _=
      b. _ _ _ =
      c. _ _ _ =
      d. _ _ _ =

    7. A PARAGRAPH DICTATION by Mrs. Marisa
      - prepare a piece of paper
      - the teacher dictate sentence by sentence twice, each sentence should be written in 20 seconds.
      - she took a paragraph from a 'writing book' which will be discussed.
      - after all, students exchange the works with their partner, they assessed the answers based on the picture of the paragraph in WhatsApp Group
      - submit it, teacher score 1-10

    8. A QotD Memory Test by Sinta and Zulfa
      1. write a Quote of the Day (QotD) on the white board
      2. students should memorize it in 1-2 minutes
      3. erase the QotD on the board
      4. students start to write the QotD in 1 -2 minutes
      5. All finished, the game initiators check students' work
      6. They give score (1-10)

    9. Let's make a sentence by Sakhaf and Ferdi
      - students close their eyes
      - they should count suddenly
      - they should respond it quickly
      - if one or some of them answer double number, one of them will be punished
      - she/he will write a sentence
      - it continues in some sessions until the sentences become a paragraph


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