Unity in Writing a Paragraph

 Target: 2 meetings

        Basically, a paragraph is unified by mutually supported sentences. The word 'unity' is synonymous with 'oneness'. All sentences in a paragraph should focus on the one thing expressed in the topic sentence; all of the sentences stick together. Unity can be achieved as long as the paragraph has a good, clear topic sentence. If not, we will find it very difficult to control the flowing-in of information. As a result, we might include irrelevant pieces of information into the paragraph we are writing. Once again, it would be wiser for us to place the topic sentence at the very beginning of the paragraph.

    In a unified paragraph, the subject and the attitude in the topic sentence must be explained thoroughly. The 'problem' stated in the sentences has to be settled. All supporting sentences function to clarify the 'problem', that is, the topic. The paragraph should answer or explain what it should. It is the writer's main job to do this. The writer ought to present something understandable, interesting to read. The readers should not spend extra time and energy in trying to comprehend the message well. The writer needs to bear in his or her mind that he or she has the right to make everything written as clear as possible. For this reason, the writer always does his or her utmost to achieve the unity of the paragraph.

Next, read the following paragraph.

        (1) Melisa has chosen five possible future careers. (2) Firstly, she wants to become a journalist for an English magazine. (3) Her friends at campus plan to do much more challenging jobs, anyway. (4) Secondly, she might become a dress designer. (5) Finally, she could possibly be a tourist guide.

    This paragraph does not fully explain what it must explain. If the topic sentence states that Melisa has five choices, the paragraph has to inform the readers about the five choices. If not, the readers will not feel satisfied because they still expect to be told the choices which the topic sentence promises to give. 

    Furthermore, we need to point out that the third sentence "Her friends at campus plan to do much more challenging jobs, anyway," is irrelevant; it does not add useful information to develop the topic sentence.

Consequently, we ought to revise the paragraph above. It might then read as follows:

            Melisa has chosen five possible future careers. Firstly, she wants to become a journalist for an English magazine. Secondly, she might become a radio announcer. Thirdly, she intends to work as an interpreter. Fourthly, she is also interested in being an English teacher. Finally, she could possibly be a tourist guide. Certainly, Melisa should study hard to prepare herself for the jobs in the future.

Assignment (Unity)

1. What do you think about the following: are the paragraphs thoroughly developed or not? Elaborate your opinion.

    a. Her younger brother, Bernard, who has studied in Europe for many years, speaks some international languages fluently. German is one of the language that Bernard has mastered really well; she can speak (and also write) it practically as well as Germans do. Because of his language ability, Bernard is considered a young polyglot. 

    b. To take pictures successfully using a manual, Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you intend to take. Be sure, too, that you have set the light meter carefully to obtain correct exposure. Do not forget to check that you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film box, for instance, ISO 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure that you hold your camera firmly; you must avoid shaking the camera. If you follow the above steps, you deserve beautiful, satisfactory pictures.

2. If you find out that one or both of the above paragraphs in the Assignment is or are not thoroughly developed; try to revise the paragraph(s) so that it or they will read as well as possible.

Cited from Bram, B. (1995). Write well, improving writing skills. Kanisius.


  1. Our second target for today's meeting (F: 25/11/22) is analyzing your last paragraph (of your mid-term task).
    Use these to measure your paragraph:
    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!

      23030220055/3B TBI
      PBW: Friday, November 17th, 2023 (08.40)

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Answer: The Characteristics of Gen Z Fashion
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      Answer: Gen Z values individuality and self-expression, using fashion as a medium to showcase their unique identities (Francis & Hoefel, 2018). Gen Z challenges the notion of binary gender norms and encourages inclusivity and fluidity in fashion (Schneider & Lee, 2022). They are not afraid to experiment with different styles and silhouettes, regardless of gender norms. Environmental consciousness is a significant driving force behind Gen Z fashion choices. This generation prioritizes sustainability and ethical fashion practices, opting for labels that choose eco-friendly materials and ethical labor practices (Huff, 2023).
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, because supporting sentences explain examples, reasons, or descriptions that support the main idea presented in the topic sentence. It's important to ensure that the supporting sentences are arranged in a logical order and do not introduce new topics or ideas.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer: In conclusion, Gen Z fashion is characterized by individuality, inclusivity, and sustainability, challenging binary gender norms and embracing fluidity. This generation values self-expression, experimenting with styles, and prioritizing environmental consciousness, opting for eco-friendly materials and ethical labor practices, setting it apart from previous generations.
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, because concluding sentences are very important to maintain the connection with the main idea of the paragraph. It serves to summarize the main points, restate the topic sentence in different words, and give a sense of closure to the paragraph. Of course, the concluding sentence in this paragraph has also presented the points in each of the points of information reviewed in the supporting sentences.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences don't match with the main idea!
      Answer: Gen Z fashion is characterized by several key elements that set it apart from previous generations. According to Francis and Hoefel (2018), Gen Z values individuality and self-expression, using fashion as a medium to showcase their unique identities. Schneider and Lee (2022) note that Gen Z challenges the notion of binary gender norms and encourages inclusivity and fluidity in fashion. They are not afraid to experiment with different styles and silhouettes, regardless of gender norms. Environmental consciousness is a significant driving force behind Gen Z fashion choices. This generation prioritizes sustainability and ethical fashion practices, opting for labels that choose eco-friendly materials and ethical labor practices (Huff, 2023). In conclusion, Gen Z fashion is characterized by individuality, inclusivity, and sustainability, challenging binary gender norms and embracing fluidity. This generation values self-expression, experiments with styles, and prioritizes environmental consciousness, opting for eco-friendly materials and ethical labor practices, setting it apart from previous generations.

    2. Paragraph:
      Bullying has some serious effects on the victim. First, it will affect the victim’s mental health and well-being, such as anxiety and depression, and it will also cause the victim to have suicidal thoughts. Second, bullying affects the victim’s ability to socialize with other people. They are going to have low self-esteem, which can make it difficult for them to make friends or participate in social occasions. Third, bullying can also affect someone physically. When someone is receiving constant bullying behavior, they will start losing appetite, and there will be a change in their sleeping behavior. It is clear that this will eventually put the victim in serious health danger, especially if it keeps happening for a long time. Therefore, it's crucial to address bullying and its effects so that we can save someone's life.

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Answer: Bullying has some serious effects on the victims.
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      Answer: - First, it will affect the victim’s mental health and well-being, such as anxiety and depression, and it will also cause the victim to have suicidal thoughts.
      - Second, bullying affects the victim’s ability to socialize with other people.
      - They are going to have low self-esteem, which can make it difficult for them to make friends or participate in social occasions.
      - Third, bullying can also affect someone physically.
      - When someone is receiving constant bullying behavior, they will start losing appetite, and there will be a change in their sleeping behavior.
      - It is clear that this will eventually put the victim in serious health danger, especially if it keeps happening for a long time.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the supporting sentences are still linked to the main idea.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer: Therefore, it's crucial to address bullying and its effects so that we can save someone's life.
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes. It is still linked to the main idea.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      Answer: I think my paragraph has already linked to the main idea.

      (Alfatihah Dwi P_0074_08.40)

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. The recovery from the trauma of bullying.

      Recovery from bullying can be a difficult and ongoing process that requires support from family, friends, and professionals. Family and friends can also play an important role in the recovery process by providing emotional support and creating a safe and loving environment for the individual. They can offer a listening ear, provide encouragement, and act as a source of comfort and encouragement. Professionals, such as counselors, psychologists, and social workers, can also provide a range of services to help the individual in their recovery process. They can offer therapy, support groups, and other interventions to help the individual cope with the trauma and promote healing. In conclusion, recovery from bullying requires a combination of many support such as from family, friends, and professionals.

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Recovery from bullying can be a difficult and ongoing process that requires support from family, friends, and professionals.
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      -Family and friends can also play an important role in the recovery process by providing emotional support and creating a safe and loving environment for the individual.
      -They can offer a listening ear, provide encouragement, and act as a source of comfort and encouragement.
      -Professionals, such as counselors, psychologists, and social workers, can also provide a range of services to help the individual in their recovery process.
      -They can offer therapy, support groups, and other interventions to help the individual cope with the trauma and promote healing.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Yes, they are still linked to the main idea because the supporting sentences explain more about the main idea.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      In conclusion, recovery from bullying requires a combination of many support such as from family, friends, and professionals.
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Yes, it is still linked to the main idea because in the conclusion, emphasized again about the main idea and the supporting sentences.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!

      (Rukma Amala S_077_08.40)

      23030220008/3B TBI
      PBW: Friday, November 17th, 2023 (08.40)

      Paragraph :

      Dakwah in Islam is the act of conveying the message of Allah to others. There are various ways to perform dakwah, and social media has become a popular platform for it. In a study conducted by Al-Deen and Hendricks (2018), they found that social media can be an effective tool for dakwah as it allows for a wider reach and engagement with the audience. They also emphasized the importance of using a humanistic approach in dakwah, which involves empathy, respect, and understanding towards the audience. Another study by Al-Attas and Al-Maghrabi (2019) highlights the role of social media influencers in dakwah. They found that influencers who use their platforms to promote Islamic values and teachings can have a significant impact on their followers. Both studies emphasize the importance of humanizing dakwah and using a compassionate approach towards the audience. By doing so, we can effectively convey the message of Islam and inspire positive change in society.

      (Zidane ahmad_008_08.40)


      23030220008/3B TBI
      PBW: Friday, November 17th, 2023 (08.40)

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Answer: Dakwah in Islam is the act of conveying the message of Allah to others.

      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      • There are various ways to perform dakwah, and social media has become a popular platform for it.
      • In a study conducted by Al-Deen and Hendricks (2018), they found that social media can be an effective tool for dakwah as it allows for a wider reach and engagement with the audience.
      • They also emphasized the importance of using a humanistic approach in dakwah, which involves empathy, respect, and understanding towards the audience. Another study by Al-Attas and Al-Maghrabi (2019) highlights the role of social media influencers in dakwah.
      • They found that influencers who use their platforms to promote Islamic values and teachings can have a significant impact on their followers.

      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: YES, it has a connection betwen main paragraf and supporting sentence. Supporting sentence explain the main idea.

      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer: Both studies emphasize the importance of humanizing dakwah and using a compassionate approach towards the audience. By doing so, we can effectively convey the message of Islam and inspire positive change in society.

      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer : YES, i think the concluding sentence is explaining more about supporting sentence than main idea. But, it still has correlation between main idea and concluding sentence although just a little

      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      Dakwah in Islam is the act of conveying the message of Allah to others. There are various ways to perform dakwah, and social media has become a popular platform for it. In a study conducted by Al-Deen and Hendricks (2018), they found that social media can be an effective tool for dakwah as it allows for a wider reach and engagement with the audience. They also emphasized the importance of using a humanistic approach in dakwah, which involves empathy, respect, and understanding towards the audience. Another study by Al-Attas and Al-Maghrabi (2019) highlights the role of social media influencers in dakwah. They found that influencers who use their platforms to promote Islamic values and teachings can have a significant impact on their followers. Both studies emphasize the importance of humanizing dakwah and using a compassionate approach towards the audience. By doing so, we can effectively convey the message of Islam and inspire positive change in society.

      (Zidane Ahmad_0008_08.40)

    7. Name: Muhamad Ichsan Al Fauzi
      NIM: 23030220032
      1. What is the Main idea?
      Islamic contents that easy found in social media can give a big impact.
      2. Supporting sentence
      Recently our social media are booming with supporting Palestine. It is also a good Islamic content. The contents are contained how much suffering the Muslim of Palestinians endure from the oppression of Israel. Furthermore, it also justifies the mindset that helping Palestine doesn't mean promoting the end of days but, in fact, brings continuous rewards for everyone. In that content many people are show their support by words, statements, songs, donation and many others which they post on many platform in social media as a form of humanity.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Yes, the supporting sentences still linked to the main idea because supporting sentences explain examples, reasons, or descriptions that support the main idea presented in the topic sentence. In this paragraph the supporting sentences are about the example, reason dan description of what the big impact of social media in our booming conflict that easy found in many contents of social media lately.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      So that Islamic contents in social media are the right way to develop the sense of humanity among us and justifies our mindset, especially fellow muslims.
      5. Are the concluding sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Yes, the concluding sentences still linked to the main idea. Because the concluding sentence serves to summarize about that overall text, and of course, the concluding sentence in this paragraph has also presented the points in each of the points of information reviewed in the supporting sentences.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences don't match with the main idea!
      Islamic contents that easy found in social media can give a big impact. Recently our social media are booming with supporting Palestine. It is also a good Islamic content. The contents are contained how much suffering the Muslim of Palestinians endure from the oppression of Israel. Furthermore, that Islamic content in social media also justifies the mindset that helping Palestine doesn't mean promoting the end of days but, in fact, brings continuous rewards for everyone. In that content many people are show their support by words, statements, songs, donation and many others which they post on many platform in social media as a form of humanity. So that it can be concluded that Islamic contents in social media are the right way to develop the sense of humanity among us and justifies our mindset, especially fellow muslims.
      (Muhamad Ichsan Al fauzi _032_08.40)

    8. Anggi Galih Zamzani
      23030220036/3B TBI
      PBW: Friday, November 17th, 2023 (08.40)
      Self-development is pivotal for academic success, serving as a catalyst for personal and educational growth. It empowers students to set and pursue goals, enhancing motivation, commitment, and crucial skills like time management, self-discipline, and self-awareness. Beyond academics, self-development equips students with resilience and adaptability, preparing them for the broader challenges of life. In essence, it is not just a complement to academics but a fundamental driver shaping well-rounded individuals ready to navigate their educational paths and beyond.
      1.What is the main idea?
      Answer:Self-development in student academic
      2. What are the Supporting Sentence?
      Answer: Self-development plays a crucial role in enhancing students' academic performance as it empowers individuals to set and achieve their educational goals (Smith et al., 2018). According to a study by Johnson and Brown (2019), students who actively engage in self-development activities demonstrate improved time management skills, leading to better academic outcomes. A study by Taylor and Clark (2018) in the Journal of Educational Psychology indicates that students who actively pursue self-development opportunities show higher levels of self-discipline, contributing to sustained academic success. The Journal of Research in Personality states that self-development initiatives correlate with increased self-awareness, empowering students to leverage their strengths and address areas that need improvement in their academic endeavors (Morris & Turner, 2022).
      3.Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer:Yes, the supporting sentences provided are linked to the main idea of self-development in student academics. Each supporting sentence further elaborates on the importance of self-development in enhancing students' academic performance. They provide additional evidence and perspectives, reinforcing the idea that self-development positively influences various aspects of students' educational journeys.
      4. What is the concluding Sentence?
      Answer: In conclusion, the collective evidence from various studies underscores the pivotal role of self-development in students' academic journeys. By empowering individuals to set and achieve educational goals, improving time management skills, fostering selfdiscipline, and enhancing self-awareness, self-development becomes a catalyst for sustained academic success (Smith et al., 2018; Johnson & Brown, 2019; Taylor & Clark, 2018; Morris & Turner, 2022).
      5.Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea. It summarizes the key points from the supporting sentences and reinforces the overarching theme of the importance of self-development in students' academic endeavors. The concluding sentence emphasizes how self-development acts as a catalyst for sustained academic success by empowering individuals in various aspects of their educational journey.
      6.Please revise, if you think that the sentences don't match with the main idea!
      Answer: The main idea emphasizes the crucial role of self-development in student academics, and the supporting sentences provide evidence of its positive impact on academic performance. The concluding sentence appropriately ties together the key points from the supporting sentences, reaffirming the significance of self-development as a catalyst for sustained academic success. Therefore, no revisions are necessary as the sentences align well with the main idea.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Paragrapgh :

      Bullying without " awareness".
      Bullying without" awareness", also known as "passive bullying" or "indirect bullying," is a form of harmful behavior or harassment towards someone without them being directly aware of it. It involves actions that are more hidden or indirect than physical actions or harsh words. Bullying without " awareness"is often more difficult to identify and may affect victims without them being aware of the source of the abuse. This can be detrimental to the victim's mental and emotional well-being.There are many factors that can make someone do bullying without awareness, one of which is like a habit, if they (the bullies) are used to doing harmful things without realizing it and causing them to also not be fully aware when they are bullying. In conclusion, bullying carried out with awareness or without awareness will both have a traumatizing effect on the victims, and the bad habits of the perpetrators can trigger a lot of bullying without awareness.

      1. What is the Main Idea ?
      Answer : Bullying without " awareness"

      2. What are the supporting sentence?
      Answer : -Bullying without" awareness", also known as "passive bullying" or "indirect bullying," is a form of harmful behavior or harassment towards someone without them being directly aware of it.
      - It involves actions that are more hidden or indirect than physical actions or harsh words. Bullying without " awareness"is often more difficult to identify and may affect victims without them being aware of the source of the abuse. This can be detrimental to the victim's mental and emotional well-being.There are many factors that can make someone do bullying without awareness, one of which is like a habit, if they (the bullies) are used to doing harmful things without realizing it and causing them to also not be fully aware when they are bullying.

      3. Are the supporting sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer : Yes, because in the supporting sentence I explain more clearly about the reason for the occurrence and the example as well as the description of the main idea.

      4. What is the Concluding sentence?
      Answer : In conclusion, bullying carried out with awareness or without awareness will both have a traumatizing effect on the victims, and the bad habits of the perpetrators can trigger a lot of bullying without awareness.

      5. Is the Concluding sentence LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer : Yes ,the Concluding sentence are still linked to the main idea.

      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      Answer : I think my paragraph already linked to the main idea.

      ( Ambarwati _0072_08.40 )

    12. Last paragraph in my mid-term task:
      Gamelan itself is a traditional musical instrument that is often found in various parts of Indonesia, such as Java, Bali, Madura and Lombok. The term gamelan Java generally refers to gamelan in Central Java. The musical instrument is believed to have existed in Java since 404 AD. It can be seen from the depictions of the past in the relief of the Borobudur and Prambanan temple. UNESCO states that gamelan's philosophy is more than a performance. Gamelan also serves as a means of cultural expression as well as building connections between humans and the universe. UNESCO also considers that orchestral gamelan teaches the values of respect, love and care for each other. In conclusion, outside there are many other Indonesian cultural heritage that is ready to be known by the world. Therefore, do not let those cultures be forgotten and disappear without being inherited.

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      = Gamelan is a traditional music ensemble in Indonesia.
      2. What are the supporting sentence?
      = The term gamelan Java generally refers to gamelan in Central Java. The musical instrument is believed to have existed in Java since 404 AD. It can be seen from the depictions of the past in the relief of the Borobudur and Prambanan temple. UNESCO states that gamelan's philosophy is more than a performance. Gamelan also serves as a means of cultural expression as well as building connections between humans and the universe. UNESCO also considers that orchestral gamelan teaches the values of respect, love and care for each other.
      3. Are the sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      = Yes, the sentence includes/is related to the main idea. Because, these sentences are supporting sentences in the main idea. This sentence concerns the meaning, reasons and examples in gamelan is a traditional music ensemble in Indonesia.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      = In conclusion, outside there are many other Indonesian cultural heritage that is ready to be known by the world. Therefore, do not let those cultures be forgotten and disappear without being inherited.
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      = Yes, the closing sentence is still included in the main idea, but not completely included. Because, that sentence explains the importance of protecting and developing and even introducing our culture to the whole world. Not yet providing a closing sentence regarding gamelan is a traditional music ensemble in Indonesia.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      = Gamelan itself is a traditional musical instrument that is often found in various parts of Indonesia, such as Java, Bali, Madura and Lombok. The term gamelan Java generally refers to gamelan in Central Java. The musical instrument is believed to have existed in Java since 404 AD. It can be seen from the depictions of the past in the relief of the Borobudur and Prambanan temple. UNESCO states that gamelan's philosophy is more than a performance. Gamelan also serves as a means of cultural expression as well as building connections between humans and the universe. UNESCO also considers that orchestral gamelan teaches the values of respect, love and care for each other. In conclusion, Gamelan is one of Indonesia's heritages, which still exists today. For that reason, let us as young people and the nation's successors introduce this culture to the world with its beautiful sounds, shapes of musical instruments and melodies and outside there are many other Indonesian cultural heritage that is ready to be known by the world. Therefore, do not let those cultures be forgotten and disappear without being inherited.

      (Derryn Kurnia Ramadani_066_08.40)

    13. 1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Answer : The history and symbol of fertility blessings.

      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      Answer : Supporting sentences:
      Gambyong dance is not only a physical movement or performance, but also an expression of history, identity, and cultural heritage. The strong history in the cultural tradition of Gambyong dance refers to the close value it has with the history, norms, and cultural values of the Surakarta community, such as its role in traditional ceremonies or rituals (1). History and culture also influence the development of Gambyong dance which is thick with Javanese culture. Local cultural influences, such as folklore, mythology, and social norms, are closely linked to the development of this dance. By maintaining strong Javanese cultural values, Gambyong dance can be a physical performance, as well as a cultural heritage that enriches the identity and cultural expression of Javanese people (2).

      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer : Yes, the supporting sentences is still linked to the main idea. Because in the paragraph that I write is still included in the history and symbol of the gambyong dance that I write as the main idea. But there are some points missing.

      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer : In conclusion, gambyong dance reflects the historical values, identity and cultural heritage of Javanese society. The influence of Javanese culture and local culture can affect the development of this dance. Gambyong dance can also be a cultural heritage that enriches the nation's identity.
      In my concluding sentence contains about the history, symbol, costume, expression, and culture about the gambyong dance.

      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer : 5. Yes, in my opinion the concluding sentence is still linked to main idea because still explained about history and the symbol of the gambyong dance.

      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main
      Answer : Gambyong dance is not only a physical movement or performance, but also an expression of history, identity, and cultural heritage. The strong history in the cultural tradition of Gambyong dance refers to the close value it has with the history, norms, and cultural values of the Surakarta community, such as its role in traditional ceremonies or rituals (1). History and culture also influence the development of Gambyong dance which is thick with Javanese culture. Local cultural influences, such as folklore, mythology, and social norms, are closely linked to the development of this dance. By maintaining strong Javanese cultural values, Gambyong dance can be a physical performance, as well as a cultural heritage that enriches the identity and cultural expression of Javanese people (2). In Javanese society, Gambyong dance has a historical symbol as a tribute to Dewi Sri, who in the mythological side of Javanese belief is considered the goddess of rice and fertility. Dance movements reflect the beauty of swinging rice plants. Costumes and accessories feature natural elements. This dance reflects the Javanese community's relationship with nature and the agricultural cycle, as well as gratitude for Dewi Sri's blessings (3).

      (Ayudya Panca Inggitasukma _060_08.40)

    14. (a) The Role of Human Activities in Forest Fires
      (b) Human activities play a pivotal role in the occurrence of forest fires. (c) Forest fires, often exacerbated by human actions, pose a significant threat to ecosystems and human well-being. Some common human-induced factors include careless campfires, discarded cigarettes, and arson. These fires can devastate vast areas of forests, leading to a loss of biodiversity and long-term ecological damage. In addition, they have adverse effects on human life by degrading air quality, causing health issues, and and contributing to global climate change . Forest fires are a global concern, and understanding the human element is essential to addressing this issue. (d) In conclusion, the human element in forest fires cannot be overlooked. Addressing the root causes of these fires, such as promoting responsible behavior and conservation efforts, is crucial to mitigate the risks associated with forest fires and ensure the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Answer: The main idea is the Role of Human Activities in Forest Fires.
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      Answer: The supporting sentences encompass the crucial role of human activities in the occurrence of forest fires, common human-induced factors that exacerbate forest fires, and the serious impact of forest fires on ecosystems and human well-being.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still linked to the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the supporting sentences are still RELATED to the main idea, as they provide information explaining why the role of human activities is important in forest fires and its impact on ecosystems and human well-being.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer: The concluding sentence is "In conclusion, the human element in forest fires cannot be overlooked. Addressing the root causes of these fires, such as promoting responsible behavior and conservation efforts, is crucial to mitigate the risks associated with forest fires and ensure the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants."
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the concluding sentence is still RELATED to the main idea, as it summarizes the importance of the human element in forest fires and emphasizes the need to address the root causes.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      Answer: No revision is needed as the sentences are already in line with their main points.


    15. Khansa'atul Mardhiyyah

      Causes of forest fire in Indonesia. Human negligence, lack awareness of forest diversity, and extreme weather are the causes of forest fire in Indonesia. One example of human activities that causes forest fire is the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture. This is considered a cheap way to clear land. However, they often do not consider the long-term impact of this action on forest ecosystem. Not only human factors, extreme weather also play a role in increasing the risk of forest fire in Indonesia. The long dry season makes forests dry and vulnerable to sparks. Therefore, in situasions like this awareness of forest diversity is very necessary. The government and society need to work together to overcome this problem

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Causes of forest fire in Indonesia
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      • Human negligence and lack of awareness of forest diversity are the reasons behind forest fires in Indonesia.
      • One example of intentional human activities causes forest fire in Indonesia is is the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture.
      • Extreme weather, such as a long dry season, can increase the risk of forest fires.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Yes, the supporting sentences still linked to the main idea because the supporting sentences explain about the main idea.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Therefore, in situasions like this awareness of forest diversity is very necessary. The government and society need to work together to overcome this problem
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      The main idea discusses the causes of forest fires in Indonesia, then in the closing section contains the need for collaboration between the government and the community to overcome the causes of forest fires in Indonesia. I Think there is still a connection between the main idea and the concluding sentence, but I think it’s still lacking.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      Causes of forest fire in Indonesia. Human negligence, lack awareness of forest diversity, and extreme weather are the causes of forest fire in Indonesia. One example of human activities that causes forest fire is the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture. This is considered a cheap way to clear land. However, they often do not consider the long-term impact of this action on forest ecosystem. Not only human factors, extreme weather also play a role in increasing the risk of forest fire in Indonesia. The long dry season makes forests dry and vulnerable to sparks. It can be concluded that, not only human factors are the cause of forest fire in Indonesia, but natural factors can also cause forest fire.

    16. Paragraph :
      Changes in diversity that occur In gambyong dance costumes over time. As Gambyong Dance costumes develop, many changes may occur. Some people pay little attention to the authenticity of identity regarding the patterns found on gambyong dance costumes. Therefore, Gambyong dance costumes continue to undergo innovation depending on the demand of people who want to perform this dance performance. Several new dances have also been produced from Gambyong, each type of Gambyong dance has differences in terms of costumes. including Gambyong Ayun-Ayun, Gambyong Gambirsawit, Gambyong Sala Minulya, Gambyong Mudhatama, Gambyong Dewandaru, and Gambyong Campursari. Even though it has experienced various developments and innovations, the uniqueness of Gambyong dance costumes is still maintained and Gambyong dance is still maintained as a tradition and culture of Java.

      1. What is the Main Idea?
      Answer : Changes in gambyong dance costumes over time.

      2. What are the supporting sentence?
      Answer : As Gambyong Dance costumes develop, many changes may occur. Some people pay little attention to the authenticity of identity regarding the patterns found on gambyong dance costumes. Therefore, Gambyong dance costumes continue to undergo innovation depending on the demand of people who want to perform this dance performance. Several new dances have also been produced from Gambyong, each type of Gambyong dance has differences in terms of costumes. including Gambyong Ayun-Ayun, Gambyong Gambirsawit, Gambyong Sala Minulya, Gambyong Mudhatama, Gambyong Dewandaru, and Gambyong Campursari.

      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer : Yes, the supporting sentences are still linked to the main idea. Because in the supporting sentences that I wrote already contain description, reason and example. But there are some sentences that are not complete and there is an inappropriate choice of words.

      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer : Even though it has experienced various developments and innovations, the uniqueness of Gambyong dance costumes is still maintained and Gambyong dance is still maintained as a tradition and culture of Java.

      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer : Yes, It is still linked to the main idea. Because in the concluding sentence contains the complete meaning, the message is easy to understand, and it is still related to the main idea and supporting sentences.

      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences don't match with the main idea!
      Answer : (a) The uniqueness of Gambyong dance costumes In modern era. (b) The uniqueness of the Gambyong dance costume in the modern era is experiencing design developments. (c) In this modern era, the development of costumes in traditional dance has undergone several differences. With the evolution of Gambyong dance costumes, many changes have occurred because nowadays the dance is presented in a more modern way according to the needs of society, giving rise to creative dance costume designs. There are differences in Gambyong dance costumes presented in the past, inside the Temple, and outside the Temple/in the current modern era. First, Gambyong dancers in the Mangkunegaran Temple area wear wiron fabric, green mekak, gendalagiri with yellow sampur, and jamang. On the other hand, for modern era Gambyong dance costumes, dancers use wiron, kembe, plain sampur, and a bun with free costume colors. (d) In conclusion, despite experiencing various developments and innovations, the uniqueness of Gambyong dance costumes is still preserved, maintaining the distinctive characteristics of Gambyong dance as a Javanese tradition and culture.

      (Tutik Fadila_063_08.40)

    17. Paragraph:
      Ondel-ondel is a form of Betawi performing arts.
      Ondel-ondel is a form of Betawi performing arts that is often performed at people's parties. Ondel-ondel is a large puppet figure that is believed to have supernatural powers. Due to the size of ondel-ondel puppets, they must be constructed in such a way that they can be easily carried by one person. Woven bamboo is used to build the ondel-ondel's hollow shell, the faces are lovingly carved from wood, and the hair is gently prepared from dried palm tree leaves. The bamboo structure that makes up their bulk is carefully clothed in bright garments, often those specific to the Betawi tradition. Ondel-ondel is an important part of Betawi culture and is a popular form of entertainment at social gatherings. Overall, ondel-ondel is an icon of Jakarta and is utilized for livening up festivals or for welcoming guests of honor, usually in pairs. Ondel-ondel is one of a few Indonesian folk performances that has survived modernization and is still being regularly performed

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      = The Main Idea is Ondel-ondel is a form of Betawi performing arts.
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      = Ondel-ondel is a form of Betawi performing arts that is often performed at people's parties. Ondel-ondel is a large puppet figure that is believed to have supernatural powers.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      = Yes, because it explains that ondel ondel is a typical Betawi art that is performed at public parties and is sacred because it is believed to have supernatural powers.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      = Overall, Ondel-ondel is an important part of Betawi culture and is a popular form of entertainment at social gatherings.
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      = Yes, because the closing sentence explains that ondel ondel is an important part of West Javanese arts and is a popular form of entertainment among the people.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      = I think the sentence fits the main idea because the paragraph has explained in detail about ondel - ondel.

      (Ardhian Tegar M _23030220062_TBI 3B_08.40-10.20)

    18. Paragraph:
      Why moral decrease can be affect by their parents. Parents often shape their children's moral development through their teachings, behaviors, and the environment they create within the family. For instance, when parents consistently demonstrate honesty, kindness, and respect for others, their children are more likely to adopt these values and exhibit them in their own behavioral. The reason behind this influence is that children look up to their parents as role models, and the family environment plays a crucial role in instilling moral values and ethical standards in young individuals.
      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Answer: Why moral decrease can be affect by their parents.
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      Answer:Parents often shape their children's moral development through their teachings, behaviors, and the environment they create within the family. For instance, when parents consistently demonstrate honesty, kindness, and respect for others, their children are more likely to adopt these values and exhibit them in their own behavioral. The reason behind this influence is that children look up to their parents as role models, and the family environment plays a crucial role in instilling moral values and ethical standards in young individuals.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea. They provide specific examples and explanations that reinforce the notion that parents significantly influence their children's moral development through teachings, behaviors, and the family environment. The sentences explain how parental actions and the family atmosphere shape the values and behaviors of children.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer: In Conclusion,parental influence, encompassing teachings, behaviors, and the family environment, profoundly impacts the moral development of children.
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea. It summarizes and reinforces the central theme that parental influence, including teachings, behaviors, and the family environment, has a profound impact on the moral development of children. It serves to emphasize and solidify the key message of the paragraph.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      (Ikmal Atammal Khuluq_23030220071_TBI3B_8.40)

  2. Sofya Nadya Salma Arifin

    (a) The solutions that women have the same rights as men.
    (b) There are solutions for women to have the same rights as men, namely by providing a place to learn about leadership. (c) General Chairperson of the Indonesian Women's Congress (KOWANI), Giwo Rubianto (KPPA, 2020) said KOWANI will continue to make various efforts, one of which is socialization related to increasing women's leadership capacity to play an active role in development. Leadership learning such as through socialization can equip women in their leadership and realize the importance of growing their interest in fighting for the right to lead.
    (d) With this socialization about women's leadership, it is hoped that Indonesian women and their next generation will be aware, capable, and courageous in fighting for their right to leadership. Because of the advantage that women have, namely being able to bring their own perspective and characteristics to the organization, so that their presence is able to enrich pluralism in the organization and leadership, it would be a shame if this was not developed.

    1. There are two solutions for women to have the same rights as men, namely by providing a place to learn about leadership. Rubianto in KPPA (2020) said the Indonesian Women's Congress (KOWANI) will continue to make various efforts, one of which is socialization related to increasing women's leadership capacity to play an active role in development. Next, leadership learning such as through socialization can equip women in their leadership and realize the importance of growing their interest in fighting for the right to lead. Therefore, it is hoped that Indonesian women and their next generation will be aware, capable, and courageous in fighting for their right to leadership. They will bring their own perspective and characteristics to the organization, so that they can enrich pluralism in the organization and leadership, it would be a shame if this was not developed.

    2. Name: Winda Lita Sari
      NIM: 23030220007
      PBW: Friday, November 17 2023 (08.40)

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Answer: The power of love is the way to get success
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      Answer: Love can inspire someone by providing deep motivation to achieve goals, bringing feelings of happiness, and encouraging them to do good to thers. Because, love is often associated with unity and understanding among strong emotional bonds that connect people despite their distinction. An example is that love can be a source of inspiration for families in creating happiness that touches their hearts through loving relationships, support and closeness among family members.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED To the main idea?
      Answers: Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea. They provide specific reasons and examples to illustrate how the power of love can lead to success. The sentences discuss how love can inspire motivation, bring happiness, and encourage positive actions. The example about families further reinforces the connection between love and success by highlighting the positive impact of loving relationships within a family context.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer: the conclusion is, successful motivation, bridging differences, effective Communications, and emotional inspiration are all interwined with affectionate support and closeness, forming the foundation of meaningfull and fullfiling human relationships.
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED To the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the concluding sentence is still linked to the main idea. It summarizes how successful motivation, bridging differences, effective communication, and emotional inspiration are interconnected with affectionate support and closeness, all of which are aspects of the power of love. This reinforces the idea that love plays a crucial role in achieving success, both in personal relationships and broader aspects of life.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences dont match with the main idea!
      Answer: Love, particularly within the family, is the cornerstone of success. It possesses the transformative power to inspire profound motivation, fostering happiness and prompting altruistic actions. This emotional force is closely linked to unity and understanding, transcending differences and nurturing strong bonds between individuals. For instance, families draw inspiration from love, creating a profound sense of joy through supportive relationships and closeness among members. Success, motivation, effective communication, and emotional inspiration are intricately interwoven with the affectionate support and closeness found in loving relationships.

    3. Name : Dhea Alifiani Anindyawati
      NIM : 23030220006

      Love's power as a support system, especially within the embrace of family's love, can provide individuals with the psychological strength needed to overcome obstacles and ultimately lead them to the path of success.
      When facing challenges, the knowledge that one is loved and supported by their family acts as a source of motivation. This encouragement can drive individuals to persevere, even when the going gets tough. Moreover, the emotional stability nurtured by family love helps individuals maintain a positive outlook, making it easier to tackle life's hurdles with resilience.
      In sum, the power of love, especially when it comes from family, is a potent force that bolsters individuals with the strength, motivation, and emotional stability needed to overcome adversity and embark on a journey towards success.
      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Answer: Love is the way to get success
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      Answer: When facing challenges, the knowledge that one is loved and supported by their family acts as a source of motivation. This encouragement can drive individuals to persevere, even when the going gets tough. Moreover, the emotional stability nurtured by family love helps individuals maintain a positive outlook, making it easier to tackle life's hurdles with resilience.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the supporting sentences are closely linked to the main idea, reinforcing the role of family love in supplying the psychological strength necessary for success. The supporting sentences highlight how family love serves as a source of motivation during challenges, driving individuals to persevere and how it nurtures emotional stability, facilitating a positive outlook that aids in tackling life's hurdles with resilience.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer: In sum, the power of love, especially when it comes from family, is a potent force that bolsters individuals with the strength, motivation, and emotional stability needed to overcome adversity and embark on a journey towards success.
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer : Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea, summarizing how family love contributes to the psychological attributes needed for success. The concluding sentence emphasizes that the power of love, particularly from family, is a potent force that provides individuals with the essential strength, motivation, and emotional stability to overcome adversity and pursue success.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      Love's power as a support system, especially within the embrace of family's love, can provide individuals with the psychological strength needed to overcome obstacles and ultimately lead them to the path of success.
      When facing challenges, the knowledge that one is loved and supported by their family acts as a source of motivation. This encouragement can drive individuals to persevere, even when the going gets tough. Moreover, the emotional stability nurtured by family love helps individuals maintain a positive outlook, making it easier to tackle life's hurdles with resilience.
      In sum, the power of love, especially when it comes from family, is a potent force that bolsters individuals with the strength, motivation, and emotional stability needed to overcome adversity and embark on a journey towards success.
      The paragraphs are well-aligned, and the sentences effectively convey the interconnectedness between family love and the psychological support required for success. No revision is necessary.
      (Dhea Alifiani A_006_08.40)

    4. Paragraph:
      (a) The function of gambyong dance.
      (b) Gambyong dance is role as a traditional Javanese dance form that embodies cultural and artistic expressions, often performed during significant events and celebrations in Java, Indonesia.
      (c) _First_, Gambyong dance has several functions, one of which is as a means of entertainment. Gambyong dance will be staged or performed when there is a state birthday, a wedding party or at the staging of a competition event. That way, the audience who see Gambyong dance will be entertained and the event becomes more crowded. _Second_ Gambyong dance functions as a ceremonial tool. There are two kinds of ceremonies involving dance, namely ceremonies that are sacred or religious in nature, and traditional ceremonies. In its implementation, dance also plays a role as a complement or media in it.
      (d) In conclusion, Gambyong dance is not just a regional dance, but has many functions in Indonesian culture. Therefore, it is our duty to continue to preserve this dance so that it will not be forgotten by the next generation.

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Gambyong dance is role as a traditional Javanese dance form that embodies cultural and artistic expressions, often performed during significant events and celebrations in Java, Indonesia.
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      a.Gambyong dance has several functions, one of which is as a means of entertainment. Gambyong dance will be staged or performed when there is a state birthday, a wedding party or at the staging of a competition event. That way, the audience who see Gambyong dance will be entertained and the event becomes more crowded.
      b.Gambyong dance functions as a ceremonial tool. There are two kinds of ceremonies involving dance, namely ceremonies that are sacred or religious in nature, and traditional ceremonies. In its implementation, dance also plays a role as a complement or media in it.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Yes, the idea of Gambyong dance serving more than one function in Indonesia's culture is reinforced by both supporting sentences.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Gambyong dance is not just a regional dance, but has many functions in Indonesian culture. Therefore, it is our duty to continue to preserve this dance so that it will not be forgotten by the next generation.
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Yes, the concluding sentence is a reminder of how important it is to maintain this dance so that its cultural heritage lasts.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      (a) The function of gambyong dance
      (b) The multifunctionality and cultural relevance of Gambyong dance in Indonesia's culture.
      (c)First, the dance serves as entertainment during various celebrations, contributing to the liveliness of events.Second, it plays a pivotal role in both sacred and traditional ceremonies, acting as a vital ceremonial component. (d) In conclusion the importance of preserving the Gambyong dance for future generations due to its rich cultural significance.

      (Nadaa Nailussa'dah_068_08.40)

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Paragraph
      (a) Characteristics of ondel-ondel.
      (b) Ondel-ondel is one of the traditional Indonesian art forms from Betawi that captivates attention with its unique characteristics. (c) Ondel-ondel are usually dressed in traditional clothing. Ondel-ondel are made from simple materials such as bamboo, cloth and paint and decorated with traditional ornaments. They are shaped like giant human puppets with expressive faces, displaying the signature expression of the artist who created them. The clothes worn by ondel-ondels are also distinctive, with brightly colored long shirts and gold accents, and sarongs tied in a distinctive way. But not a few children are afraid of ondel-ondel. Children may be afraid of ondel-ondel because of its large and creepy physical characteristics. The ondel-ondel's expressive face, often looking threatening or scary, can strike fear in children who have vivid imaginations. In addition, the loud noise or rumbling produced by the ondel-ondel when it moves or is hit by its handler can also add to the fear. (d) Characteristic of the ondel-ondel, the ondel-ondel represents Betawi culture and inspires appreciation of Indonesian traditional arts, although children are often frightened by the frightening appearance of the ondel-ondel.

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Answer: The main idea is that ondel-ondel, a traditional Indonesian art form from Betawi, has unique characteristics.
      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      Answer: Ondel-ondel is described as a traditional Indonesian art form made from simple materials like bamboo, cloth, and paint, with distinctive clothing and traditional ornaments.
      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea by providing details about the characteristics of ondel-ondel and explaining why children might be afraid of them.
      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      Answer:The concluding sentence is: "Although children are often frightened by the frightening appearance of the ondel-ondel."
      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the concluding sentence reinforces the main idea by reiterating that children's fear is associated with the frightening appearance of ondel-ondel.
      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      Answer:I think I may consider combining the supporting sentences (b and c) to improve flow and clarity, ensuring a smoother transition between characteristics and their impact on children's perceptions.

      (Katrine Ananda Sardiyosa_059_08.40)

    7. Kuda Lumping is very Popular in Java.

      Many people like this art because it is very interesting. The amazed audience is certainly invited by this combination of the real world and the supernatural, because various attractions in the Kuda Lumping are carried out even though they seem to be beyond conscious human ability. Usually, the Kuda Lumping tradition appears at various public and special events, such as holiday celebrations, wedding parties, and other moments. According to pelajarindo, if the dancers start showing the attractions of eating glass, eating hot coals, jumping into burning coals, and even walking on over broken glass, that's when a phase with supernatural powers appears. What's more unique is that they will dance in a trance.
      Kuda Lumping displays many attractions that attract many spectators. Beautiful dances and the team's solidarity make Kuda Lumping a crowd of spectators. In this art there are values and teaching about historical events in ancient times. Kuda Lumping is served with beautiful gamelan accompaniment, making this art very entertaining for the public.
      In Java, especially, there are still many young people who are aware of the importance of preserving this culture, many young people are taking part in preserving this culture. The Kuda Lumping dance can be said to be one of the typical Indonesian dances which is quite well known by the Indonesian people, especially the Javanese people. When seeing this dance, the audience will be amazed by the dancer's ability to carry out various movements.l

      1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
      Kuda Lumping is very Popular in Java.

      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      The supporting sentences describe the various attractions of Kuda Lumping, including the use of trances and magic tricks, and the fact that it is often performed at public and special events.

      3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea, as they provide more detail about the popularity and cultural significance of Kuda Lumping.

      4. What is the concluding sentence?
      The concluding sentence is not explicitly stated, but it could be inferred as a call to action to continue preserving this important cultural tradition.

      5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
      Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea, as it reinforces the importance of preserving this cultural tradition.

      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      I think my paragraph already linked to the mean idea.
      (Ema Widia Ningrum_054_08.40).

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Zulfa Nur Fatati (KKI-23030210036)

    a). Mental health problems if not consulted

    (b). To dr. Fadhli Rizal Mukarim(2020) mental health disorders can be dangerous if it's untreated.

    (c). The Dangerous Impact of Schizophrenia. It is a mental disorder that occurs in the long term. It's makes sufferers experience delusions, hallucinations, confusion in thinking, isolate themselves from others, to experience changes in behavior. If it's untreated, schizophrenia can lead to aggressive behavior, depression, suicide attempts, social isolation, to alcohol or drug abuse. According to the World Health Organization, people with schizophrenia have a 2-3 times higher risk of dying early than those who do not have it. In addition, there is no cure for schizophrenia completely. However, there are therapies in the form of psychosocial treatments or effective rehabilitation so that people with schizophrenia have productive, successful, and independent lives.

    (d) What needs to be underlined is that schizophrenia can harm psychologically and physically can even cause death, if not handled properly. Therefore, someone who has a schizophrenia needs to consult mental health and get professional help to overcome the problems they face.

    1. According to dr. Mukarim (2020), mental health disorders can be dangerous if it is untreated. The dangerous Impact of Schizophrenia-a mental disorder that occurs in the long term, makes sufferers experience delusions, hallucinations, confusion in thinking, isolate themselves from others, to experience changes in behavior. If it is untreated, Schizophrenia can lead to aggressive behavior, depression, suicide attempts, social isolation, to alcohol or drug abuse. According to the WHO, people with Schizophrenia have a 2-3 times higher risk of dying earlier than those who do not have it. In addition, there is no cure for schizophrenia completely. However, there are therapies in the form of psycho-social treatments or effective rehabilitation so that people with Schizophrenia have productive, successful, and independent lives. What needs to be underlined is that Schizophrenia can harm psychologically and physically, even it causes death, if it is not handled properly. Therefore, someone who has a Schizophrenia needs to consult the mental health and get professional help to overcome the problems they face.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Paragraph:
      (a) The effects of bullying on student's academic and social life
      (b) Bullying has negative impacts on student's academic and social life. (c) In academic life (students may have difficulty concentrating, leading to poor academic performance, feeling irritable and constantly alert to their surroundings, which can cause anxiety and eventually depression, which can leave students vulnerable in school. During school time, forcing children to miss school, which can affect their studies and their future.). And it also has impact in someone's social life (social isolation, low self-esteem and lack of confidence, and difficulty to form a postive relationship). (d) In conclusion, bullying has a lot of negative impacts on someone's academic and social life, hence why bullying needs to be stopped.
      1. What is the Main Idea?
      Answer : Bullying has negative impacts on studen'ts academic life and social life.

      2. What are the supporting sentences?
      Answer: In academic life (students may have difficulty concentrating, leading to poor academic performance, feeling irritable and constantly alert to their surroundings, which can cause anxiety and eventually depression, which can leave students vulnerable in school. During school time, forcing children to miss school, which can affect their studies and their future). And it also has impact in someone's social life (social isolation, low self-esteem and lack of confidence, and difficulty to form a positive relationship).

      3. Are the supporting sentences still linked to the main idea?
      Answer: Yes, the supporting sentences are still linked to the main idea.

      4. What is the concluding sentences?
      Answer : In conclusion, bullying has a lot of ngative impacts on someone's academic and social life, hence why bulyying needs to be stopped.

      5. Is the concluding sentences still linked to the main idea?
      Answer : Yes, the concluding sentences are still linked to the main idea.

      6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
      Bullying has negative impacts on student's academic and social life. In academic life (students may have difficulty concentrating, leading to poor academic performance, feeling irritable and constantly alert to their surroundings, which can cause anxiety and eventually depression, which can leave students vulnerable in school. During school time, forcing children to miss school, which can affect their studies and their future.). And it also has impact in someone's social life (social isolation, low self-esteem and lack of confidence, and difficulty to form a postive relationship). In conclusion, bullying has a lot of negative impacts on someone's academic and social life, hence why bullying needs to be stopped.

      (Nafian Rahma Fitriyani_0076_08.40)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1. Parenting is something important and can shape the character of a child.
    2. Because the child can model behaviors and habits from what he sees and knows.
    3. The characteristics of a child that need to be considered and developed include problem-solving ability, creativity, empathy, and also self-confidence.
    Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution. we can introduce and educate children about problem solving with funny and unique puzzle games.
    Creativity is a skill that is used during the innovation process, in various ways to achieve success in creating something new. Train children's creativity through games are building blocks, playing with clay, and drawing.
    Emotion researchers generally define empathy as the ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling. training children's empathy can go through many things, one of which is by helping others and teaching love to give.
    Self-confidence refers to the confidence one has in certain areas of life and about believing in one's own abilities. Self-confidence is easier to build than self-esteem because it comes from knowledge and practice. Some examples of teaching self-confidence include teaching dare to apologize, dare to thank you, ask others, courtesy to parents, and so on. Therefore, parenting is needed to be an example for the child as well as help the child's development. Because from what they see, they will know and understand.
    Those play an important role for children, so they can be educated well.

  6. a) Main idea : A wide range of mental health issues
    b) There are many different conditions that are recognized as mental illnesses.
    c) “The four D’s” model is often used in psychiatry to distinguish normal from “abnormal” mental state. Mental illness, also called mental health disorders, refers to a wide range of mental health conditions — disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Examples of mental illness include depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and addictive behaviors. Many people have mental health concerns from time to time. But a mental health concern becomes a mental illness when ongoing signs and symptoms cause frequent stress and affect your ability to function. Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health disorders that can affect mood, behavior, and cognition. Multiple factors such as genetics, environment and lifestyle can influence whether someone develops a mental health condition. “The four D’s” model is often used in psychiatry to distinguish normal from “abnormal” mental state. In other words, this model makes it easier to understand characteristics of people who have a mental disorder. The four Ds stands for behaviors or thinking processes that are dangerous, dysfunctional, and can cause distress and deviation from norm (Comer, 2013). It’s the dangerous aspect that needs to be brought to attention.
    d) Because people suffering from mental illnesses can be dangerous to self or to others. In addition, they might believe that people with mental illness can overcome it by thinking more positively.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 1. Both paragraphs have been developed well and thoroughly. However, the ineffectiveness is found in the second paragraph, there are words that are repeated, making it less comfortable to read. The repeated words are in the second sentence of the second paragraph :
    Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you intend to take.
    2. Improvements to the second paragraph :
    To take pictures successfully using a manual, Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you intend to take. Be sure, too, that you have set the light meter carefully to obtain correct exposure. Do not forget to check that you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film box, for instance, ISO 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure that you hold your camera firmly; you must avoid shaking the camera. If you follow the above steps, you deserve beautiful, satisfactory pictures.

    Member list :
    1. Adinda Nisaa T. (029)
    2. Orlin Sancha E. (033)
    3. Eva Rismawati (035)
    4. Irma Mafatihul Husna (037)


  9. 1.) a. Opinion from point a: This paragraph has been well developed. This statement reflects a positive opinion of Bernard and his ability to speak German. The author describes Bernard as proficient in the language and calls him a "young polyglot" (someone who is proficient in several languages). This is a positive view of Bernard's language skills.

    b. Opinion from point b: This paragraph has been well developed and its explanation is more detailed. This statement reflects an opinion on what it takes to successfully take photos with a manual SRL camera. The author emphasizes how important it is to be accurate in following certain steps before taking a picture. This can be considered a positive view of the method, as it suggests that if you follow all these steps, you will get beautiful and satisfying photos.

    2.) a. Her younger brother, Bernard, has spent many years studying in Europe, where he has become fluent in several international languages. Among these languages, German is one that Bernard has truly mastered; he can both speak and write it nearly as proficiently as native Germans. Due to his remarkable language abilities, Bernard is rightly regarded as a young polyglot.

    b. Capturing successful photographs with a manual Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires precision. Before taking a shot, ensure that you have focused on your subject, the person or thing you intend to photograph. Additionally, carefully adjust the light meter to achieve the correct exposure. Don't overlook matching the dial speed with the film speed indicated on the film box, for example, ISO 100/din 21. Furthermore, when you press the release button, maintain a steady grip on your camera to avoid any unwanted shaking. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to creating beautiful and satisfying pictures.

    Member list:
    1. Malika Dwi Puspita 23030220003
    2. Nabila Soraya 23030220004
    3. Arum Pebri Yani 23030220014
    4. Trista Ayu Farasya 23030220027

  10. Group:
    Shafira Az Zahra Buditia (23030220038)
    Syafira Damayanti Puspa Nugraha (23030220005)
    Aulya Roudlotus tsani (23030220034)
    Abdul Aziz Syahrani Yahya (23030220015)

    1. That paragraph provides irrelevant and unrelated information. The sentences "She can speak (and also write) it practically as well as Germans do" is not related to Bernard's speaking ability. That's why we need to remove that sentences to make the paragraph is easier to understand.

    The second paragraph consist of unnecessary repetition of words. The sentence "Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you intend to take". It's better if we remove some unnecessary words and shortened the sentences so that we can understand the paragraph easily.

    2. Revision of the paragraph
    a. Her younger brother, Bernard, who has studied in Europe for many years, speaks some international languages fluently. German is one of the language that Bernard has mastered really well. Because of his language ability, Bernard is considered as a young polyglot.

    b. To take pictures successfully using a manual, Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have focused on the subject. Be sure to that you have set the light meter carefully to obtain correct exposure. Do not forget to check that you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film books. For instance, ISO 100/din 21. Additionally when you press the release button, make sure that you hold your camera firmly. You must avoid shaking the camera. If you follow this steps above, you deserve beautiful, satisfactory pictures.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anggota kelompok:
    1. Qonita Nur Aeni Rahayu (002)
    2. Zahrani Karin Rizkiya Amanta (013)
    3. Alfina Eka Riayatul Kiromah (018)
    4. Fatimatuz Zahra (022)
    5. Qothrunada Fajar Anisa (026)

    a. The part about Bernard's language skills needs more details. It says he's good at German and is a young language expert, but we need to know more about the other languages he knows and why he learned them.

    b. The part about using an SRL camera is good with its step-by-step guide. But it would be even better if it had real stories or personal experiences to make it more interesting for readers.

    a. Bernard, Melisa's younger brother, has spent several years studying in Europe and has become fluent in multiple international languages. Among these languages, German stands out as one of his greatest achievements. He not only speaks it fluently but can also write it as proficiently as native Germans. Bernard's remarkable language abilities have earned him the title of a young polyglot.

    b. Achieving successful results when using a manual Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera demands precision. Before capturing an image, it is crucial to ensure that you have accurately focused on your subject, the person or object you intend to photograph. Additionally, meticulously set the light meter to achieve the correct exposure. Don't overlook the importance of matching the dial speed to the film speed indicated on the film box, such as ISO 100/din 21. Moreover, when you press the release button, firmly hold the camera to prevent any unwanted shaking. By following these steps, you will be on your way to capturing beautiful and satisfying pictures.


  15. Team:
    1. Dwi adhi pamungkas (23030220021)
    2. Muhammad Enggar G.P (23030220024)
    3. Muhammad Fattakhurrozzaaq (23030220025)
    4. Jendra Syuja Lukmana (23030220028)
    5. Kevin achmad mardani (23030220039)

    1. Opinion :
    a. The paragraph about Bernard has a lack of unity and consistency in pronoun usage. In the first sentence, Bernard is referred to as "her younger brother," but in the next sentences, there is an inconsistent shift to using "she" and "his" pronouns. This inconsistency can disrupt the flow and cohesiveness of the paragraph. Additionally, the use of parentheses in the sentence "he can speak (and also write) it practically as well as native Germans" may create imbalance or lack of unity within the paragraph.

    b. The paragraph about using a manual camera is well-developed, offering a detailed guide for successful photography. It breaks down the steps clearly, emphasizing the importance of accuracy in focusing, setting the light meter, and avoiding camera shake. Each step contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the process, making it a thorough and informative paragraph. But contains some redundancies and unnecessary repetition.

    2. To revise the less-developed paragraph
    (a) :
    Her younger brother, Bernard, who has studied in Europe for many years, speaks several international languages fluently. German is one of the languages that Bernard has mastered really well; he can both speak and write it practically as well as native Germans. Because of his language ability, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.
    To successfully capture images with a manual Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera, accuracy is essential. Before taking a shot, ensure precise focus on the intended subject. Set the light meter carefully for correct exposure, and confirm the dial speed matches the film speed such as ISO 100/din 21 indicated on the film box. Additionally, when pressing the release button, firmly hold the camera to avoid shaking. Following these steps will help you capture beautiful and satisfactory pictures.


  16. Member :
    M Fatikhurrizal (001)
    Meisa Kamalvi (012)
    Dina Listiati(020)

    Subject Paragraph Based Writing (Unity in Writing a Paragraph)

    1. The paragraph is less effective based because on writing. rules the application of puncuation in the paragraph. is not effective

    2. a. Her younger brother Bernard. Who also Europe for many years. some international languages fluently German is one of the language that Bernard has mastered really well He can speak and write it practically as well as Germans Because his language ability, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.

    b To take picture succesfully using manual Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera, requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have intend to take. Be sure too, that have set the light meter corfully to you obtain correct exposure. Do not forget to checkthat I you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed writen on the film box, for instance 150 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure that you hold your camera firmly. You must avoid shaking the camera. If you follow the above steps, you deserve beautiful satisfactory pictures.

    a- commas sentences (brother Bernard), the comas is removed
    -The addition of the word "He" in front of the sentence.
    (... speaks some international languages fluently)
    -The semicolon at the end of a sentence (mastered really well ;) Is removed.
    -The sentence can speak (and also write) is romoved

    b- The comma sign is not right, the use be reduced by one (Be sure too; that you....) -Missing word in the sentence
    (Before shooting you need make certain that you have *focused on the subject the picture of the person that picture of the to take you have focused on the cubject the person or thing that you* intend to take)

  17. Member :
    Ana Indriyani ( 23030220009)
    Aninda Esadila Saputri (23030220010)
    Eka Aprilia Cahyani (23030220011)

    Class : 3A TBI

    Subject: Paragraph Based Writing.
    (Unity in Writing a Paragraph)

    1.) The paragraph is not developed thoroughly because based on writing rules, the application of punctuation in the paragraph is less effective.

    2.) a.) Her younger brother Bernard, who has studied in Europe for many years. He speaks some international languages fluently. German is one of the language that Bernard has mastered really well. He can speak and write It practically as well as Germans. Because of his language ability, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.

    b.) To take pictures successfully using a manual Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera, requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have intend to take. Be sure too, that you have set the light meter carefully to obtain correct exposure. Do not forget to check that you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film box, For instance, ISO 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure that you hold your camera firmly. You must avoid shaking the camera. If you follow the above steps, you deserve beautiful satisfactory picture.

    Correction :

    A. )
    1. Commas in sentences (brother, Bernard), the coma is removed.

    2. The addition of the word "He" in front of the sentence.
    (... He speaks some international languages fluently).
    3. The semicolon at the end of a sentences (mastered really well;) is removed.
    4. The sentence " can speak (and (also write)" is removed.

    1. The coma sign is not right, the use of coma should be reduced by one (Be sure too, that you....).

    2. Missing word in the sentences.
    (Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have (focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you) intend to take).

  18. NAME :
    Zidane Ahmad (23030220008)
    Winda Lita Sari (23030220007)
    M Ichsan Al Fauzi (23030220032)
    Anggi Galih Zamzani (23030220036)
    Dhea Alifiani A (23030220008)


    1. A) The paragraph about Bernard lacks thorough development. While it mentions Bernard's language proficiency, it doesn't delve into how this skill impacts his life or experiences. Additional details about his experiences or the significance of being a polyglot (a person who knows and is able to use several languages) could enhance the paragraph's development.

    B) The paragraph discussing photography with a manual SRL camera is well developed. It provides clear steps and details on achieving successful photography, addressing factors like focus, exposure, and camera handling. This comprehensive approach contributes to the paragraph's thorough development.

    2. A) Her younger brother, Bernard, who has studied in Europe for many years, speaks some international languages fluently. German is one of the languages that Bernard has mastered really well; he can speak (and also write) it practically as well as Germans do. Because of his language ability, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.

    -Changed "language" to "languages" to match the plural form.
    -Corrected "she" to "he" to maintain consistency with the reference to Bernard.

    B) To take pictures successfully using a manual, Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you intend to take. Be sure, too, that you have set the light meter carefully to obtain correct exposure. Do not forget to check that you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film box, for instance, ISO 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure that you hold your camera firmly; you must avoid shaking the camera. If you follow the above steps, you deserve beautiful, satisfactory pictures.

  19. 1. a. In our opinion, the first paragraph has already developed thoroughly because it provides information about Bernard, who can speak some languages fluently, and also gives details about him mastering Germany so that he is called a young polyglot. But there is a typo in the second sentence (she can speak).
    b. The second paragraph has also already developed thoroughly. However, this paragraph still contains some unnecessary repetitive words. And the writing of this paragraph is still messy.

    2. The revision:
    a. Her younger brother, Bernard, who has studied in Europe for many years, speaks some international languages fluently. German is one of the languages that Bernard has mastered really well because he can speak and write it practically as well as the Germans do. And because of his language ability, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.
    b. To take pictures successfully using a manual, Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires accuracy. First, before shooting, you need to make sure that you have focused on the subject that you intend to take. Second, you have to ensure that you have set the light meter carefully to obtain the correct exposure. Third, do not forget to check that you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the box, for instance, ISO 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure you hold your camera firmly and avoid shaking the camera. If you follow all the steps, you deserve beautiful and satisfactory pictures.

    - Ambarwati (23030220072)
    - Alfatihah Dwi Pangestu (23030220074)
    - Nafian Rahma Fitriyani (23030220076)
    - Rukma Amala Shahada (23030220077)

  20. 1. -> a. The first paragraph is irregular and unclear in meaning. Because, the inital text is irrelecant and changes its subject.
    -> b. The second paragraph of the text is regular because during reading we come to know the purpose of the text.

    2. Correction:
    -> a. Bernard has studied in Europe for many years, so he already speaks several international languages fluently. German is one of the languages that Bernard has mastered very well, he can speak and write like a German. Because, of his abilities Bernard is considered a young polygot.
    -> b. To successfully take pictures manually can use a Single Reflext Lens (SRL) camera that requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need to ensure that your camera is focussed. On the subject such as people or objects. Make sure that you have set the light meter to get the correct exposure. Don't forget to change the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film box. For example, ISO 100/din 21. After that, when pressing the release button, make sure to hold the camera firmly and avoid camera shake. If you follow the steps above you will definitely get beautiful and satisfying images.

    - Ema Widia Ningrum (23030220054)
    - Angelia Dahniar (23030220064)
    - Derryn Kurnia Ramadani (23030220066)
    - Kaila Putri Rahmatika (23030220067)

  21. 1. a) In our opinion, the first paragraph is developed. Because the paragraph provides information about Bernard, which is fluency in international languages with focused on Germany language. It is mentioned on his study in Europe and considered a young polygot.
    b) This paragarph seems well developed, It discusses many important issues, such as film speed setup, stabilisation during photography, focusing and calibrating the light meter to achieve a correct exposure. Although the instructions are comprehensive, there are parts of them that need more fluid flow so they can be understood. Although the content overall is comprehensive, it can be improved by grouping the phases in a more logical way.

    2. a) His younger brother, Bernard, had honed his international language skills during his years in Europe. German became his most striking skill, so he could speak and write like a German. Thanks to his extraordinary language skills, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.

    b) To take pictures successfully using a manual Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires accuracy. First, before capturing, you need to ensure that you have focused on the subject, the image of the person, or object you want to take. Second, also make sure that the light meter has been carefully set so that you obtain the correct exposure. Third, do not forget to check that you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film box, for instance, ISO 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure you hold the camera firmly and avoid shaking it. By following these steps, you deserve beautiful and satisfactory pictures.

    TBI 3B
    Devi Silvia (058)
    Ayudya Panca Inggitasukma (060)
    Tutik Fadila (063)
    Nadaa Nailussa'dah (068)

  22. Unity in Writing a Paragraph)

    1. The paragraph is less effective based because on writing. rules the application of puncuation in the paragraph. is not effective

    2. a. Her younger brother Bernard. Who also Europe for many years. some international languages fluently German is one of the language that Bernard has mastered really well He can speak and write it practically as well as Germans Because his language ability, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.

    b To take picture succesfully using manual Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera, requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have intend to take. Be sure too, that have set the light meter corfully to you obtain correct exposure. Do not forget to checkthat I you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed writen on the film box, for instance 150 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure that you hold your camera firmly. You must avoid shaking the camera.

    Basically, a paragraph is unified by mutually supported sentences. The word 'unity' is synonymous with 'oneness'. All sentences in a paragraph should focus on the one thing expressed in the topic sentence; all of the sentences stick together. Unity can be achieved as long as the paragraph has a good, clear topic sentence. If not, we will find it very difficult to control the flowing-in of information. As a result, we might include irrelevant pieces of information into the paragraph we are writing.

    TBI 3A
    Aldi Saputro (030)

  23. 1. (a) In our opinion, for the first paragraph it is not developed thoroughly. Lack of adequate explanation and support for the topic sentence. The paragraph does not provide enough details or evidence to fully explain Bernard's language skills and why he is considered a young polyglot. In addition, the paragraph lacks coherence and unity, as it moves between aspects of Bernard's language ability without a clear flow of information. It also doesn't fulfill the promise of a topic sentence, leaving the reader with questions about Bernard's language proficiency.
    (b) For the second paragraph, the paragraph is reasonably developed as it provides a step-by-step guide on successfully taking pictures with a manual SRL camera. It covers aspects like focusing, setting the light meter, adjusting dial speed, and emphasizing the importance of stability when pressing the release button. However, it could benefit from more detailed explanations and examples for each step to enhance clarity and understanding for readers who may be less familiar with photography techniques.

    2. (a) His younger brother Bernard, who has studied in Europe for many years, speaks several international languages fluently. German is one of the languages that Bernard knows very well, he can speak and write like a German. Because of his language skills, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.
    (b) To take pictures successfully using a manual camera, a Single Reflex Lens (SRL) requires precision. Before shooting, you need to ensure that you have focused on the subject, person or object you want to capture. Also ensure that you have set the light meter carefully to get the right exposure. Do not forget to check that you have changed the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film box, such as ISO 100/din 21. When you press the release button, make sure that you hold the camera firmly; to avoid camera shake. If you follow the steps above, you should get beautiful and satisfying images.

    Katrine Ananda Sardiyosa (059)
    Chintya Zahrawatul Ulya (050)
    Ardhian Tegar Maulana (062)
    Wisnu Kusuma Jati (078)

  24. Rizka Aulia (043)
    Khofifatul Auliyah (057)
    Khansa'atul Mardhiyyah (069)
    Putri Diah Ayu Nurul Khamidah (073)

    1. a) The paragraph is not thoroughly developed. Although the paragraph mentions that Bernard is a young polyglot, it does not provide specific examples or additional details that support the statement that he is a polyglot or provide a deeper understanding of his language skills. Therefore, the paragraph should mention other languages he mastered as well as the process of learning them all.
    b) The paragraph discussing photography with a manual SRL camera is well developed, but it contains unnecessary repetition of words and it is better to eliminate some unnecessary words and shorten the sentences to make it easier to understand.
    2. a) Her younger brother, Bernard, who has studied in Europe for many years, speaks some international languages fluently. German is one of the languages that Bernard has mastered really well; he can speak and also write it practically as well as Germans do. Because of his language ability, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.
    - The word "language" was changed to the plural "languages".
    - Corrected the word “she” to “he” to maintain consistency in referring to Bernard.
    - Remove the brackets in the sentence "he can speak (and also write)”
    b) To take pictures successfully using a manual, Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you intend to take. Make sure that you have set the light meter carefully to obtain correct exposure. Do not forget to check that you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film box, for instance, ISO 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure that you hold your camera firmly. You must avoid shaking the camera. If you follow the above steps, you deserve beautiful and satisfactory pictures.


  25. 1. (a).This Paragraph is talking about her brother who has a name Bernard and he has studied in Europe for many years, and he can speaks some international language that bernard has learned. Bernard is considered.
    (b). The paragraph is well-developed as it provides detailed steps for successfully taking pictures with a manual Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera. It covers crucial aspects such as focusing, setting the light meter, adjusting dial speed, and emphasizing the importance of holding the camera steady. However, there's some repetition in mentioning focusing on the subject, and minor restructuring could enhance clarity. Overall, it effectively conveys the necessary steps for achieving beautiful and satisfactory pictures.
    2. (a). The error in the first text is: "German is one of the language that Bernard has mastered really well." It should be "German is one of the languages that Bernard has mastered really well."

    (b). The error in the second text is: "Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have focused on the subject..." It seems repetitive and confusing. It should be something like "Before shooting, ensure that you have focused on the subject – the person or thing you intend to capture."
    Member List:

    Rizqi Adi Pratama (23030220044)
    Muhammad Abid Al-Ghiffari (23030220053)
    Malik Maulana Ibrohim (23030220061)
    Ikmal Atammal Khuluq (23030220071)


  26. 1. a. comprehensive, because the first paragraph talks about Bernard who is fluent in several international languages. And also mention the language he is most fluent in. There was an error in writing the second sentence, it should have been Bernard instead of "He".
    b. comprehensive, however, the wording is not neat, so as a reader you don't immediately understand the meaning, and there is also a waste of words in this second paragraph.
    2. a. His younger brother, Bernard, who studied in Europe for many years, is fluent in international languages. German is one of the languages that Bernard masters. Bernard could speak and write practically as well as a German. Because of his language skills, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.
    b. To take pictures manually, a Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires precision. First, before taking a photo, make sure that you have focused on the subject you want to take. Second, make sure that you have set your light meter carefully to get the right exposure. Third, don't forget to check that you have turned the speed dial to the same as the film speed written on the box, for example ISO 100/din 21. Also, when you press the release button, make sure you hold the camera firmly and avoid shaking the camera. If you follow all the steps, you deserve beautiful and satisfying images.

    Member :
    Zahra Amalia Putri (23030220046)
    Zhafira Dionee Lalibah H (23030220047)
    Riska Vitriana (23030220049)
    Silvi Zaki Syarifiana (23030220052)
    Kunti Hamidatul Ulwiyah (23030220065)

  27. 1. In our opinion :
    a. This paragraph isn't fully developed. While it discusses Bernard's language skills, it lacks depth in explaining the significance or impact of being a young polyglot and could benefit from additional context or examples. The pronoun should use "He" because it refers to the young brother, but in the paragraph it uses "She."

    b. The paragraph is somewhat developed but could be enhanced with more details on each step of using an SRL camera. It mentions the necessary steps but could provide a clearer explanation or examples to ensure a comprehensive understanding for the reader.

    2. Here are some revised versions:

    a. Bernard, Melisa's younger brother, is a linguistically talented individual who has spent years studying in Europe. Fluent in several international languages, Bernard's proficiency in German matches that of native speakers. His remarkable linguistic abilities have earned him the title of a young polyglot, showcasing his dedication to mastering multiple languages and fostering cross-cultural communication.

    b. Capturing stunning photographs with a manual, Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera demands precision and attention to detail. Before taking a shot, meticulous focus on the subject is crucial. Ensuring the camera is properly set with the appropriate exposure through careful light meter adjustment and matching film speed to the specified ISO rating on the film box, like ISO 100/din 21, is essential. Additionally, maintaining a steady hand while pressing the release button to prevent camera shake is vital. By following these steps diligently, photographers can guarantee beautiful and satisfactory images that meet their artistic vision.

    3A TBI, 12.30:
    Afifah Khairun Nisa (016)
    Alfiah Sofiana D (017)
    Jaisya Rahma Maula (023)
    Eryska listiyaningtyas (031)

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Name : Eryska Listiyaningtyas
    NIM : 23030220031
    Class : 3A_12.30

    1. The Role of Gadgets in the Decline of Reading Interest.
    2. TikTok has a negative impact on young people's interest in reading, as young children's speaking ability can affect their reading ability. Another study showed that TikTok use has a negative effect on learning motivation among middle school students. In addition, social media, including TikTok, can cause addiction and dependence, which can reduce the time spent on reading.
    3. Yes, they are related because they discuss the negative impact of tiktok which can reduce reading interest in the younger generation.
    4. While there is no direct evidence that TikTok reduces young people's interest in reading, there is some research to suggest that the use of TikTok and social media in general can negatively affect learning motivation and can lead to addiction and dependence, which can reduce time spent reading. It is important for parents and educators to monitor social media use and encourage young people to engage in activities that promote reading and learning.
    5. Yes, I think they are related because they discuss the impact of excessive social media use.
    6. Although I think they are suitable, I think the sentence still has shortcomings, namely in the main idea, it is not specific enough.

  30. Name: Jaisya Rahma Maula
    Class: 3a TBI
    Nim: 23030220023

    Main idea: The good influence of social culture.

    Topic sentence: The good influence of social media on local in the digital era

    Supporting sentences:
    The good influence of social media on local culture can be seen in the way it helps local communities communicate and share traditions through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Many local communities now have their own social media pages to promote their culture and encourage community participation. The main reason behind this positive influence is that social media allows local cultures to stay relevant and grow in the digital era while still preserving their identity.

    Concluding sentences:
    The positive influence of social media on local culture illustrates how technology can enrich and preserve cultural heritage. In this digital era, social media has become an important tool for developing local culture globally, connecting different generations, and promoting cultural diversity.

    #Supporting Sentence still linked to the Main Idea this supporting sentence further emphasizes the main idea by elaborating on how local communities actively employ social media pages to promote their cultural identity, ensuring the ongoing positive impact of social media.

    #Concluding Sentence linked to Main Idea the concluding sentence reinforces the main idea, underscoring the essential role of social media as a tool for the global development of local culture, connecting generations, and fostering cultural diversity.

    In my opinion, my text is already cohesive and interconnected, although there might be grammar errors in the sentences I've constructed.

  31. 1. What is the main idea?
    = The popularity of Tiktok Shop reflects a broader digital trend, with e-commerce on the rise.

    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    = It's not just about shopping, it's also a shift toward digital marketing and influencer-driven sales. Users don't just buy but they actively promote products. This shift means businesses must adapt and find new ways to connect with their audience. They use social media and Tiktok Shop to collaborate with influencers.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still linked to the main idea?
    = Yes, supporting sentences are still related to the main idea because supporting sentences explain or elaborate on the main idea presented in the topic sentence. In this paragraph, the supporting sentences contain the reasons and description of why TikTok Shop is the people's choice among the many online shopping platforms.

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    = In today's fast-paced digital world, staying visible on platforms like Tiktok Shop is essential for businesses to meet the changing desires of modern consumers.

    5. Is the concluding sentence still linked to the main idea?
    = Yes, the concluding sentences still linked to the main idea. Because the concluding sentence serves to summarize about that overall text, and of course, the concluding sentence in this paragraph has also presented the points in each of the points of information reviewed in the supporting sentences.

    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences do not match with the main idea! = The popularity of TikTok Shops reflects wider digital trends, with the rise of e-commerce. This issue is not just about shopping, but also the shift from traditional marketing and sales to digital marketing and influencer-driven sales. Users don't just buy but they actively promote products. This shift means businesses must adapt and find new ways to connect with their consumers. They use social media and Tiktok Shop to collaborate with influencers. In today's fast-paced digital world, remaining visible on platforms like Tiktok Shop is essential for businesses to meet the ever-changing desires of modern consumers.

    Irma Mafatihul Husna_037_3A TBI_12.30

  32. Trista Ayu Farasya
    3A TBI/027

    1. Main idea:
    Mobility allows us to conduct research and read journals while on the go or when we are not in front of a computer.

    2. Supporting sentence:
    With the advancement of technology, we can now access research articles and journals from our mobile devices.¹ This means that we can access scholarly articles and publications from anywhere, at any time, as long as we have a mobile device and an internet connection.² Many academic journals, such as Research in Social Stratification and Mobility and Journal of Urban Mobility, are available on platforms like ScienceDirect.com and Emerald Insight, which can be accessed through mobile devices.

    3. My supporting sentence still linked to the main idea, that we can access scholary articels from anywhere.

    4. Concluding sentences
    This has made it easier for people to stay up-to-date with the latest research and findings, even when they are not in front of a computer.¹ The ability to access scholarly articles and publications through mobile devices has made it easier for researchers and academics to stay up-to-date with the latest research and conduct research from anywhere in the world.

    5. The concluding sentences still linked to main idea, because mobility has made it easier for people to access articles and stay up-to-date with the lastest research from anywhere and anytime.

    6. Revise:
    With the advancement of technology, we can now access research articles and journals from our mobile devices. This means that we can access scholarly articles and publications from anywhere, at any time, as long as we have a mobile device and an internet connection. Many academic journals, such as Research in Social Stratification and Mobility and Journal of Urban Mobility, are available on platforms like ScienceDirect.com and Emerald Insight, which can be accessed through mobile devices. This has made it easier for people to stay up-to-date with the latest research and findings, even when they are not in front of a computer. The ability to access scholarly articles and publications through mobile devices has made it easier for researchers and academics to stay up-to-date with the latest research and conduct research from anywhere in the world.

    Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3633623/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
    /pmc/articles/PMC9940778/ https://www.thelancet.com/journals/landig/article/PIIS2589-7500(21)00214-4/fulltext https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/20501579221126956?icid=int.sj-abstract.similar-articles.6 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0133630

  33. Name: Shafira Az Zahra Buditia
    Class: 3A - TBI
    NIM: 23030220038

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    Dangerous addiction to play MLBB as a student
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    Unfortunately, this dangerous addiction cannot be stopped without having a good self control. Have you ever seen a case where a kid steals or indebted to some loan sharks without their parent's noticing? In May 2021 a 15 year old boy was captured and punished for stealing and burning a neighbor house. The reason was merely because he cannot find the money in his neighbor's house to top up some games. He was pissed off and finally decided to set his neighbour's house on fire.
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, it's still linked to the main idea because the supporting sentences actually explained the whole reason of the main idea
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    That's why having a good self control is very important so that we won't do anything that can harm or inflicted everyone around us
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, bcz it conclude the main point of the supporting sentences


    From what we have learned from the previous paragraph, unfortunately this dangerous addiction cannot be stopped without having a good self control. Have you ever heard a case where a kid steals or indebted to some loan sharks without their parent's noticing? In May 2021 a 15 year old boy was captured and punished for stealing and burning a neighbor house. The reason was merely because he cannot find the money in his neighbor's house to top up some games. He was pissed off and finally decided to set his neighbour's house on fire. This was the reason why we should be aware and understand that having a self control and self consciousness is important so that we won't do anything sloppy and it won't cause bad things to others. So that's why having a good self control is very important so that we won't do anything that can harm or inflicted everyone around us.

  34. Name : Zahrani Karin Rizkiya Amanta
    NIM : 23030220013
    Class : TBI-3A

    1. What is the main idea?
    The main idea is that bullying can have significant negative effects on the educational and professional growth of victims, impacting their performance, well-being, and mental health.
    2. What are the supporting sentence?
    Victims of bullying may resort to absenteeism from school or work, adversely affecting their overall performance and well-being. Bullying can lead to long-lasting emotional scars, such as anxiety and depression, significantly impacting the mental health of victims. Bullying has the potential to escalate to physical violence, posing safety risks not only for the victims but also for schools and communities. Educators can play a crucial role in preventing bullying by fostering a sense of community in their classrooms, which can lower incidents and facilitate healing for targeted students. Implementing and discussing rules and sanctions related to bullying, forming anti-bullying groups, and educating all stakeholders contribute to creating a safer environment. Parents are encouraged to contact school staff when their child reports being bullied, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between home and school. Federal laws can come into play when bullying is based on a child's disability, highlighting the legal measures in place to address specific cases. By teaching and instructing individuals about bullying, there is an opportunity to raise awareness and promote empathy, potentially influencing both those who bully and those who are victims.
    3. Are the supporting sentence still linked to the main idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea. They provide additional details and perspectives that reinforce the overarching concept that bullying has significant negative consequences, and efforts should be made to prevent it. The supporting sentences discuss various aspects of the impact of bullying, strategies to prevent it, and the role of educators, parents, and laws in addressing this issue. Together, they contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the main idea and underscore the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment to combat bullying.
    4. What is the concluding sentences?
    The concluding sentence is: "By teaching and instructing people and kids about bullying, we can show people who may be a bully how truly rude they are acting, and that someone who is a victim of bullying may learn a way to prevent it and stand up." This sentence summarizes the importance of education and awareness in addressing bullying. It emphasizes the potential for change by educating individuals, both potential bullies and victims, to promote understanding, empathy, and the empowerment of those who may face bullying.
    5. Are the concluding sentence still linked to the main idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea. It reinforces the notion that education and awareness about bullying are crucial in addressing the issue. The sentence highlights the transformative potential of teaching individuals about the impacts of bullying, promoting empathy, and empowering both potential bullies and victims to contribute to a positive change in behavior and attitudes. In essence, the conclusion aligns with the main idea of preventing and addressing bullying through education and awareness.

  35. Name : Eva Rismawati
    Class : 3A TBI
    NIM : 23030220035

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    The main idea is the impact of TikTok Shop on offline sellers.

    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    The presence of TikTok Shop has indeed brought significant changes in consumer behavior, which in turn has an impact on offline sellers. One of the main consequences is the declining number of customers visiting physical stores. As more and more consumers opt for the convenience of online shopping through platforms like Tik Tok Shop, offline sellers are experiencing a decline in footfall. This shift is mainly driven by factors such as payment and delivery flexibility, which online platforms can offer.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still CONNECTED to the main idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences are related to the main idea as they provide specific details and examples of how TikTok Shop impacts offline sellers. In determining the supporting sentences, they must be sequential and logical so that there are no new topics or ideas.

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    The concluding sentence is "Given these changes, the existence of TikTok Shop poses considerable challenges for offline sellers, forcing them to adapt to evolving consumer preferences and compete in an increasingly digitized marketplace."

    5. Does the concluding sentence still CONNECT with the main idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence relates to the main idea as it summarizes the impact of TikTok Shop on offline sellers and emphasizes the need for them to adapt to the changing market. The concluding sentence in the paragraph has also conveyed the information points reviewed in the supporting sentences.

    6. Please revise, if you think there are sentences that are not in line with the main idea!
    In my opinion, there is no need for revision because the sentences are in line with the main idea and provide relevant information to support the main idea, which is to discuss the impact of TikTok Shop on offline sellers. The supporting sentences provide an overview, and the sentences discuss the consequences, while the concluding sentence summarizes the challenges faced by offline sellers. So the development is logical and supports the main idea.

  36. 1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    Answer : nowadays, children don't get enough love from their parents, so they become victims of bullying.
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    Answer :This statement highlights the problems that arise in several situations today. More profoundly, this indicates that when children do not receive enough love, attention, or emotional support from their parents, this can have a negative impact on their development. Lack of love from parents can result in feelings of insecurity, low self-esteem, and a tendency to seek validation or feelings of acceptance from others.
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Answer : Yes, because supporting sentences explain examples, reasons, or information that support the main idea conveyed in the topic sentence.
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    Answer :providing adequate emotional support, affection, and attention to children who are victims of bullying is essential for their well-being and resilience.
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Answer :Yes, because the closing sentence is very important because it maintains its connection to the main idea of ​​the paragraph. It serves to summarize the main points, as well as to reconnect the topic sentence with different words, to produce a conclusion
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    Answer : I think the paragraphs are connected
    Qothrunada Fajar Anisa
    3A TBI

  37. 1. Main idea : Excessive video gaming doesn't just lead to social isolation but also affects your thoughts and emotions.
    2. Supporting Sentences : It can harm your academic or work performance because you might prioritize gaming over your responsibilities. Furthermore, spending an excessive amount of time in the virtual world of gaming can make you less sensitive to real-life emotions and situations, making it difficult to empathize and build meaningful connections with others. Additionally, the prolonged screen time and sedentary lifestyle often associated with excessive gaming can lead to physical health issues, worsening the feeling of loneliness (Ghuman & Griffiths, 2012).
    3. Link to Main Idea : Certainly, supporting sentences are logically linked to the main idea, providing additional information and examples to reinforce the central point. Each supporting sentence further develops and explores different facets of the main idea, creating a comprehensive picture of the negative consequences of excessive video gaming.
    4. Concluding Sentences : To counter the detrimental consequences of excessive video gaming, it is important to find ways to integrate your gaming hobby with your responsibilities and social activities in the real world. This approach not only allows you to enjoy gaming but also minimizes its negative consequences, ensuring a fulfilling and wholesome life.
    5. Link to Main Idea : Yes, the concluding sentence is strongly linked to the main idea because it doesn't just talk about the problems we mentioned but also gives a practical way to handle and reduce the negative impacts of playing too many video games.
    6. Revisions : I believe the sentences in this paragraph consistently support the main idea and don't require substantial revisions. However, I'll still attempt to revise one point, which is point b, by simplifying it for better understanding.
    From this :
    Excessive video gaming doesn't just lead to social isolation but also affects your thoughts and emotions.
    To the revision :
    Excessive video gaming not only leads to social isolation but also affects thoughts and emotions.

    (Kevin A.M_039_12:30)

  38. 1.What is the MAIN IDEA?
    The main idea is the impact of rainstorms on residents, particularly focusing on workers and their health and income.
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    According to the World Health Organization, 2010. Global recommendations on physical activity for health, maintaining the health of workers is very important during the rainy season, especially with the recent rainstorms.
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea as they all discuss various aspects of how rainstorms impact residents, with a particular emphasis on workers and their challenges.
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    In addition to small traders, the impact of rainstorms on residents extends to workers, leading to reduced income and operational disruptions, making it crucial to prioritize worker health during the rainy season.
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea as it summarizes the overall impact of rainstorms on residents, specifically emphasizing the importance of prioritizing worker health during the rainy season.

    (Ana Indriyani_009_12:30)

  39. Paragraph:
    (A) The Impact of Microtransactions on Gamers and Their Spending Habits. (B) Gamers who are addicted to online games may end up wasting money on microtransactions, which are criticized by some journalists as being excessively greedy monetization methods used by game developers. Microtransactions are financial transactions made electronically while playing a game, and they allow gamers to purchase additional items, bonuses, or services inside the game. (C) According to a survey, almost 90% of people who play an MMO have spent money on it in-game, and most of them think that they needed to spend in order to remain competitive. However, spending in the game was strongly associated with Internet gaming disorder (IGD), and some studies have found a relationship between higher amounts of money spent on free-to-play games and IGD. (D) Professionals believe that microtransactions might negatively affect the child’s spending habits and lead them into debt. Purchases tend to be for small amounts, making it easy to spend impulsively. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of microtransactions and to set limits on in-game spending to avoid financial harm.

    1.) What is the Main Idea?
    The main idea is that microtransactions in online games can lead to negative consequences for gamers, such as addiction and financial harm.

    2.) What are the supporting sentences?
    The supporting sentences are:
    - Gamers who are addicted to online games may end up wasting money on microtransactions, which are criticized by some journalists as being excessively greedy monetization methods used by game developers.
    - According to a survey, almost 90% of people who play an MMO have spent money on it in-game, and most of them think that they needed to spend in order to remain competitive. However, spending in the game was strongly associated with Internet gaming disorder (IGD), and some studies have found a relationship between higher amounts of money spent on free-to-play games and IGD.
    - Professionals believe that microtransactions might negatively affect the child’s spending habits and lead them into debt. Purchases tend to be for small amounts, making it easy to spend impulsively.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED to the main idea?
    The supporting sentences are linked to the main idea as they all discuss the negative impact of microtransactions on gamers, including addiction, financial harm, and impulsive spending.

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    The concluding sentence is:
    Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of microtransactions and to set limits on in-game spending to avoid financial harm.

    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED to the main idea?
    The concluding sentence is linked to the main idea as it emphasizes the importance of understanding and managing the potential risks associated with microtransactions in online games.

    6.) Revision
    In my opinion, my text is already cohesive and interconnected, although there might be grammar errors in the sentences I've constructed, thank you.

    (Jendra Syuja Lukmana_028_3A_12.30)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Bullying is a pervasive social issue that can have profound and lasting effects.
    It involves repeated aggressive behavior, often driven by a power imbalance, and can manifest in various forms such as verbal, physical, or cyberbullying. The consequences of bullying are wide ranging, impacting the mental and emotional well being of victims, leading to low self esteem, anxiety, and seven depression.
    Of course, it's still linked because the supporting sentences still talk about bullying and the effects.
    Education and open communication play pivotal roles in addressing this issue and fostering empathy and kindness among individuals.
    Yes, it's still linked because the concluding sentences talk about how to prevent bullying.
    Bullying is a pervasive social issue that can have profound and lasting effects on individuals. It can take many different forms, such as physical violence, verbal harassment, and social exclusion. Bullying can have a profound effect on a person's mental and physical health, and in some cases it can even lead to suicide. Bullying can be defined as any repeated act or gesture that is intended to hurt or upset someone. There are three main types of bullying; verbal, physical, and social. There are also many different causes of bullying. The most common cause of bullying is peer pressure. Other causes of bullying include things like family problems, feeling left out or different, or having been bullied in the past.

    NAME : QONITA NUR AENI RAHAYU (23030220002) 3A-TBI (12.30)

  42. (a) Microtransactions have become a significant revenue source for game developers. (b) The impact of microtransactions on the gaming industry is complex and multifaceted.
    (c) Some players view microtransactions as a way for game developers to generate revenue, while others see them as greedy and a way to push players into accepting these mechanisms. A survey conducted by NPD found that 77% of players think microtransactions help extend the enjoyment they get from games. On the other hand, some players believe that microtransactions can create addictive behaviors among players and put significant financial burdens on vulnerable individuals. Moreover, players who use microtransactions are perceived as having a lower skill and status.
    (d) The impact of microtransactions on player experience is a controversial topic, and opinions on microtransactions are diverse and often depend on factors such as age, gaming habits, and personal values. Therefore, it is essential for game developers to understand and meet players' perceived values to incorporate microtransactions more effectively and avoid concerns.
    1. Main Idea:
    The main idea is that microtransactions in the gaming industry are a significant revenue source, and their impact is complex, involving diverse player perceptions and experiences.
    2. Supporting Sentences:
    - (a) Microtransactions have become a significant revenue source for game developers.
    - (b) The impact of microtransactions on the gaming industry is complex and multifaceted.
    - (c) Some players view microtransactions positively for extending game enjoyment, while others see them as greedy and potentially harmful, creating divisive opinions.
    - (d) The impact of microtransactions on player experience is controversial, influenced by factors like age, gaming habits, and personal values.
    3. Link to Main Idea:
    Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea by exploring various aspects of microtransactions and their impact on players and the gaming industry.
    4. Concluding Sentence:
    - "Therefore, it is essential for game developers to understand and meet players' perceived values to incorporate microtransactions more effectively and avoid concerns."
    5. Link to Main Idea:
    Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea by emphasizing the need for game developers to navigate the complexity of player perceptions and values regarding microtransactions.
    6. Revision:
    In my opinion,the sentences that i have created are align with the main idea, emphasizing the significance of microtransactions, the diverse impact on players, and the importance for developers to consider player values. Therefore my sentence didn't need a revision.
    (M. Enggar Galang_024_3A_12:30)

  43. 1. What is the main idea?
    Effective time management is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance in life
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    Research by Vorderer and Klimmt (2009) highlights the importance of prioritizing daily responsibilities alongside free time activities such as gaming to maintain life balance. In addition, research by Turel et al. (2018) emphasized that individuals who manage their time effectively tend to complete their tasks efficiently, thereby increasing their overall productivity
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKING TO the Main Idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea as they all emphasize the importance of effective time management in achieving a healthy and balanced life
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    In short, as highlighted by various researchers, managing time effectively, and maintaining a balance between gaming and important activities is essential for personal development and a good life
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence reinforces the main idea by summarizing the importance of time management and the balance between gaming and other activities for a fulfilling life


    Based on my understanding, the sentence I created aligns with the main idea, which emphasizes the importance of managing time while playing. Besides creating a balanced life, managing time correctly also leads to a healthier life. Therefore, my sentence does not need to be revised.

  44. Assignment:
    (a)In our opinion, this paragraph does not fully explain Bernard as a young polyglot. in the second sentence instead of explaining Bernard, it suddenly explains 'she' which is not relevant to the information stated at the beginning. it makes the paragraph disorganized and does not convey the point of the first paragraph.
    (b)This paragraph explains in detail what the function of a camera is and how to operate the camera to get good results. In detail, it explains the sequence of how to set up the camera and even how to hold the camera. This paragraph states well what the discussion wants to explain. Paragraphs really need to state parts that really need to be explained so that the paragraph can be fully understood by readers.
    (a)Bernard, who has studied in Europe for many years, speaks some international languages fluently. German is one of the language that Bernard has mastered really well. He can speak (and also write) it practically as well as Germans do. Because of his language ability, Bernard is considered a young polyglot.
    (b)To make a beautiful, satisfactory pictures, you have to successfully using a manual, Single Reflex Lens (SRL) camera requires accuracy. Before shooting, you need to make certain that you have focused on the subject, the picture of the person or thing that you have focused on the subject, and the picture of the person or thing that you intend to take. Be sure that you have set the light meter carefully to obtain correct exposure. Do not forget to check that you have turned the dial speed to be the same as the film speed written on the film box, for instance, ISO 100/din 21. Additionally, when you press the release button, make sure that you hold your camera firmly. you must avoid shaking the camera.
    Naufal Ihsanudin Hadyan (042)
    Bismi Khairul Rizal (075)
    Muhammad Arief Wijayanto (040)

  45. (a) For the future, Artificial Intelligence will be dangerous for human occupation.
    (b) Other than it is positive impact that bring convenience in working, AI has brought the negative impact that can affect our daily lives as well. (c) Firstly, the increasing number of unemployment was because many things can be done by AI more quickly and efficiently in the process. If you do not improve your abilities, especially doing things that AI cannot do, it will be difficult to find a job in the future. In the future, the level of job competition is getting tighter which competes with technology. The World Economic Forum estimates that AI technology will create 97 million new jobs by 2025 that are specifically related to AI. It is even estimated that as many as 85 million jobs will be lost due to automation that will occur from 2020 to 2025. Secondly, it is about privacy violations. This can happen if there are people who use data obtained from AI to hack into bank servers or in other words steal data for personal gain. This is certainly very detrimental to the person who owns the data and it can cause a wide impact on individuals and related companies. So it is important to ensure data security and implement strict security protocols when using AI technology to protect the privacy and security of information.
    (d) In conclusion, AI has negative impacts that can be caused but can be handled by improving its capabilities and also ensuring data security when using it.

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    The main idea is other than it is positive impact that bring convenience in working, AI has brought the negative impact that can affect our daily lives as well.

    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    - Firstly, the increasing number of unemployment was because many things can be done by AI more quickly and efficiently in the process. If you do not improve your abilities, especially doing things that AI cannot do, it will be difficult to find a job in the future. In the future, the level of job competition is getting tighter which competes with technology. The World Economic Forum estimates that AI technology will create 97 million new jobs by 2025 that are specifically related to AI. It is even estimated that as many as 85 million jobs will be lost due to automation that will occur from 2020 to 2025.
    - Secondly, it is about privacy violations. This can happen if there are people who use data obtained from AI to hack into bank servers or in other words steal data for personal gain. This is certainly very detrimental to the person who owns the data and it can cause a wide impact on individuals and related companies. So it is important to ensure data security and implement strict security protocols when using AI technology to protect the privacy and security of information.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences still linked to the main idea. Which the supporting sentences explain the main idea about the negative impacts of AI on employment opportunities and privacy concerns, complementing the initial assertion about AI's mixed impact.

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    In conclusion, AI has negative impacts that can be caused but can be handled by improving its capabilities and also ensuring data security when using it.

    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, in my opinion the concluding sentence still linked to the main idea by summarizing the negative impacts of AI highlighted in the supporting sentences and suggesting strategies for addressing these concerns.

    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    In my opinion, my sentences match with the main idea. Therefore, my sentences didn't need any revisions.

    (Syafira Damayanti Puspa Nugraha_0005_12.30)

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main

    1. Schools play a crucial role in preventing bullying and creating a safe environment for students.

    2. a) Schools have an important role in preventing bullying among students.
    b) To prevent and address bullying, schools can establish a specialized anti-bullying team. This team supports victims, investigates incidents, and takes appropriate action against perpetrators. Schools can also collaborate closely with parents, communicating their role in preventing bullying and fostering consistent efforts at home and at school.

    3. Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea by emphasizing the importance of schools in preventing bullying through various efforts.

    4. Therefore, through a comprehensive approach that includes establishing anti-bullying teams and encouraging close collaboration with parents, schools can contribute significantly to creating a safe and secure environment.

    5. Yes, The concluding sentence are linked to the main idea by summarizing how the school participates in creating a safe environment at certain stages.

    Alfina Eka Ri'ayatul_23030220018_3A/TBI_12.30

  47. Name : Eka Aprilia Cahyani
    NIM : 23030220011
    Class : TBI/3A 12:30

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    Answer :
    The main idea is the proses of calamity in dry season.

    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    Answer :
    The supporting sentences is the low amount of rainfall will cause a reduction in groundwater reserves that are important in people's lives. If it occurs for a long period of time, the conditions in the area will occur such as the decline in water levels such as rivers, to the reduction of water reserves for plants that cause many crop failures, and even have the potential to cause fires in the area.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Answer :
    Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea because the supporting sentences is explain about description from the proses of calamity in dry season.

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    Answer :
    The condluding sentences is therefore, saving water in the dry season is very necessary so that the disaster does not get worse.

    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Answer :
    Yes, the concluding sentences is linked to the main idea because it provides a solution to the problem of calamity in dry season.

    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    In my opinion, there is no need for revision because the main idea, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences provide reliable and related information.

  48. Name: Meisa Kamalvi
    Nim :23030220012
    Class: TBI 3A(12.30)

    Teen marriage is the effect of massive pornography in social media.

    1. The large number of users who abuse social media with pornographic displays has resulted in many early marriages with around 6/10 of Indonesian women.
    2. Early marriage results in many sudden deaths due to the lack of strength of the young mother, and the most severe consequence is the large number of children with special needs due to lack of adequate nutrition.
    3. The younger generation continues to experience decline
    interest in school because of the bad impact of social media.
    This does not escape the rise of pornography which has spread to an early age.
    In fact, there are many negative impacts arising from this problem, such as: decreased interest in school, poor morale of young people and even sexually transmitted diseases have become the government's focus which must be addressed immediately.

    Of course, the supporting sentences are still related to the main idea, because the language equivalent as well as the explanation and elaboration of the main idea are in the supporting sentences.

    Pornography is one of the bad impacts of social media which results in many early marriages. The worst impact is the destruction of the nation's young generation in the modern era like today.

    In my opinion, it is still very related, because a summary of the material and a brief explanation of the main idea are in the conclusion sentence.

    In my opinion, there is no need for revision because the supporting sentences and the main idea are already relevant.

  49. Fatimatuz Zahra
    3A TBI/ 023/ 12.30

    1. The main idea of the paragraph is the establishment of laws targeting bullying perpetrators in schools as an effective means to prevent bullying.
    2. Firstly, these laws provide for identifying and addressing bullying incidents in educational institutions. This is intended to ensure that students and school staff are aware of the consequences of bullying. Secondly, these laws contain anti-bullying programs that offer preventive measures, such as awareness campaigns and counseling services, to help create a safer school environment.
    3. Yes, both supporting sentences are linked to the main idea of advocating for laws against bullying in schools. They both address how these laws help prevent bullying.
    4. In conclusion, establishing laws for bullying perpetrators in school is an essential step in preventing bullying and creating a positive learning environment for all students.
    5. Yes, the concluding sentence emphasizes that establishing these laws is crucial in preventing bullying and improving the educational atmosphere.

    Revised paragraph:
    Establishing laws for bullying perpetrators in school can be an effective way to prevent bullying. Firstly, these laws provide for identifying and addressing bullying incidents in educational institutions, ensuring that both students and school staff are aware of the consequences of bullying. Secondly, these laws contain anti-bullying programs that offer preventive measures, such as awareness campaigns and counseling services. This preventive measures help to create a safer school environment. In conclusion, establishing laws for bullying perpetrators in school is an essential step in preventing bullying and creating a positive learning environment for all students.

  50. 1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    - The impact of Tiktok Shop closure for online sellers
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    - The closure of TikTok Shop will have a significant impact on online sellers who use the platform to sell. They may experience a decrease in revenue, loss of marketing channels, and difficulty in maintaining relationships with customers who may switch to other platforms or online stores to buy the products they previously purchased on TikTok Shop.
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    - Yes, the supporting sentences are still linked to the main idea , because the supporting sentences develop the main idea in the topic sentence and the supporting sentences contain reasons to support the topic sentence
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    - Therefore, online sellers who rely on TikTok Shop as one of their main sources of income will feel the impact after this closure
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    - Yes, the concluding sentence is still LINKED TO the main idea, because the closing sentence is a summary of the information points that have been developed by the supporting sentences in the paragraph
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    - In my opinion, this sentence is in match with the main idea, so there is no need to revise it

    Adinda Nisaa Tiyarningarum _ 029 _ 12:30

  51. 1. What is the main idea?
    - Toxic behavior is the most dangerous issue in gaming scene.
    2. What are the supporting Sentence?
    - It start when some player that
    called toxic gamer start started blaming other players who weren't good enough to play the game.A toxic gamer is a player who has a bad attitude in an online gaming context. These players are players who are constantly complaining, swearing, being rude, acting out towards other payers, and bringing other players down.
    3. Are the supporting Sentence still LINKED to the main idea?
    - Yes , because the main idea and supporting sentences are still in the same context, namely toxic behavior
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    - The impact of toxic gamer is Interest in a game will decrease because beginners will be blamed by toxic gamers and causes toxic behavior to continue.
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED to the main idea?
    - Yes, the concluding sentence discuss more briefly the topic being discussed.
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    - I think no need to revise. because from the main idea to the concluding sentence it is still connected and does not leave the basic context, about toxic behavior.


  52. Name : Aninda Esadilla Saputri
    Student Numbers: 23030220010
    Class : 3A

    1. What is the main idea?

    Sports has various positive benefits for the body.
    2. What are the supporting sentences ?
    A. Highlights the physical benefits of sports, emphasizing improvements in fitness levels, immune system, and heart health.
    B. Explores the emotional well-being advantages, discussing stress reduction, the release of endorphins, and the positive impact on issues like depression and anxiety.
    C. Emphasizes that sports is not solely about achieving physical fitness but also about enhancing overall quality of life, including increased energy, productivity, and the formation of social bonds through shared interests.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea ?
    Yes, all supporting sentences contribute to the main idea by providing different aspects of the positive impact of sports on both physical and emotional well-being.

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    "Therefore, sport is not just about maintaining a healthy body, but also about creating a more meaningful and fulfilling life."

    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence reinforces the main idea by summarizing that sports contribute not only to physical health but also to an enriched and more satisfying life.

    6. Pleas revise, you think that the sentence does not match with the main idea!
    I think it doesn't need revision because from the main idea to the conclusion, it remains connected and doesn't deviate from the core context, which is the benefits of sports.

  53. Name : Aldi Saputro
    NIM : 2303022030
    Class : TBI -3A

    *1. What is the Main Idea ?*
    The use of technology must be in proportion to ensure a balanced and sustainable future.

    *2. What are the Supporting Sentences ?*
    Supporting sentences may include reasons why balance is crucial, examples of technology affecting sustainability, or the consequences of disproportionate technology use.

    *3. Are the Supporting sentences still Link to Main Idea ?*
    Yes, the supporting sentences should be logically connected to the main idea, reinforcing the importance of balanced and sustainable technology use.

    *4. What is the Concluding Sentence ?*
    A potential concluding sentence could summarize the key points and emphasize the overarching message about the need for balance in technology use.

    *5. Is the Concluding sentence still Linked to the Main Idea:*
    Yes, the concluding sentence should reinforce the main idea and leave a lasting impression about the significance of proportional technology use.

    *6. Please revise, if you that the sentences does not match with the main idea !*
    *Revision (if needed):*
    Ensure that each supporting sentence contributes directly to the idea of balanced and sustainable technology use. The concluding sentence should effectively tie together the main points and reinforce the main idea without introducing new concepts.

  54. Alfiah Sofiana D (017) _3A TBI_12.30
    1. What is the MAIN IDEA? Negative side of tiktok
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    The positive side of using TikTok is that we are free to express ourselves by showing our talents and interests and have a video feature that is quite short. But there is also a negative side. The negative side of using this platform is that it has an impact on the mental health of teenagers. The endless scrolling mode makes it difficult for them to manage their time. This can damage sleep patterns which can reduce physical health. Another negative side is that it increases the risk of social media addiction. TikTok users watch endless videos for hours which causes them to ignore their responsibilities. The negative sides of tiktok include social media addiction, lowering mental and physical health, difficulty managing time.
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, because supporting sentences explain kind of negative side of tiktok, and these supporting sentences ensure the the main idea of the topic sentences.
    4. What is the concluding sentence? Therefore, it is important for TikTok users to limit their use and focus on positive and inspiring content to maintain their mental health.
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, because concluding sentence very important to connect with the main idea. Concluding sentence is summarize with different word to explain. In this paragraph concluding sentence presented point of supporting sentences
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences do not match with the main idea!
    I think my paragraph has already linked to the main idea.

  55. Paragraph :
    Forest fires due to the long dry season occurred on the mountain slopes.
    The forest in the Mount Merbabu National Park area is one of the forest areas that is vulnerable to fire, especially during the dry season.
    The volunteer community must strengthen steps to anticipate forest fires on the slopes of Mount Merbabu.
    To support steps to prevent and anticipate forest fires on the slopes of Merbabu, various equipment must be prepared to handle forest fires.
    One of these tools is a water storage tank measuring 3 x 1.5 meters which has been prepared to collect rainwater which can be used to handle forest fires on the slopes of Merbabu.
    Forest fires caused by natural factors on mountain slopes occur suddenly. Therefore, we as humans must prepare fire handling tools so that the fire can be extinguished quickly and does not cause too great a loss.

    1.What is the MAIN IDEA?
    = Forest fires due to the long dry season occurred on the mountain slopes.
    2.What are the supporting sentences?
    = The volunteer community must strengthen steps to anticipate forest fires on the slopes of Mount Merbabu.
    To support steps to prevent and anticipate forest fires on the slopes of Merbabu, various equipment must be prepared to handle forest fires.
    One of these tools is a water storage tank measuring 3 x 1.5 meters which has been prepared to collect rainwater which can be used to handle forest fires on the slopes of Merbabu.
    3.Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    = Yes, Supporting sentences are still related to the main idea, because the supporting sentences emphasize/support the main idea in the paragraph.
    4.What is the concluding sentence?
    = Forest fires on mountain slopes are caused by the long dry season, especially in the Mount Merbabu National Park area which is prone to fires. To anticipate fires, volunteer communities need to strengthen preventive efforts, including preparing equipment, such as rainwater storage tanks measuring 3 x 1.5 meters, so that they can quickly extinguish fires and reduce losses.
    5.Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    = Yes, it is still related to the main idea, because the concluding sentence contains a summary of the main idea of the topic sentence. The concluding also reviews the points in the supporting sentences as well.
    6.please revise,if you think that the sentences doea not match with the main idea!
    = I think, my paragraph is quite appropriate.

    (Zahra Amalia Putri_23030220046_08.40)

  56. (a) The Role of Human Activities in Forest Fires
    (b) Human activities play a pivotal role in the occurrence of forest fires. (c) Forest fires, often exacerbated by human actions, pose a significant threat to ecosystems and human well-being. Some common human-induced factors include careless campfires, discarded cigarettes, and arson. These fires can devastate vast areas of forests, leading to a loss of biodiversity and long-term ecological damage. In addition, they have adverse effects on human life by degrading air quality, causing health issues, and and contributing to global climate change . Forest fires are a global concern, and understanding the human element is essential to addressing this issue. (d) In conclusion, the human element in forest fires cannot be overlooked. Addressing the root causes of these fires, such as promoting responsible behavior and conservation efforts, is crucial to mitigate the risks associated with forest fires and ensure the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants.

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    Answer: The main idea is the Role of Human Activities in Forest Fires.
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    Answer: The supporting sentences encompass the crucial role of human activities in the occurrence of forest fires, common human-induced factors that exacerbate forest fires, and the serious impact of forest fires on ecosystems and human well-being.
    3. Are the supporting sentences still linked to the main idea?
    Answer: Yes, the supporting sentences are still RELATED to the main idea, as they provide information explaining why the role of human activities is important in forest fires and its impact on ecosystems and human well-being.
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    Answer: The concluding sentence is "In conclusion, the human element in forest fires cannot be overlooked. Addressing the root causes of these fires, such as promoting responsible behavior and conservation efforts, is crucial to mitigate the risks associated with forest fires and ensure the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants."
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Answer: Yes, the concluding sentence is still RELATED to the main idea, as it summarizes the importance of the human element in forest fires and emphasizes the need to address the root causes.
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    Answer: No revision is needed as the sentences are already in line with their main points.

    (Rizka Aulia_23030220043_08.40)

  57. Paraghraph:
    Forest fire prevention and containment efforts. Prevention and countermeasures should be taken seriously to reduce the risk of the disaster. First, regular increased patrols in forest fires can help detect the early possible point of fire and prevent its spread. Second, the use of modern technology such as satellite monitoring and early-warning systems can provide accurate and speedy information about the potential for forest fires, enabling more effective treatment. Third, community outreach campaigns on the dangers of forest fires and the importance of keeping clean and sustainability need to be ongoing in order to build a collective awareness of the importance of conservation of the environment. In conclusion, with cooperation between governments, communities, and other relevant parties, it is hoped that the prevention and management efforts of forest fires can be more effective and successful in preserving the wildlife for future generations.

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    The main idea is the importance of forest fire prevention and containment efforts, emphasizing the need for collective action to preserve wildlife for future generations.

    2.What are the supporting sentences?
    Regular increased patrols in forested areas help detect potential fire points early.
    Modern technology, like satellite monitoring and early-warning systems, enhances the speed and accuracy of forest fire information for effective treatment.
    Community outreach campaigns educate people about the dangers of forest fires and the significance of environmental conservation.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the Main Idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea by illustrating various aspects of forest fire prevention, including early detection, technological interventions, and community awareness.

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    The concluding sentence emphasizes the importance of cooperation between governments, communities, and other relevant parties for more effective prevention and management of forest fires.

    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the Main Idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea by reinforcing the idea that collective efforts are crucial for preserving wildlife in the face of the threat of forest fires.

    6. Please review, of you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    I think my paraghraph already linked to the main idea.

    ( Khofifatul Auliyah_0057_08.40 )

  58. Wisnu kusuma jati
    TBI 3B
    A.main idea
    answer:Ondel-ondel is a Betawi folk performance that has survived modernization and is still being regularly performed. traditional performance of Ondel-ondel, a form of folk performance using large puppets that originated from Betawi, Indonesia, and is often performed in festivals. The performance is usually accompanied by unique music and dance, and the puppets are dressed in brightly colored garments, and in some occasions, in traditional Betawi clothing.

    B.•suporting sentence
    Answer:provide details about the performance, its musical accompaniment, and its cultural significance.
    •The shows comprise a pair of male and female puppets, which the performers wear, who dance to traditional music."

    C. Are the supporting
    sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Anawer:yes, because the supporting sentences are related to the main idea which discusses the main idea, such as examples of music in the ondel ondel dance, ondel ondel performances among the community and ondel ondel culture in Indonesia.

    D.concluding sentence
    Answer:cultural preservation is necessary to keep traditional performances like Ondel-ondel alive

    E.Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    answer:yes, because the closing sentence discusses the preservation of Indonesian culture related to ondel ondel which is in the main idea.

    F.Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    Answer:The supporting and concluding sentences are still linked to the main idea, as they provide details about the performance, its musical accompaniment, and its cultural significance, and emphasize the necessity of cultural preservation to keep traditional performances like Ondel-ondel alive.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Paragraph: Islamic content is now easy to find on all social media. Social media is one of the places to share any knowledge, including content containing Islamic knowledge. One of the Islamic content creators is Husain Basyaiban. Husain Basyaiban utilizes the TikTok application as a medium for da'wah. The topics discussed are still relevant to the problems that often occur in everyday life, by providing solutions to these problems. With its unique characteristics, many social media users are interested in watching its content, especially for Muslim teenagers. The conclusion is that easy internet access makes social media one of the places to share any knowledge, including Islamic knowledge as Husain Basyaiban has done by raising the topic of problems that often occur in everyday life. In addition, he will also provide solutions to these problems.

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    Answer: Islamic content is now easy to find on all social media.

    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    Answer: a) Social media is one of the places to share any knowledge, including content containing Islamic knowledge. b) One of the Islamic content creators is Husain Basyaiban. Husain Basyaiban utilizes the TikTok application as a medium for da'wah. c) The topics discussed are still relevant to the problems that often occur in everyday life, by providing solutions to these problems. With its unique characteristics, many social media users are interested in watching its content, especially for Muslim teenagers.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Answer: Yes, the supporting sentences there is a further explanation of the ease of finding Islamic content on social media, such as the TikTok media used by Husain Basyaiban in sharing his Islamic content.

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    Answer: The conclusion is that easy internet access makes social media one of the places to share any knowledge, including Islamic knowledge as Husain Basyaiban has done by raising the topic of problems that often occur in everyday life. In addition, he will also provide solutions to these problems.

    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Answer: Yes, because the main idea becomes the main point to obtain a logical conclusion. In the paragraph, the conclusion is obtained from the summary of the supporting sentences.

    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    Answer: Social media is one of the places to share any knowledge, including content that contains Islamic knowledge. Currently, Islamic content is easy to find on any social media, because easy internet access will also make it easier for users to find Islamic content. One of the creators of Islamic content is Husain Basyaiban. Husain Basyaiban utilizes the TikTok application as a medium for da'wah. The topics discussed are still relevant to problems that often occur in everyday life, by providing solutions to these problems. With its unique characteristics, many social media users are interested in watching its content, especially for Muslim teenagers. The conclusion is that easy internet access makes social media one of the places to share any knowledge, including Islamic knowledge as Husain Basyaiban has done by raising the topic of problems that often occur in everyday life. In addition, he will also provide solutions to these problems.

    Putri Diah Ayu N.K_073_TBI-3B_08:40

  61. 1. What is the main idea: dangerous bullying has severe consequences for its victims, including
    psychological and physical harm. Bullying can lead to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and negative
    effects on academic performance and social development. To create a safer environment, communities
    need to actively address and prevent bullying, emphasizing empathy, understanding, kindness, and
    sensitivity towards others.
    2. what are the supporting sentences: By implementing comprehensive anti-bullying programs in schools
    and promoting open communication channels, communities can effectively address and prevent bullying,
    fostering a sense of unity and collective responsibility towards creating a safe and healthy environment
    for all
    3. Are the supporting sentence still LINKED TO the main ideas?: Yes, the supporting sentence is still
    linked to the main ideas of both statements. It emphasizes the importance of taking action to prevent
    bullying and promoting a sense of unity and responsibility towards creating a safe and healthy
    environment. This aligns with the main idea that bullying has severe consequences and that communities
    need to actively address and prevent it to protect the well-being and emotional stability of its victims.
    4. What is the concluding sentence: By working together towards a common goal of preventing bullying
    and fostering empathy and kindness, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate society where
    everyone feels safe and supported." This sentence emphasizes the importance of collective action and a
    shared vision of creating a safer, healthier, and more supportive environment for all.
    5. is that concluding sentence still Linked to the main idea?: Yes, the concluding sentence is still linked to
    the main ideas of both statements. It emphasizes the importance of taking collective action to prevent
    bullying and promote a more inclusive and compassionate society. This aligns with the main idea that
    bullying has severe consequences, and communities need to actively address and prevent it to protect
    the well-being and emotional stability of its victims.
    6. okay Miss if that need to revision:)

    Malik Maulana Ibrohim_061_TBI 3B_10:00

  62. (a) Greenhouse gas emissions from fires can affect the climate and the well-being of local communities.
    (b) the greenhouse effect changes weather patterns and disrupts the balance of nature.
    (c) the greenhouse effect can pose many risks to humans and all other living things on Earth.
    Excessive greenhouse will cause global warming where the Earth's temperature will increase significantly characterized by various things including melting polar ice caps, damage to ecosystem impacts, rising sea levels and extreme climate change.
    (d) The greenhouse effect can cause many losses, one of which is the impact of damaged ecosystems, melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels and extreme climate change.
    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    - The main idea is the negative impact of greenhouse gas emissions and the greenhouse effect on the climate, the well-being of society, the balance of nature, the risks to humans and living things, and the consequences of global warming.
    2. What are the supporting sentences, greenhouse effect?
    - The supporting sentences involve (a) Greenhouse gas emissions due to fires, (b) the greenhouse effect changes weather patterns, (c) the greenhouse effect can pose many risks, and (d) the greenhouse effect can cause many losses.
    3. Are the supporting sentences still CONNECTED to the main idea?
    - Yes, the supporting sentences are still related to the main idea as they all discuss the negative impacts of greenhouse gas emissions and the greenhouse effect.
    4.What is the concluding sentence?
    - Excessive greenhouse gas emissions will cause global warming where the earth's temperature will increase significantly which is characterized by various things including the melting of polar ice caps, damage to ecosystem impacts, rising sea levels and extreme climate change.
    5.Does the concluding sentence still CONNECT with the main idea?
    - Yes, it is still related to the main idea because the concluding sentence summarizes the main idea of the topic sentence. It also reviews the points again.
    6. Please revise, if you think the sentences are not in line with the main idea!
    - I think my paragraph is quite correct.

    Riska Vitriana ( 23030220049) 08:40

  63. Paragraph
    Gen Z's digital fluency, individuality, and entrepreneurial spirit are transforming the consumer landscape and creating new opportunities for businesses. They prioritize innovation, social impact, and work-life balance, and they are changing what it means to be in business. Gen Z's natural affinity for technology and digital fluency are opening doors to new possibilities for innovation and entrepreneurship

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    Gen Z digital business
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    Gen Z's digital fluency and access to groundbreaking technology have empowered them to pursue entrepreneurial ventures with ease and confidence
    They exhibit traits such as adaptability, digital fluency, and a desire for purpose-driven work, and prioritize innovation, social impact, and work-life balance
    This new wave of business pioneers is leveraging technology and embracing social responsibility in a way that can have a lasting impact on not just their sectors but the world as a whole
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences are indeed linked to the main idea. Gen Z's digital fluency, individuality, and entrepreneurial spirit are transforming the consumer landscape and creating new opportunities for businesses. They prioritize innovation, social impact, and work-life balance, and they are changing what it means to be in business.
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    Gen Z's digital fluency, individuality, and entrepreneurial spirit are reshaping the business landscape, prioritizing innovation, social impact, and work-life balance.
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    The concluding sentence is still linked to the main idea.
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    The supporting sentences align with the main idea. They emphasize how Gen Z's digital fluency, individuality, and entrepreneurial spirit are reshaping industries, challenging traditional practices, and revolutionizing consumer behavior

    Hafif Ramadani Sriwikrama_048_TBI 3B_08:40

  64. Paragraph :
    Gen Z tends to consume content from social media in a different way than previous generations. Apps like TikTok and Instagram Reels are very popular among Gen Z because they present content in short video formats that are easy to consume and share. Gen Z tends to look for content that feels more authentic and personal, such as content created by other users or smaller influencers who are closer to their audience. Even though social media is not a trusted news source, Gen Z tends to use social media platforms to consume the latest news and information. Gen Z uses social media as a means to express themselves and share their views on various topics.

    1. What is the main idea?
    The main idea is Gen Z consumes content from social media.

    2. What is the supporting sentences?
    - gen Z tends to consume content from sosial media
    - gen Z tends to look for content that feels more authentic
    - such as content created by other users or smaller influencers who are closer to their audience
    - gen Z tends to use social media platforms to consume the latest news and information

    3. Are the supporting sentences linked to the main idea ?
    Yes, the main idea still linked with the supporting sentences. Where we still discuss Gen Z content consumption

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    Gen Z uses social media as a means to express themselves and share their views on various topics

    5. Is the concluding sentence still linked to the main idea?
    Yes, because the conclusion is important for part of the paragraph.

    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentence does not match with the main idea !
    I think, the paragraph I wrote is still related to the main idea

    ( Fina Ainurrohmah_056_08.40 )

  65. Paragraf: South Sumatra's traditional culinary is not only a rich cultural heritage, but also an inseparable part of cultural identity that must be maintained and preserved amidst the progress of the modern era. Maintaining South Sumatra's traditional culinary in the modern era is not just about maintaining unique flavors and tastes, but also plays an important role in maintaining cultural identity and maintaining heritage so that it remains relevant in an ever-evolving era. Amidst the huge influence of technology in today's culinary world, it provides an opportunity for the people of South Sumatra to preserve the uniqueness of their cuisine and introduce it to the international level. The application of modern technology in the preservation of South Sumatra's traditional cuisine can help improve the efficiency of production, distribution and marketing, thus ensuring the sustainability of the culinary heritage amidst the challenges of the times. By understanding and applying the importance of preserving South Sumatra's traditional cuisine in the modern era, we can safeguard our rich cultural heritage and ensure that its uniqueness is preserved and enjoyed by future generations.

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    South Sumatra's traditional culinary is not only a rich cultural heritage, but also an inseparable part of cultural identity that must be maintained and preserved amidst the progress of the modern era.

    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    ●Maintaining South Sumatra's traditional culinary in the modern era is not just about maintaining unique flavors and tastes, but also plays an important role in maintaining cultural identity and maintaining heritage so that it remains relevant in an ever-evolving era. ● Amidst the huge influence of technology in today's culinary world, it provides an opportunity for the people of South Sumatra to preserve the uniqueness of their cuisine and introduce it to the international level. ●The application of modern technology in the preservation of South Sumatra's traditional cuisine can help improve the efficiency of production, distribution and marketing, thus ensuring the sustainability of the culinary heritage amidst the challenges of the times.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences are still linked to the main idea. It emphasizes the cultural significance of South Sumatra's traditional culinary in the modern era.
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    By understanding and applying the importance of preserving South Sumatra's traditional cuisine in the modern era, we can safeguard our rich cultural heritage and ensure that its uniqueness is preserved and enjoyed by future generations.

    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence is still linked to the main idea. It reinforces the idea of preserving South Sumatra's traditional cuisine and connecting it to the cultural heritage for future generations.

    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    Yes, after reviewing the paragraph and the previous analysis, I think no revisions are needed as all the sentences effectively support the main idea.

    Angelia Dahniar (064_ 08:40)

  66. Nama : Chintya Zahrawatul Ulya Handoyo
    Nim. : 23030220050
    Class. : 3B TBI

    (A)Ondel-ondel, with its imposing mask and towering figure, (B)undoubtedly has the potential to evoke fear and discomfort in young children who are unfamiliar with its cultural significance. (C)The striking appearance of this traditional puppet, deeply rooted in Betawi culture, can be overwhelming for some, especially those who lack the context to understand its meaning. While Ondel-ondel holds great value in preserving and celebrating cultural heritage, it is essential for us to recognize the importance of cultural education and awareness. (D)These efforts can help children and individuals of all ages appreciate and embrace the rich traditions of their heritage without fear, fostering a sense of unity and pride in their cultural identity.

    Use these to measure your paragraph:
    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main

    1. The main idea is the importance of cultural education and awareness in helping children and individuals appreciate and embrace the rich traditions of their heritage without fear, fostering a sense of unity and pride in their cultural identity.
    2. The supporting sentences are about the potential of Ondel-ondel to evoke fear and discomfort in young children, the overwhelming appearance of the traditional puppet for those who lack the context to understand its meaning, and the value of cultural education and awareness in preserving and celebrating cultural heritage.
    3. Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea as they all emphasize the importance of cultural education and awareness in helping individuals appreciate and embrace their cultural heritage.
    4. The concluding sentence is "These efforts can help children and individuals of all ages appreciate and embrace the rich traditions of their heritage without fear, fostering a sense of unity and pride in their cultural identity."
    5. Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea as it reinforces the importance of cultural education and awareness in fostering a sense of unity and pride in cultural identity.
    6. The paragraph effectively conveys the importance of cultural education and awareness in helping individuals appreciate and embrace their cultural heritage. The sentences are well-linked to the main idea, and the concluding sentence reinforces the significance of these efforts. Therefore, no revision is necessary.

  67. (a) Generation Z is Driven and Motivation

    (b) Generation Z is immensely more driven to make change and be superior to their elders. (c) Generation Z is often characterized as a Driven and Motivated generation. They are known for their ambition, desire for change, and willingness to take action on important issues. Many Gen Z individuals are proactive in pursuing their goals, whether in education, career, or social change, and are often unafraid to challenge the status quo. Their drive and determination make them a force to be reckoned with in various aspects of society. (d) Generation Z's Driven and Motivation are not only a defining feature of their generation but also a force for positive change in various domains of society. They are passionate, forward-thinking, and unafraid to challenge the norms, making them a generation to watch as they continue to shape the world around them.

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    •Generation Z is Driven and Motivation
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    •Generation Z is immensely more driven to make change and be superior to their elders.
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    •Yes, Generation Z is often characterized as a Driven and Motivated generation. They are known for their ambition, desire for change, and willingness to take action on important issues. Many Gen Z individuals are proactive in pursuing their goals, whether in education, career, or social change, and are often unafraid to challenge the status quo. Their drive and determination make them a force to be reckoned with in various aspects of society.
    4. What is the concluding sentences?
    •Generation Z's Driven and Motivation are not only a defining feature of their generation but also a force for positive change in various domains of society. They are passionate, forward-thinking, and unafraid to challenge the norms, making them a generation to watch as they continue to shape the world around them.
    5. Is the concluding sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    •Yes, the concluding still Linked to the main idea
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    •No, I think my sentences still match with the main idea.

    ( Yasmine Kamila Arifin_045_08.40 )

  68. (A) "Love is about give and take" means that love in a relationship involves both partners contributing and receiving. It's a mutual exchange of care, support, and affection. Each person gives love and attention to their partner while also receiving love and affection in return. This balance is essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship, where both individuals feel valued and supported. It's not one-sided but rather a shared experience of giving and receiving love. (B) Love is a living thing, like a plant or an animal. Love gives without expectation of return. But as you learned in American history, if you grow only one crop in the soil, after a couple of years, nothing much will grow there until the soil gets new nutrients. Love is like that, it gives without expectation of return, but if it is not fed and cared for, it dies after a while. Love doesn't keep score, but maybe it should. (C) A relationship cannot be separated from reciprocal conditions. In family relationships, friendships, companionship, and romance – everything requires a reciprocal response so that the relationship can run in harmony. In short, the existence of a relationship means that a 'reciprocal relationship' has been established between the parties involved in the relationship. (D) Love requires you to give and not take (you can receive love). If that's the premise, then love between two people requires each of you to give. The taking part is not voluntary, but it's given to you and you take.

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!


    1. Love is about give and take
    2. means that love in a relationship involves both partners contributing and receiving. It's a mutual exchange of care, support, and affection. Each person gives love and attention to their partner while also receiving love and affection in return. This balance is essential for a healthy and fulfilling relationship, where both individuals feel valued and supported. It's not one-sided but rather a shared experience of giving and receiving love.
    3. Yes
    4. Love is a living thing, like a plant or an animal. Love gives without expectation of return. But as you learned in American history, if you grow only one crop in the soil, after a couple of years, nothing much will grow there until the soil gets new nutrients. Love is like that, it gives without expectation of return, but if it is not fed and cared for, it dies after a while. Love doesn't keep score, but maybe it should.
    5. Yes
    6. No, I think it's in accordance with the main idea

    Silvi Zaki Syarifiana_23030220052_08.40

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Nama: Bismi Khairul Rizal
    Kelas: 3B
    NIM: 23030220075

    There are many ways to prevent forest fire. One of the thing is we should not throw cigarette butts carelessly. When we throw away cigarette butts carelessly, the burning cigarette butts will spread to trees or something that is flammable. When that happens, fire cannot be avoided. especially during the dry season. The dry season is the season when trees and objects are all dry so they catch fire easily. We must take down the burn of the cigarette before we throw it. Or the best thing that you can do is you can throw the cigarette butts into the garbage. butt of cigarette is a garbage right, so we must put it to the trash. Or, the absolutely best thing that you can do is not smoking. smoking is burning the cigarettes, and it means burning something, and burn can make a fire, and that catastrophic. Normally, one of the best thing to prevent fire is not smoking. But a lot won't disagree. That's why the second idea is the best option. we should take down the burn of the cigarettes butt.
    1. What is the main idea? The main idea is how to prevent forest fire by not throwing the cigarettes butts carelessly
    2. What are the supporting sentence? When we throw away cigarette butts carelessly, the burning cigarette butts will spread to trees or something that is flammable.
    3. Are the supporting sentence still linked to with the main idea? Yes, they are.
    4. What is the concluding sentence? Normally, one of the best thing to prevent fire is not smoking. But a lot won't disagree. That's why the second idea is the best option. we should take down the burn of the cigarettes butt.
    5. Is the concluding sentence still connected with the main idea? Yes, it is.
    6. Please revise if you think the paragraph does not match with the main idea? I think the paragraph is quite enough for me for linked up with the main topic.

  71. Name : Rizqi Adi Pratama
    NIM : 23030220044
    Class : TBI-B
    Assignment Paragraph Based Writing
    A. Text Paragraph
    (a) Role from the parents is important to create moral for their child. (b) The role of parents is undeniably crucial in the formation of a morally upright child. (c) As the primary influencers in a child’s life, parents’ actions, values, and guidance play a pivotal role in molding the child’s character. They act as the first teachers, introducing their children to the concepts of right and wrong. Through modeling behavior, they provide tangible examples of how to navigate moral choices. Effective communication between parents and children helps in the understanding of the reasons behind moral decisions, facilitating the internalization of moral principles. Moreover, parents set consistent boundaries and offer guidance, allowing children to grasp the importance of responsibility and accountability. This, in turn, shapes the child’s understanding of the consequences of their actions. In essence, parents are instrumental in instilling values like respect, empathy, and kindness, which are fundamental in creating a morally conscious individual. The impact of parental guidance on moral development extends beyond childhood, as the moral foundation laid during these formative years can significantly influence a person’s character and ethical choices throughout their life. (d) Therefore, the role of parents in fostering a moral child is indispensable and leaves a lasting impression on the child’s journey towards becoming a morally responsible and upright individual.
    B. Question
    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    C. Answer
    1. Main Idea:
    The main idea is that the role of parents is crucial in shaping a morally upright child.
    2. Supporting Sentences:
    • As primary influencers, parents mold a child’s character through actions, values, and guidance.
    • Effective communication aids in understanding moral decisions, while consistent boundaries and guidance instill responsibility.
    • Parents play a pivotal role in instilling values like respect, empathy, and kindness, shaping a morally conscious individual.
    • The impact of parental guidance on moral development extends beyond childhood, influencing a person’s character and ethical choices.
    3. Linked to Main Idea:
    The supporting sentences are linked to the main idea by emphasizing the various ways parents contribute to the moral development of a child.
    4. Concluding Sentence:
    Therefore, the role of parents in fostering a moral child is indispensable and leaves a lasting impression on the child’s journey towards becoming a morally responsible and upright individual.
    5. Linked to Main Idea:
    The concluding sentence reinforces the main idea by emphasizing the indispensable role of parents in fostering a moral child.
    6. Revision:
    I think there is no revision in my necessary.

  72. Name : Malika Dwi Puspita
    NIM : 23030220003
    Class : 3A TBI
    The main idea of the passage is that critical thinking skills are essential for filtering information from various networks and enhancing education and society. These skills enable individuals to discern reliable sources from misinformation, contributing to a more informed and discerning society, driving intellectual growth, and fostering active citizenship. In a world where misinformation can spread rapidly, the ability to critically analyze information is more important than ever.

    Supporting sentences:
    - Critical thinking skills play a crucial role in filtering information from various networks and enhancing education and society.
    - These skills don’t just benefit individuals. They contribute to a more informed and discerning society, driving intellectual growth and fostering active citizenship.
    - In a world where misinformation can spread rapidly, the ability to critically analyze information is more important than ever.

    The concluding sentence is: "In conclusion, critical thinking skills are not just tools for individual empowerment. They are the building blocks of a discerning society and a cornerstone of global enlightenment." This sentence is still linked to the main idea, as it emphasizes the importance of critical thinking skills in shaping our digital world and their impact on society.

    Revising the passage, if necessary:

    The main idea of the passage is that critical thinking skills are essential for filtering information from various networks and enhancing education and society. These skills enable individuals to discern reliable sources from misinformation, contributing to a more informed and discerning society, driving intellectual growth, and fostering active citizenship. In a world where misinformation can spread rapidly, the ability to critically analyze information is more important than ever.

    Supporting sentences:
    - Critical thinking skills play a crucial role in filtering information from various networks and enhancing education and society.
    - These skills don’t just benefit individuals. They contribute to a more informed and discerning society, driving intellectual growth and fostering active citizenship.
    - In a world where misinformation can spread rapidly, the ability to critically analyze information is more important than ever.

    The concluding sentence is: "In conclusion, critical thinking skills are not just tools for individual empowerment. They are the building blocks of a discerning society and a cornerstone of global enlightenment." This sentence is still linked to the main idea, as it emphasizes the importance of critical thinking skills in shaping our digital world and their impact on society.

    [1] https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/critical-thinking/references/F1071D7EF9DAC48E140002798D22DD34
    [2] https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/conf_proceedings/CF300/CF369/RAND_CF369.pdf
    [3] https://www.masterclass.com/classes/bill-nye-teaches-science-and-problem-solving/chapters/practice-critical-thinking-and-critical-filtering
    [4] https://www.lifehack.org/855960/how-to-think-critically
    [5] https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/criticalthinking1234/chapter/__unknown__-34/

  73. Name : Dina Listiyati
    Number Student : 23030220020
    Class :TBI/3A

    1. Main Idea: The main idea is the impact of pornography addiction on individuals.

    2. Supporting Sentences: The supporting sentences elaborate on various negative consequences of pornography addiction, including harm to the brain, emotional disturbances, reduced social interactions, disrupted sexual activities, and potential threats to one's future.

    3. Connection of Supporting Sentences: Yes, the supporting sentences remain closely related to the main idea by detailing the diverse negative impacts of pornography addiction.

    4. Concluding Sentence: The concluding sentence emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about the risks of pornography addiction and encourages individuals to seek help to avoid potential negative impacts that could disrupt their lives.

    5. Connection of Concluding Sentence: Yes, the concluding sentence maintains relevance to the main idea by stressing the need for awareness and seeking help to mitigate the potential disruptions caused by pornography addiction.

    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea : I think, the sentences are in harmony with the main idea. They consistently discuss the impact of pornography addiction, starting with defining the addiction, elaborating on its negative consequences, and concluding with the importance of raising awareness and seeking help to avoid potential disruptions in one's life.

  74. 1.What is the MAIN IDEA?
    The main idea is the age of digital education, the ability to filter information from various networks is a crucial skill for educated individuals.
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    With the vast amount of information available online, learning to discern reliable sources from unreliable ones is essential to make informed decisions and prevent the spread of misinformation. Developing information filtering skills not only protects us from falsehoods but also ensures that we can engage with knowledge that aligns with our values and beliefs, creating a more informed and conscious society
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea. The main idea states that in the era of digital education, the ability to filter information from various networks is an important skill for educated individuals. Supporting sentences then provide arguments and details to support the statement.
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    In addition to small traders, the impact of rainstorms on residents extends to workers, leading to reduced income and operational disruptions, making it crucial to prioritize worker health during the rainy season.
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea. Concluding sentences reflect again the importance of the ability to filter information by summarizing it as an aspect that not only helps distinguish fact from fiction, but also engages our values ​​and contributes to a more informed and responsible society.

    Arum Pebri Yani (23030220014)

  75. The Paragraph:
    Impact of Social Media
    The impact of Social Media can be positif and negative
    First, Social Media can be positif if we use it well. There are still many uses of social media, as a source of knowledge and other interesting information. Information from social media that we get today is mostly about the war between Palestine and Israel. Second, Social Media can be negative too. From most social media users, these negative impacts can be very dangerous. Many people will be lazy to do anything if they too much scrolling tiktok, instagram or youtube. Even they don't used to social media for negative things, it could be an excuse for them not to do anything.
    Both of them can be the reason why social media has negative and positive effects in daily life.
    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    The impact of Social Media can be positif and negative.
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    • First, Social Media can be positif if we use it well.
    There are still many uses of social media, as a source of knowledge and other interesting information. Information from social media that we get today is mostly about the war between Palestine and Israel.
    • Second, Social Media can be negative too. From most social media users, these negative impacts can be very dangerous. Many people will be lazy to do anything if they too much scrolling tiktok, instagram or youtube. Even they don't used to social media for negative things, it could be an excuse for them not to do anything.
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the main idea still Linked To because main idea include reason, explain and example.
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    Concluding sentences is the last sentence in a stand-alone paragraph or in a paragraph.
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, concluding sentences still linked to the main idea because main idea is part of supporting sentences and without main idea, we can’t also make a supporting sentences.
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea!
    In my opinion, the sentence that I made has already linked to the main idea.

    Kunti Hamidatul Ulwiyah [23030220065] 08.40

  76. The Paragraph
    How to deal with modern cultural influences. There are several ways that we are not affected by the negative impact of modern culture. Such as, we can filter modern culture that enters Indonesia and must be adapted to values, norms, and beliefs. Then we should use and love domestic products so they are not forgotten. Last but not least, we as the younger generation must preserve the original culture of Indonesia and introduce it to the world. So, modern culture is not always bad, it all depends on how we deal with it.

    1. What is the MAIN IDEA?
    How to deal with modern cultural influences
    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    -there are several ways that we are not affected by the negative impact of modern culture
    -such as, we can filter modern culture that enters Indonesia and must be adapted to values, norms, and beliefs
    -then we should use and love domestic products so they are not forgotten
    -last but not least, we as the younger generation must preserve the original culture of Indonesia and introduce it to the world
    3. Are the supporting sentences still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentences are still linked to the main idea
    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    So, modern culture is not always bad, it all depends on how we deal with it
    5. Is the concluding sentence still LINKED TO the main idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence is still linked to the main idea
    6. Please revise, if you think that the sentences does not match with the idea!
    No revision because all sentences are connected to the idea.

    Kaila Putri Rahmatika_067_08.40

  77. Name : Afifah Khairun Nisa
    NIM : 23030220016
    Class : 3A/12.30

    1. What is the main idea?
    Answer :
    The main idea is the dangers of TikTok.

    2. What are the supporting sentences?
    Answer :
    The existence of TikTok has intimidated people's lives. This happens because the app is very popular in society. This is characterized by the increasing dependence on the continuous use of the app. It is not uncommon for this to cause some serious problems. For example, issues related to mental security, health, and one's personal data.

    3. Are the supporting sentences still linked to the main idea?
    Answer :
    Yes, the supporting sentences are still linked to the main idea because they explain the danger of tiktok.

    4. What is the concluding sentence?
    Answer :
    The concluding sentence is therefore that the use of tiktok needs to be properly monitored and limited so as to minimize the dangers that arise in the future for the convenience of people's lives.

    5. Is the concluding sentence still linked to the main idea?
    Answer :
    Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea because it explains how to prevent harm caused by improper use of TikTok.

    6. Please revise if you think that the sentences does not match with the main idea.
    Answer :
    In my opinion, there is no need to revise because the main idea, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences already provide information that is interrelated and relevant.

  78. 1. Main Idea:
    The main idea is that pornography is a social problem with potential negative effects on individuals and society.

    2. Supporting Sentences:
    - The proliferation of pornography is fueled by changing opinions on sex and technological advancements.
    - Research shows exposure to pornography can lead to addiction, desensitization, and distorted views of sex and relationships.
    - Pornography contributes to the objectification and exploitation of women.
    - Studies indicate a correlation between pornography consumption, risky sexual behaviors, and negative attitudes towards women.
    - Pornography is associated with antisocial behavior and a low opinion of women, potentially justifying sexual crimes.

    3. Link to Main Idea:
    Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea by highlighting the various ways in which pornography is considered a social problem affecting individuals and society.

    4. Concluding Sentence:
    In conclusion, while some may view pornography as harmless entertainment, it is crucial to recognize its potential negative impact on individuals and society.

    5. Link to Main Idea:
    Yes, the concluding sentence reinforces the main idea by summarizing the potential negative effects of pornography and emphasizing the importance of acknowledging them.

    (Muhammad Fatihurrizal_001_12.30)

  79. 1. What is the main idea?
    Mistakes in using handphones can lead to various issues.(Main Idea)
    2. Supporting Sentence

    • One common error is excessive screen time, which can result in eye strain and disrupted sleep patterns.
    • Another frequent mistake is not using headphones or reducing the volume, potentially causing hearing damage over time.
    3. Are the supporting sentences srill linked to the main idea?
    Yes, the supporting sentence still linked to the main idea
    4. Concluding sentence
    Being mindful of our mobile phone usage and taking steps to minimize these errors can help us enjoy the benefits of technology without harming our health.
    5. Are the concluding sentence still linked to the main idea?
    Yes, the concluding sentence still linked to the main idea

    Abdul Aziz Syahrani Yahya_ 23030220015_12.30

  80. 1.Main Idea: TikTok Shop has a significant impact on offline sellers, particularly Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

    2.Supporting Sentences:
    One of the most striking impacts of TikTok Shop is the effect on local MSMEs, crucial for economies like Indonesia.
    An example of this impact is a decrease in the number of customers for offline sellers.
    The reason for this strong impact is consumers shifting to online shopping, creating competition with platforms like TikTok Shop.

    3.Link to Main Idea: Yes, the supporting sentences are linked to the main idea by illustrating the specific impact on MSMEs and providing an example and reason for the impact on offline sellers.

    4.Concluding Sentence: The conclusion emphasizes the need for MSME entrepreneurs to embrace technology and not solely rely on conventional methods, even in the face of challenges posed by platforms like TikTok Shop.

    5.Link to Main Idea: Yes, the concluding sentence is linked to the main idea by reiterating the impact of TikTok Shop on traditional sellers and suggesting a proactive approach for entrepreneurs to adapt to technological changes.

    6.Revised Conclusion:
    In conclusion, while TikTok Shop poses challenges for market and supermarket traders, it's essential for MSME entrepreneurs to adapt to technological advancements. Rather than depending solely on conventional methods, they should harness existing technology to thrive in an evolving market. This ensures a symbiotic relationship between traditional sellers and technological advancements, fostering economic growth and sustainability.

    orlin sancha / 23030220033


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